The black shadow that sneaked into the different time and space space was Raditz, who had been hiding on the side for a long time.

When Shrag arrived, he lurked near the valley in advance.

In fact, when the Adrats entered, he could enter. But he gave up.

He hadn’t seen Shrag himself before, and he always had a faint uneasiness in his heart before confirming it in person.

The average person might think that this was caused by the tension that preceded the Great War.

But with Raditz’s strength, there will be no unease for no reason. Unless there is something that concerns him.

His hunch also proved to be correct.

He saw Slug. The other party is unexpectedly young!

Shrag, like the gods on Earth, was sent to another planet for refuge before the cataclysm of Namex.

That was hundreds of years ago, and it stands to reason that he should be as old as God. But in fact, the other party is out of the prime of life, when the combat effectiveness is at its strongest.

Fortunately, the other party’s strength is not as strong as the original god transformation self. ’

After Shrag entered the space, Raditz followed suit.

When he opened his eyes again, he was already in a different time and space space.

Different space-time space, different from the general universe. It is a kind of dimensional space.

This is different from the Demon Realm, the Earth Mansion, and the Realm King God Realm.

It’s just a kind of space, the smallest may be the size of a fist, the largest or even boundless.

There is also one on earth, and that is the Spiritual Time House in the temple.

The speed of time flow in each different time and space is different from the outside world. For example, a day on Earth is equivalent to a year in a house of spiritual time.

Another difference is that there is no life in dimensional space. Although cosmic creatures can survive in it, they should not stay for long.

And this space time flow rate is similar to the outside world. But beware, the space here will be out of order!

Like now, Raditz is on a lonely island. It is surrounded by a hazy white mist.

I got up and flew around the space, and when I reached about fifty meters, I couldn’t raise the height. There seems to be an invisible barrier blocking itself.

The same goes for the left and right, as if they are stranded on the island.

According to Dilla, this alien space-time is made up of many spaces of various sizes. Each space is connected to an unequal number of adjacent spaces. It is like the root of a large tree, made up of countless tiny root systems. As long as you look for them one by one, you can reach the core area. So…”

Raditz sat cross-legged in the middle of the island, closing his eyes and scanning every corner of the space with his mental power.

After about ten minutes, he finally noticed something strange on a stone on the island.

The space here vibrates subtly every ten seconds. Very weak, if it is someone else can not be found at all.

Raditz walked up to him and felt the faint fluctuation.

“If it weren’t for someone with strong mental power, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to find it.”

Thinking in his heart, the movements on his hands did not stop. The spiritual power locked the space where the vibration occurred, and the left hand was placed there.

After waiting for a few seconds, the spiritual power imitated its vibration frequency when the vibration came again. After trying more than a dozen times, Raditz’s spiritual power fluctuations finally resonated with spatial fluctuations.

In the next second, Raditz’s figure disappeared from the island and appeared in another space.

This time, it was a slightly larger flat land, still nothing.

“It’s a feeling, it’s a lot like teleportation. Could it be that the Adrath learned it here? ”

With his success, Raditz soon found a place where spatial fluctuations occurred. This time he only tried ten times before successfully leaving.

After that, more than a dozen spaces were experienced, the space became larger and larger, and the amplitude of the vibration became more and more secretive. But Raditz is also transferring faster and faster.

After spending nearly an hour, he finally got something: a corpse of a demon race.

There are also traces of fights all around, as well as some fragments of clothing. It seems that the two sides have a brief confrontation, and it seems that the Adrats have the upper hand.

‘Speed up, otherwise it won’t be fun when Shrag catches the elder of Adrath.’ ’

On the one hand, Raditz accelerated his speed to chase after the Adrath Starmen, and on the other side, the other party was also avoiding Shrag’s pursuit.

In fact, after Shrag’s group entered here, the other party noticed it. After all, it is their ancestral land for many years, and they have long mastered the law of entering and leaving here.

If before, they would have arranged people to snipe Shilag and his group in various spaces.

However, this family sacrifice was different, and the divine object that had always been regarded as a family treasure suddenly became powerful. The space that caused them to operate for many years was unstable, causing them great casualties.

And it is also necessary to allocate manpower to suppress space shocks and prevent space collapse again.

The patriarch of the Edrat Star commanded a group of elites to methodically suppress the spatial disorder.

“Clan elder, the other party has broken through to the seventh layer of space! Our casualties are high! A Yadrat Star Warrior hurried over.

The patriarch was taken aback and blurted out an impossible sentence.

“How could they break through the defenses so quickly. Isn’t the sixth layer a blockade group organized by Gree? ”

“The other party seems to have super combat power, and directly broke through our blockade with brute force. Brother Gree was killed by the other party before he even had time to retreat! “People come to report with a sad face.” However, I saw the face of the other party clearly, and the person in the lead seemed to be a Namec person! ”

“The Meeks? Aren’t they already extinct? The patriarch muttered to himself, “If it were, they would understand.” They are born with dual cultivators of demon and martial arts. ”

“But the Namec can’t take away my clan’s fetish so easily!” The old patriarch stomped his foot last and dispatched nearly half of the personnel out of the space and came to the eighth floor of the space to arm.


Not long after they arrived, Shrag’s group broke through the defenses and came here.

“Hey! What a coincidence! And I thought you should show up, and this came out. Shrag looked at the old patriarch with a mocking look on his gloomy face.

The old patriarch’s face was extremely ugly: “Why are you attacking us?” ”

“Why? Old fellow, you didn’t wake up! For that fetish, of course! After occupying for so many years, it’s time to let it out! Slug sneered.

“Your Excellency the Great Universe King, I see that they do not shed tears when they see the coffin! Let me teach them a lesson. “Angela, who has yellow hair and fair skin like snow, stepped forward and took the initiative to fight!

Slug nodded, “Don’t be too ruthless, I still have something to ask them!” ”

Angela stood there generously, shouting at the opposite side: “Are you coming one by one, or are you going together?” I have no problem anyway. ”

These arrogant words instantly annoyed the young warriors beside the old patriarch.

“Damn guys! The honor of the Adrath Starmen must not be tarnished by you! One of the leading warriors roared and rushed towards Angela!

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