Raditz, who is extremely angry and blamed for the murder of his mother, eventually transforms into a Super Saiyan under the provocation of Friesha!

Unrivaled momentum, incomparably huge power poured out of his body. The flame energy that formed the golden ses wrapped Raditz, and the surging energy was too violent, and the friction with the air produced a continuous ‘sizzling’ sound.

The bombarded Frieza looked at Raditz in disbelief on the pile of rubble dozens of meters away:

“How come? He actually transformed? Could it be that a Saiyan can transform into other forms besides transforming into a giant ape? ”

Raditz looked coldly at Frieza in the distance. Oh, he moved.


Frieza snorted, and the electric flint jumped to the side to dodge.

Bang! Click!

Where Frieza was standing just now, with the sound of explosions, dust instantly rose up in the sky.

“This power, this speed … How come! Friesha, who had dodged the attack in time, floated in the air, her face unusually ugly.

I touched my ear with some warmth, and my hands were stained with blood.

“…… Abominable fellow! Frisha’s face was hideous, and the momentum on his body increased again. Faintly making the earth tremble, countless small gravel slowly floated.

Frieza flashed to the ground, not far from Raditz. The two sides looked at each other like this.

“You want me to kill you!” Frieza looked at Raditz expressionlessly and said. There was no trace of emotion in the voice, and it was as cold as ten thousand years of ice.

“Each other!” Raditz’s voice was full of resentment: “I will beat you on your knees and beg for mercy!” Let you survive and not seek death! ”

The two sides stared at each other deadly, and there was no more verbal exchange.

The two moved towards each other almost at the same time.

Rumble! Raditz took the lead and hit Frieza to fly upside down.

Unforgiving, Raditz took advantage of the victory to pursue, his body rushing towards Frisha.

In mid-air, Frieza suddenly raised his head, and his eyes suddenly shot out two laser-like rays that hit Raditz.

Caught off guard, Raditz was hit, and the place where he was shot was like being burned by a fiery red soldering iron, red and hot. There was a faint smell of meat in the air.

Frieza stretched out his right hand towards Raditz:

“Go and die! Drink…”

In an instant, Raditz was overwhelmed by a sudden powerful shockwave.

Thundered! Raditz only had time to cross his arms in front of him, and the invisible mental shield followed to envelop him.

Just after he finished doing this, dozens of powerful energy bombs were continuously bombarded at him by Friesha.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Peng! Click!

There was a constant roar and explosion in the sky, like a god setting off firecrackers. Most of Vegeta’s stars could hear this powerful duel explosion.

The surviving Saiyans looked at the battlefield from afar, their hearts full of fear.

Once upon a time, they did the same when they invaded other planets. At that time, they would never have imagined that they would also become shivering ants.

After bursting out dozens of energy bombs in one breath, Frieza stopped: “Haha! Even if you transform into a stronger fighter. After withstanding this wave of my attacks, it is not lightly injured! ”

When the smoke cleared, Raditz, unharmed, reappeared in the sky.

In Friesha’s surprised gaze, a heavy cannon punch slammed into his face!

Cracking sound! Frieza blasted into the ground like a cannonball! Everywhere it passed, there were flying sand and stones, and it was not until Frieza stopped the roar.

At this time, a trench hundreds of meters deep was ploughed into the ground!

Syllable! Rumble!

In the next second, the pile of rubble covering Friesha’s body was blasted away! The rubble of various sizes was like a sputter of tiny cannonballs.

Suddenly, the four splashes of rubble turned a corner in the air, and all of them shot towards Raditz in the sky.

Syllable! Raditz reached out and smashed a stone that shot at him.

More rubble slammed into him again.

Syllable! Syllable! Syllable! Raditz dodged back and forth among the many rubble, occasionally dodging his hands and feet and slapping them away.

In the blink of an eye, the rubble in front of Raditz was empty, and when he looked at Friesha, he was not where he was.

“Go and die!” Frieza’s arrogant voice appeared above Raditz’s head. At the same time, an energy bomb that exceeded the volume of Frieza had condensed and bombarded Raditz.

The ball of energy hit Raditz just as Frieza had imagined, but it passed through without obstacles. It’s as if Raditz is a phantom.

Just as Frieza was surprised, Raditz appeared above him, crossed his hands and clenched them and slammed down at him!


Frieza plummeted straight to the ground.

During the fall, Frieza turned around, thinking of counterattacking, only to find that Raditz had long disappeared in place.

At this time, he suddenly felt that there seemed to be an extra person around him.

He was surprised and seemed to want to open his mouth to speak, but Raditz didn’t leave him any time. Grabbed his arm and dragged him hard, and as he spun, Raditz also rotated his body, crossing his legs and continuously smashing on him!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Rumble!

Raditz was like a whirlwind, kicking Frieza more than a dozen times in a row, and slammed the opponent into the ground tens of meters deep!

And that’s not all, Raditz’s right hand condensed a concentrated explosive bomb and threw it towards the deep pit!


In a while, more than a dozen will be blasted! The continuous explosions destroyed the entire terrain and topography of the entire area! Everywhere there are ruins, wreckage after bombing.

There was even a slight shaking of the ground, and fish kept jumping out of the lake in the distance.

Even in the distance as far as the eye can see, you can see the smoke column like cooking smoke rising into the sky.

In the technologically advanced Vegeta Star, of course, there will be no one who cooks on fire. The only plausible explanation is – volcanic eruptions!

But all this Raditz didn’t care. Friesha, who was bombarded by him on the ground and bombed one after another, rushed up from the ground again!

Compared to before, he is much embarrassed at the moment. There are all kinds of abrasions all over the body, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are all over the body. There was even a burnt mark on his left arm!

“You…” Frieza’s eyes widened, ready to swallow Raditz alive.

Raditz stopped talking to him and glared.

The invisible mental power impact slammed towards Friesha, and Friesha, who had not yet adjusted, roared again and was slammed to the ground!

This time, Raditz did not take advantage of the victory to pursue, but stopped in the air and contacted Hebara.

“Hebara, inform them immediately to send my brother Kakarot away!”

Suddenly receiving Raditz’s notice, Hebara was stunned. A sense of uneasiness enveloped him: “Lord Monarch…”

However, he disconnected from Raditz without saying a word.

After hesitating for a moment, Herbara immediately ordered the men who were still stationed in the air traffic management office to send Kakarot into the one-man aircraft that had been prepared long ago.

It didn’t take long for the aircraft to take off and rush into the vast universe.

The warships that were originally stationed above Vegeta Star have long been bombarded, and the spaceships that escaped by luck have not yet returned.

The flying machine carrying Kakarot proudly left Vegeta and flew towards its destination Earth!

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