As the prince of the Saiyan, he was directly given the name of the Saiyan planet with super combat power from birth.

It was a supreme honor, and he lived up to his father’s expectations.

At the age of five, his combat effectiveness had already surpassed that of his father, reaching 9000!

If there are no accidents, perhaps Vegeta will follow the steps, grow little by little, and increase his combat effectiveness all the way to become the next Saiyan King.

Perhaps, his combat effectiveness will stop at 30,000 or 50,000. Like the Saiyan Kings in the past, stay in Vegeta for the rest of his life.

Fate always likes to play tricks.

In the underworld, the Heavenly Dao has its own number, and the Saiyans were tragically exterminated because they killed more than 1U.

Vegeta is taken in by Frieza and accompanied by him, trying to make him transform into a Super Saiyan in order to study the secrets of his transformation and explore his shortcomings “Seven Four Seven”

However, Vegeta is not Raditz or Monkey King after all.

Vegeta, who has been under the brutal rule of Frieza for a long time, is already full of hatred in his heart.

How can you have a peaceful heart and become a Super Saiyan!

Even though his combat effectiveness has improved year after year, he still can’t achieve what Frieza wants.

Vegeta himself is not stupid, on the contrary, he is also very smart.

In fact, he had already sensed Frieza’s purpose. Over the years, I tried not to get injured, and I didn’t like to exercise, showing a lonely and proud appearance, slowing down the growth of combat effectiveness.

He knew that when his combat power grew too fast and reached the threshold in Friesha’s heart, he would be killed.

And if he does not grow as expected, he will also be killed.

Vaguely, he also knew that Friesha’s combat power was as high as hundreds of millions.

This forced him to abandon his long-prepared plan for revenge. However, that doesn’t mean he won’t resist.

After learning a year ago that there are Dragon Balls on Earth that can grant any wish, a bold one almost comes to mind: having an immortal physique.

In this way, he will be able to have capital beyond Friesha.

Thinking about life under the fence over the years; Think about the experience of respecting people before and insulting people; Thinking of the experience of being ravaged to death; Thinking…

All kinds of experiences made Vegeta feel extremely angry in her heart! He needs vent and needs revenge!

“No one wants to stop my plans for revenge!” Vegeta roared maniacally inside.


Rumble! Rumble!

The two sides entangled dozens of moves in mid-air, and Napa was finally defeated by Sun Wukong. Kicked to the ground and exploded into a deep pit of nearly five meters!

For Nappa, Sun Wukong’s fighting skills and control of his own strength are far beyond him.

No matter how he erupts, he can’t help it.

If it weren’t for the kindness of Brother Sun Wukong, who didn’t want to kill, he would have been killed I don’t know how many times.

When he was full of anger, he got up again. Already impatient, Becky opened his mouth to scold him:

“Alright Napa! I’ll clean it up next! ”


“Do you want to disobey my orders?” Vegeta drinks cold. The tone is faintly unkind.

Because of the long-term sending people under the fence, he lost the dignity of the original superior.

Vegeta was always full of majesty before his only subordinate, and no order could be disobeyed.

If Napa had not been a superior fighter, he would not have let him follow him at all.

It’s ridiculous to say that by keeping Napa by his side, his greater role is to find the dignity of that small superior for Vegeta!

“No, no… Prince Vegeta, I’ll stand down! Napa was so intimidated by Vegeta’s coercion that he did not dare to resist.

But just go back in ashes, and he is not willing.

So he set his eyes on Klin in the distance.

“Abominable little dwarf! I haven’t forgotten the blow I just beheaded! Give me death! Unwillingly, Nappa did not return to the ground to stay.

Instead, he flew towards Klin, who was not far away.

Before Klin could react, Nappa opened his mouth wide, and a little energy began to gather.

‘Oops, it’s too late! The Monkey King also sensed Napa’s purpose.

However, it was too late to rescue, and he immediately used the Realm King Fist.

In an instant, his speed suddenly more than doubled, and he slammed into his back before Napa could launch an attack!

Click! There was a faint sound of bones breaking inside Napa.

As soon as he hit the hand, Sun Wukong turned under Napa and pushed it up hard with one hand!

After two consecutive heavy blows, Sun Wukong.0 Nappa, who still used the King of Realm Fist, was immediately hit hard and lost his combat effectiveness.

Snap. The Monkey King kept Napa still at Vegeta’s feet.

“He’s lost his fighting power. Take him and leave Earth, or I’ll kill you!” ”

The Monkey King, who can’t bear to kill evil, doesn’t want to kill even the enemy who kills his companions.

Nappa, who was no longer able to stand, trembled and stretched out to Vegeta for help:

“Vegeta, save me! I, ahem…”

He glanced at Nappa, who was slumped on the ground and had no ability to resist.

‘What happened to Kakarot just now? In an instant, the strength and speed increased a lot. One blow rendered Napa ineffective…’ It took a while for Vegeta to reach out and grab Napa’s outstretched hand.

“…… Ahem, thank you, His Royal Highness…” said Nappa gratefully.

Who knew that Vegeta showed an eerie smile: “Don’t say that…”

Without waiting for Napa to speak, Vegeta picked him up and threw him into the air.

“Ahhh… Vegeta! What are you doing! Prince Vegeta! His Royal Highness! Napa in mid-air panicked.

He couldn’t understand why Vegeta was doing this to himself. Besides, based on what he knew about Vegeta, it wasn’t a good thing.

Sure enough, Vegeta’s next words made his heart instantly cold.

“You don’t have any 1.4 value anymore! Only Saiyans who died in battle, how can they ask others for help?! ”

“Go and die!” Vegeta smiled viciously and gathered his strength, then blasted an energy bomb at Napa in the sky.

Looking at the rapidly approaching energy bomb, Napa couldn’t help but shed tears.

Not fear, but heartbreak!

He could never have imagined that his faithful work for Vegeta would end up this way.

You know, now there are only three Saiyans left! One of them is still an enemy, and only he is dedicated to assisting him.

“Be-Gee-Tower!” Nappa’s desperate cries echoed in the sky.


Huge energy bombs exploded high in the air!

(End of chapter)_

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