After the huge energy cannon ‘devoured’ Raditz, it continued to fly towards the rear and slammed into a mountain in the distance.

The towering mountain was engulfed by the energy cannon at that time, and dissipated in the explosion. Only a broken half-cut mountainside was left in situ.

Thundered! It was a few seconds before a loud roar came. This is followed by a powerful shock airflow.

No matter how the air flow pushes, the Kinu floating in the air still stands still.

“Haha! Finally dead! Looking at the disappearing mountain in the distance, Kinu clapped his hands. Excited even began to swing his ass in mid-air and dance.

“Gee… I really didn’t see that Captain Kinyu still had this hobby. This dance must be very popular if it is passed down to the universe. ”

Just when Kinu was excited and couldn’t help himself, indulging in the hot dance. A voice came from behind him, and in an instant his writhing ass froze. The whole person froze there, motionless, and looked particularly funny.

Kinu swallowed and slowly twisted his head to look back.

Raditz floated not far behind him, clasping his arms and quietly watching lying there.

“Didn’t you die under my vanishing cannon?”

“How could I have died under that kind of attack.” Raditz smiled contemptuously, looking contemptuous.

Of course, it’s not as easy as he says.

According to common sense, he should indeed be eliminated by that blow vanishing cannon. At the moment when the attack was about to deepen, Raditz used the secret technique he had researched, the original god transformation, twice the combat power increase, and the speed increased sharply to escape Kinu’s vanishing cannon.

Genshin Transformation is the name he gave to his combat power increase.

His younger brother Kakarot repeatedly defeated powerful enemies with the increase of the Realm King Fist. He also developed a method of increasing combat power by himself based on the original qi control method gifted by the god of destruction Beerus.

The two are very similar, but Raditz believes that his Genshin Transformation is more precise than the Realm King Fist, and the effect of increasing combat power is more obvious.

As the name suggests, Genshin Change is a secret method of manipulating Primal Qi to increase combat power.

The word ‘original’ is the same as the word ‘ape’, which can be regarded as indicating his Saiyan identity. He planned to transform the original god into a combat technique that the Saiyan clan could cultivate in the future.

Kinu clenched his hands and gritted his teeth as he looked at Raditz, looking like he wanted to go up but didn’t dare.

‘Damn it! Because of the vanishing cannon just now, his physical strength has been greatly reduced. Now it is estimated that there is only about 90,000 combat strength. And this guy in front of him is still 100,000, and it is impossible for him to win him. Kinu was afraid of his whole life and planned to slip away.

Raditz on the other side saw his eyes rolling and knew he was sneaking away. His goal has not yet been achieved, and it is not in vain to let him go now.

“You’re not planning to run away, are you? The captain of the Kinute team can’t even beat a Saiyan child, it’s ridiculous to say it, right? ”

Kinu, who was about to slip away, was said by Raditz, and immediately withdrew his steps to prepare him to go out.

“Yes, how can you come out and mess around after you go back like this?” Kinyu was also frustrated. Can’t escape, can’t fight and fight, the other party is a Saiyan child… Wait a minute. Since you can’t beat him, why not take his body over? Am I not capable of any other ability?

Kinu almost slapped himself, such an important thing almost forgot.

“Hey, hey… Run away? That’s not my Kinu’s style! “With a countermeasure, Kinyu is no longer afraid.” Next, let you see the strength of my Kinu, as the number one strong under King Friesha! ”

“I’ll see!”

Kinu looked at Raditz, who was still holding his arms still, and pretended to be trying to gather energy on the surface. But secretly, he was so excited that he almost cried out: ‘Haha! This idiot, idiot! I actually stood stupidly like this, and I didn’t know how to move and dodge, hehe… Next, let you taste the power of my kinyu. Hmm~ Fortunately, I didn’t hit too hard just now, otherwise it would not be good if my body was injured. There is such a powerful power at such a young age, and when it grows up, it may surpass King Friesha. When the time comes…’

Unconsciously, Kinu has fallen into the happiness conjecture of occupying Raditz’s body and skyrocketing combat effectiveness.

‘Hmm~ concentrate, concentrate! Don’t be careless at this time. Kinu also knew that this was a crucial time, so he stopped thinking blindly.

Soon, a faint, faint fluorescence appeared on Kinyu’s body. Over time, the fluorescence can quickly be distinguished by the naked eye, and when the brightness of the fluorescence reaches its peak, Kinyu adjusts his body position and shouts at Raditz face to face: “Change!” ”

In an instant, the pale white fluorescence on Kinu’s body crossed the space and instantly connected with Raditz’s body.

The pale white fluorescence wrapped around Raditz’s body almost instantly. Then the fluorescent light on the two suddenly gathered in the middle, as if they wanted to pull something out of their bodies.

However, then the unexpected happened!

The fluorescence wrapped around Raditz did not move, but the fluorescent fluorescence on Kinyu’s body flew out of his body and threw itself into Raditz’s body.

Soon the fluorescence disappeared, and the dull face of Kinu’s body seemed to have lost its strength. Involuntarily doing a free-fall motion downward, falling faster and faster, faster and faster.

Snap! Kinu’s body soon fell from high in the air to the ground, turning into a puddle of mud and blood splattered.

Raditz remained frozen in the air, motionless. If you look closely, you can also find that his eyes are dull, his pupils are dilated, and he is not focused at all.

At this moment, in Raditz’s mind.

“Damn it! Why didn’t you go into my body! Didn’t I exchange bodies with you? A translucent, chubby flesh worm looked in horror at Raditz standing in front of him.

And behind Raditz, a mountain-like object with a golden yellow luster like amber exuded a coercion that made him shiver, making it difficult for him to move.

Raditz also appeared in his mind for the first time in the form of a soul body. He looked at his body quite novelly.

And the words of the chubby meat worm opposite him made him even more interested.

“Exchange bodies? So you’re Kinyu? Hehe…… I didn’t expect your prototype to be a chubby meat worm? What a surprise. ”

Keenyu’s identity has always been a mystery. Because of the bug-like ability to exchange bodies, many people speculate that the current Kinyu is not his original body at all. It is after he occupies, and as for the previous appearance, I am afraid that only he himself knows.

“You… How do you know? Don’t…… Did you deliberately make me swap bodies? You are…… Soul Hunter? The meat worm seemed to have thought of something, and the originally chubby little face suddenly turned pale.

“Hey, hey, almost!”

He has been thinking about how to deal with his moves after meeting Kinyu. According to his calculations, the exchange of bodies should be the transfer of soul, or spiritual power.

And he who has the huge spiritual power of assimilating the mother emperor is still afraid of spiritual power?

The truth is also as I guessed, looking at the meat worm Kinu in front of me. For some reason, Raditz suddenly had the idea of eating him. And the stronger this desire turned out, the stronger it became.

It was as if something was urging him.

Looking at the shivering, the meat worm Raditz, who did not have any ability to resist, no longer hesitated. The parents outside are still waiting for themselves, so they have to hurry.


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