The tanuki man seemed to have thought of something, and his face suddenly changed drastically: “Are you, you are a super saiyan?!” The legendary once-in-a-millennium super soldier? ”

Raditz smiled at Kurban, who did not show much surprise.

“It seems that you seem to have known that I am a Saiyan for a long time, and the eyes of the Three-Eyed Clan are really enviable.”

“So what, in the face of absolute strength, all skills and talents are a piece of thin paper. Not a little useful! Kurban peeked low, his hands clasped at his sides.

It is clear that the other party has a past that cannot be looked back on.

“Come and help me! I can give you the strength to help you get revenge! ”

Kurban smiled: “You? Hehe…… I admit you are awesome! But whether it’s really like you say fighting with Frieza and not falling, then who knows! If you were really that powerful, your Saiyan Vegeta Star wouldn’t be ruined by Frieza! ”

When the tanuki man heard Kurban’s words, the secret passage was not good. Although he had only been in contact with him a few times, he knew that Raditz was not that easy to get along with.

Sure enough, when he looked at Raditz, the other party’s face was already very ugly.

A huge coercive pressure suddenly appeared in the training room, shrouding both Kurban and the tanuki man.

This invisible pressure is increasing, the air around it seems to become much thicker, and breathing becomes a little difficult.

All four Kurbans floated in the air, as if one of them was grasping their necks invisibly and slowly moving towards Raditz.

“Uh-huh…” It can be seen that Kurban has been struggling. The shirtless upper body, muscles clumped, and a pair of arms half-raised at the neck, seemed to want to breathe more easily.

But let the green tendons on his arms burst, his eyes wide, and his face flushed, he still couldn’t change a little.

He was still slowly floating towards Raditz.

At a distance of just a dozen meters, Kurban is more tired than running hundreds of kilometers.

Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!

In the process of slowly moving towards Raditz, Kurban’s four-body fist was also forced to disband, leaving only a real body.

As he floated to Raditz’s side, his body slowly pressed down. Even when his legs touched the floor of the training room, he still slowly moved downward.


The ground of the training room was crushed abruptly, and Kurban’s two legs were like stakes, sinking deep into it.

Leave him alone until his legs are completely in the ground and his body stops at Raditz’s chin.

Then an invisible force forced him to look up at Raditz.

At this time, Raditz looked at him indifferently, a pair of eyes tyrannical but deep, fierce but peaceful.

“Friesha, he won’t be free of it for long. It won’t be long before I’ll kill him!” Now, you will be my warrior! Raditz said, and another bead of energy appeared in his hand and penetrated into Kurban’s head.

To Raditz’s surprise, this infiltration met with resistance!

He could sense that it was Kurban’s resistance.

The Three-Eyed Clan seems to possess extraordinary spiritual powers (souls), and it’s no wonder that they are able to use all kinds of strange abilities.

‘But in my eyes, it’s all chicken and dogs!’ After just a pause, the energy beads continued to penetrate Kurban’s head.

Despite Kurban’s desperate resistance, it still could not change Raditz’s movements. Instead, because of excessive resistance, it caused a reaction of spiritual power, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.

After completing the infiltration, Raditz turned and walked out of the training room, turned his back to the tanuki man and said, “Take him to the treatment room for treatment.” Then all your actions will continue as usual, and you will tell me when the universe king comes in two days!” ”

The tanuki man respectfully replied, and waited until Raditz was gone, then hurriedly pulled the unconscious Kurban out of the ground and moved to the treatment room next door.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

Since Raditz taught the Kurban Tanuki Cat Man two days ago, he has been nestling in the villa on the mountain to cultivate, waiting for Shrag’s arrival.

After that battle, Kurban had been silently practicing alone in the back mountain.

Instead, the tanuki male Jing Dragon has been running around the mountains, monitoring the Adrath Star Ancestral Land. Occasionally I would go to the city and keep Dila in touch.

At noon, the tanuki man found Raditz, half knelt on the ground and reported to him: “Sir, Your Excellency the Great Universe King is here!” ”

In fact, he didn’t need to say that Raditz had already felt a huge and evil ‘qi’ in outer space.

Although the other party’s ‘qi’ is not as violent as Friesha, it is more evil and rough.

Even if the other party has not yet reached the star of Adrat, Raditz can still feel that the other party’s heart is full of evil and chaos.

At the same time, the alarm bell of the Yadratat Star Defense Center sounded, and all the personnel sat in a hurry to sit on their own business.

“Have you confirmed the identity of the other party?” Although Dila knew in her heart who the other party was, she still asked without changing her face.

“Report Elder Dilla! The opposing ship’s spacecraft was shrouded in a black mist, unable to detect the details. Preliminary predictions predict that the opponent’s combat effectiveness has broken through to 5… 500,000, the strength is very strong! The officer on duty looked at the data on his brain and reported to Dila with a pale face.

After a moment of silence, Dila gave a combat order to the group of Yadrat warriors who had gathered for orders: “Now enter the wartime state!” All personnel are on standby, ready to fight! In addition, the people of the special operations group are ready to fit in at any time! ”

“Yes!” The crowd responded with a bang.

The special operations group that Dila is talking about is the special operations force of the Yadrath Starmen, and each of the personnel in it has a combat power of three or four thousand.

Fit can be said to be another powerful skill of the Adrath Starman in addition to teleportation.

It can allow two people of similar body type and ‘qi’ to fuse and merge into one person. Concentrate the power of the two together, and the power will multiply geometrically!

And there is no limit to the number of people in this fusion! That is to say, two people can also fuse again after fusion, and the more they fuse, the stronger their strength will be!

However, due to the time limit and the requirements for fit, it is almost impossible to find people who can fit again or even three times.

Nevertheless, the Adrath Starmen also took their place in the universe by relying on this.

A huge spaceship wrapped in black smoke slowly descended on the star of Edrat.

The giant defensive cannon in space had already opened fire to attack, but any attack into the black fog was sinking into the sea, without stirring up a single ripple.

The black fog is still black fog, and there is not even a gap to blast out!

The spacecraft slowly descended.

In the control room of the spaceship, a man sitting on a throne and wearing a robe gazes at a valley on the big screen.

“Hee-hee… The alien time and space of the Adrath Starmen, I am coming! ”

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