The day after the explosion of Vegeta.

Raditz vaguely felt that he was being carried into a treatment cabin, and several blurry figures kept shaking in front of him.

However, his injuries were so severe that he barely opened a slit in his eyes and passed out again.

The sixth day of the explosion of the star Vegeta.

Raditz woke up for the second time, by which time he had regained some consciousness and was able to hear sounds outside the treatment cabin.

“…… Life characteristics have finally stabilized… The method is still feasible…”

“…… Frieza … Saiyans…”

“…… Damn it…… kill…”

“…… Transfer…”

From just a few words, Raditz knew that he had been rescued by Hebara and others.

Looks like the teleportation still worked. Without allowing him to think too much, heavy sleepiness swept over again, and soon he fell into a deep sleep again.

‘Next time, it’s time to wake up…’

A month after the explosion of Vegeta.

In the lonely universe, a medium-sized Star Falcon spaceship breaks away from the prosperous interstellar channel and sails to a remote star field.

As the most used compatible interstellar transport merchant ship in interstellar, the Star Falcon transport ship has many advantages such as stable flight performance, large cargo capacity, high cost performance, and low failure rate.

Its only drawback is its slow flight speed, which is less noticeable under the shadows of many advantages.

If anyone enters the Star Falcon spacecraft to check it out, they will find out. The ship has been modified from head to toe!

The seemingly ordinary protective armor is the latest star-titanium composite alloy energy shield; There are several more inconspicuous weapon compartments in the weapon positions such as the top and tail of the spacecraft; The thorn bird engines arranged in a zigzag pattern seem to be more refined than usual…

The cabin space has been carefully adjusted. The cabin originally used to store cargo was cut by two-thirds to be used as a lounge and research room for Saturnians. The core area of the spacecraft, the cockpit and command room, are all guarded by dozens of cultivators with a combat power of up to 3,000, and no one is allowed to approach except for a few Saturnians.

Command room.

Sark, Becky, Dodebo, Seliba, the four surviving Saiyans all gathered at this moment.

Since watching Vegeta explode, the mood of the four has not been high.

Anyone who saw his home planet being destroyed with his own eyes felt uncomfortable.

According to the nature of the Saiyan, it is long overdue to rush out and fight to the death against the guys who destroyed their homeland.

But it was the Cosmic Emperor Frieza who destroyed his own planet, and they didn’t even have the idea of resisting when they thought of it.

The other party is too strong.

However, the son of his captain, a little guy less than three years old, actually defeated the other party. They even transformed into the legendary Super Saiyan, which gave them a glimpse of the hope of the Saiyan rise!

They are gathered here today because Raditz, who has been in a coma for nearly a month, will wake up!

“…… You don’t have an opinion on that, do you? Sack looked around and looked at the other three companions.

The other three shook their heads.

“There was no need to negotiate this matter. The captain died, it should have been his. And his combat effectiveness is still the highest among us, and according to Saiyan tradition, he is also qualified. Dodebo thought of his captain, and his expression darkened again.

Seliba, who was standing next to him, patted him on the shoulder.


The hatch on the first floor of the crowd opened, and a Saturnian came out of it. He was Hebara, the first retainer Raditz received.

“The Lord Monarch has woken up, you guys come in!” Hebala looked excited, and even if he could suppress his voice, he could hear how happy he was.

Sark was the first to follow Herbala into the cabin, followed by the others.

This cabin is the exclusive cabin of Raditz, and no one else is allowed to enter it unless summoned by Raditz.

The cabin is very large, except for a corridor of more than ten meters at the entrance, which is a huge spherical cabin. At the end of the cabin is a huge glass wall, which can clearly see the vast starry sky outside the spacecraft.

At this moment, a Saiyan in a combat uniform was standing there, looking at the starry sky outside. Compared to the Sarks, the man was slightly shorter in height, only a little taller than Hebara.

“Lord, they are coming.” Hebara came to Raditz and said softly.

Nodded, Raditz turned around.

Seeing his first glance, Dodebo couldn’t help but exclaim: “Captain! ”

When he shouted, he realized that the person in front of him was the captain’s eldest son, not the captain Bardock.

In fact, he was not to blame, even the others almost cried out after Raditz turned around.

After the battle of Frisha, Raditz matured a lot. Whether it is the look or the momentum on his body, it is not much different from Bardock, who has been fighting for many years.

Raditz smiled: “I’m not as handsome as my dad.” Uncle Sack, Aunt Becky, Uncle Dodebo, Aunt Seliba. Let you guys worry. ”

Seliba stepped forward and took Raditz into her arms.

“It’s hard work on you, little Raditz.”

Feeling the fullness on his face, Raditz’s face couldn’t help but blush, and he immediately broke free from Seliba’s arms.

“Huh… Also blushed! Seliba smiled, and several other people looked at each other and smiled. The originally somewhat solemn atmosphere also dissipated.

After a while, Sark took the lead and asked, “Raditz, I heard from Hebala.” You seem to have detected Frieza’s plot before. ”

Everyone else looked at Raditz with a curious look. After all, in these days when Raditz was in a coma, they had heard a lot about Raditz from Hebala’s mouth.

In particular, some targeted measures, even if they come to prepare, will not do better than Raditz.

“I’ll tell you about that, even if you don’t ask. Because the future of our Saiyans is at stake. Raditz said to the four with a solemn look.

For the next nearly an hour, Raditz told them all about how to detect Friesha’s plot, how to use the opportunity of experience to find resources, guard against attacks, defeat Qiu Yi, and the Doom. Of course, they are all processed by his art, and some parts such as fairy beans and blood essence fruits are also hidden.

Even so, after hearing this, the Saxo people all grew their mouths and were surprised and speechless.

After a while, Seliba grabbed Raditz’s little face and rubbed it vigorously.

“I really want to break open your little head to see if an old monster lives inside.” At a young age, how can there be so many Dao! ”

Raditz: …

After digesting these messages, the four of Sark looked at each other, and all half knelt down to salute Raditz:

“Your subordinates swear allegiance to His Excellency the Saiyan King!”

Raditz was prepared for this and did not shirk.

After all, his father was already a Saiyan king before, and when he died, it was naturally his turn (in fact, he didn’t die, he just crossed over).

“Next, I need the help of four uncles and aunts to help me build a new Saiyan Star!” Let the glory of our Saiyans be back on the cosmic stage! ”

“King Saiya, where are we going now?”

“Karam Star! There, it will be our rising colony! ”

(End of chapter)

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