When Raditz survived the reaction period of the Super God Water, it was already half a day later, and at this moment, the sky outside the Karinta had turned dark.

“This is the power after ascension?” Raditz shook his hands and felt the unprecedented power.

“It’s completely different from before. Although the strength increased, it was not as excited as previously expected. Is it that there are not many changes as expected? It shouldn’t be. In doubt, Raditz suddenly burst out his ‘qi’ with all his strength.

“Drink!” This time is different from the previous condensed energy ball, but the real firepower is fully opened.

Everything that was not fixed around was overthrown by the surging momentum, and Kalinta was even more trembling. The buzzing sound was getting louder and louder, as if it was going to collapse at any moment.

“250^3200…… 4000, 4100…” In the end, Raditz’s combat effectiveness stopped at 4218.

When he trained against Bardock, his combat power only exceeded 1600, and he stayed in Vegeta Star for more than half a month, plus a month of cultivation in the gravity chamber in the universe. When he reached Earth, his combat power only exceeded 2000.

“More than doubled, good! The next thing is more certain! Clenching his fists, Raditz’s eyes were full of fighting spirit.

Friesha, wait!

Getting what he wanted, Raditz turned and flew out of Karinta, leaving a mess behind.

By the way, and the gods. Raditz, who was about to leave, suddenly turned around and flew up the temple.

The god of heaven, who stood on the edge of the temple and watched, was taken aback by Raditz.

Green, wrinkled skin full of age spots, and two antennae on that forehead. Beside him was also Mr. Bobo, who had dark skin and wooden fish-eyes.

“Celestial gods on Earth?” Raditz looked at each other for his head.

“Unknown boy, I don’t know what you came to Earth for?” After a moment of silence, Tenjin asked.

Looking at the guarded god, Raditz suddenly smiled.

Before he knew it, he already had the power to make some people fearful.

“Don’t worry, I already got what I wanted. It will soon leave the earth and will not pose a threat here. Just suddenly remembered something. Raditz looked at the god and said, “About ten years later, a boy with a tail like me will climb the Karinta to meet you.” I hope you and the Karin Immortals can teach him well and make him stronger. ”

After saying this, Raditz got up and flew away from the temple and flew towards the ground.

“Of course don’t mention my existence to him, or I’ll kill you!” As the god breathed a sigh of relief, Raditz’s voice was heard in the air again.

After a long while, the god watched Raditz’s spaceship fly away from the earth, and only then did he really let go of his heart.

“A boy with a tail? What exactly is the character? ”


The voyage in the universe is boring, but fortunately, Raditz has been immersed in cultivation, but he doesn’t feel anything.

Four days after leaving Earth, Raditz washed up after his workout and went to the ship’s control room in his pajamas, ready to relax with some songs.

Although practice is like sailing against the tide, if you do not advance, you will retreat. But nerves that are too tight can sometimes be half done.

I remember that Wess said that the reason why Vegeta has not been able to catch up with the Monkey King is that he has been in a tight state for a long time. Proper relaxation still helps to improve strength.

“Super Shenshui, it’s still really powerful. Even the spiritual power left by the Zerg Mother Empress in my mind can be assimilated. Raditz stared at Scott in front of him.

Almost in the next instant, Scott flew into the air. It was as if a big invisible hand had picked it up.

This is precisely when Raditz’s mental power is finally able to move physical objects after his potential is stimulated.

Before this, the spiritual power of the mother emperor who was reborn with him could also be used by him. But it’s just a drop in the bucket. Now that the body has been stimulated to its potential, the massive amount of spiritual power has been slowly assimilated by its own spiritual power.

I believe that it will not be long before all the imprisoned spiritual power can be controlled.

After playing with Scott for a while, Raditz’s mind moved, and suddenly he ‘extended’ his spiritual power through the spacecraft to outer space.

Cold! Boundless cold.

This was the first feeling the empty sky gave him.

Compared to the spacecraft, the spiritual power spread very quickly, and it didn’t take long for Raditz to extend the spiritual power for tens of kilometers.

If it weren’t for the last feeling of weakness, I’m afraid he would continue to explore outward.

Just as he was about to withdraw his spiritual power, he inadvertently sensed several familiar ‘qi’. It seems to have come from a planet not far away.

“How can there be a ‘qi’ that I am familiar with?” Raditz decided to fly over and take a look. Halfway through, the spacecraft turned a corner and flew towards a turquoise planet.

Half an hour ago, a fierce battle was underway on this turquoise planet.

A battle group of six Saiyans surrounded a group of natives who used bows and arrows with absolute superiority.

“Hmph! It’s really weak! If I were to say, I can handle this kind of planet by myself! A male Saiyan with a scar on his face muttered disapprovingly to his companion.

His companion solemnly warned him: “Polonaz! If you have always had this attitude, I will lock you up!” You know, in less than two months, we Saiyans have sacrificed nearly a thousand adult warriors! That’s the total sacrifice in the past two years! It is also reasonable for Saiyan King to arrange this. So, put away your little bit of care! ”

“Hehe, I’m just whining, don’t be so serious!” The man quickly shut up and began to seriously clean up the natives.

Ten minutes later, the last group of indigenous troops was dispersed, and the group of Saiyans also found a place to rest.

“Didi! This is? “Not long after, Scott showed that several warriors with a combat power of up to 2000 were heading towards this side, and the leader had a combat power of up to 4500!

“All on alert! As soon as the situation changes, Bernard, you immediately make an artificial moon. Team leader Chloe ordered. The strength of the comer is too strong, and he can only transform into a giant ape to resist.


It wasn’t long before a group of strange warriors dressed in combat uniforms appeared in front of them.

The man in the lead had lilac skin and was full of small convex dian; Two cylindrical ears, with the head bounded by the nose, with a distinct dent; And he has a fleshy tentacle on each side of his lips.

“It’s Chief Qiu Yi! De-alert. The leader of the Saiyan team recognized the leader at a glance as a combat captain under Friesha.

Qiu Yi looked at their situation, “You actually know me? ”

“Haha, I was fortunate enough to see adult battle images before. I admire the skills of adults! The leader of the Saiyan group stepped forward warmly and greeted Qiu Yi. I wanted to have the opportunity to visit adults to study, but I didn’t expect to meet adults here. ”

“Oh? This way. A playful smile appeared on Qiu Yi’s face: “Then I just have time, so let’s have a discussion!” Speaking Qiu Yi grabbed the Saiyan group leader’s arm and pulled it abruptly. I actually pulled his arm off abruptly!

“Ah! My arm! ”

“Team leader! Why, my lord? Just when the Saiyans were shocked and puzzled, the four alien warriors who followed Qiu Yi had already rushed towards them!

“Reason? King Frieza doesn’t like you. That’s all! In the astonished gaze of the other party, Qiu Yi pierced his heart with a punch.

Although the four alien warriors only have about two thousand combat strength, they are comfortable facing five Saiyan warriors.

After all, this group of Saiyans is only a low-level fighter, only the leading person has more than 2,000 combat effectiveness, and the rest is only about 1,600.

“This is the strongest fighting race in the universe? It’s really weak! A blonde alien resembling a lion kills his opponent with a look of disdain.

Several others were just as quick to settle their opponents. In less than a minute, six Saiyan warriors fell forever.

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