Dark clouds obscured the entire sky, and there was no trace of sunlight.

Red and white lightning bolts intersect through the clouds, occasionally bursting into a string of thunderbolt sparks.

Below the dark clouds is an endless sea of forests, stretching to the edge of the sky. The trees in the forest are huge, and the bark is dull and obscure, like a century-old tree. There are also various strange-shaped plants growing on the ground, covering the entire space, leaving almost no gaps.

Rustling, a sound came from a bush. After a while, a creature with blue feathers similar to a domestic chicken poked its head out of the bushes.

It listened sideways to the sounds around it, and after noticing that there was nothing abnormal, it cooed a few times behind it.

Then two large and four small chicken-like creatures drilled out in turn.

It can be seen that this is a small family group. It is composed of one male, two females and four small.

The lead attack carefully probed the surroundings, occasionally pecking and quickly raising his head. The hens and chicks following behind it peck at the food with confidence and boldness.

One of the hens spotted a fat shelled beetle and quickly stepped forward to peck at it.

Who knew that the beetle moved lightly and dexterously, constantly dodging attacks and running a few steps towards the distant bushes. The hen would not let go of this fat and tender food, and rushed over with a coo.

Fortunately, with the blocking of bushes, the beetle did not escape.

Just as the hen was about to peck at the beetle, a withered yellow stick was ejected from the bush. In an instant, the hen was entangled, and four sharp teeth were fiercely inserted into the hen’s body.

Of course, there will be no sticks in the forest that jump on their own. It was a deadwood snake, a venomous snake that hunted under protective camouflage.

In an instant, the hen was eroded by the toxin and fell to the ground. The change frightened the other hens and chicks, clucking and calling.

The lead rooster immediately turned around and rushed over with a bowed head. Its strong, sharp beak pecks at the deadwood snake.

The deadwood snake flexibly twisted its body to avoid the opponent’s attack. Even taking advantage of his lowered head to attack, he sprayed venom again and sprayed it in the attacker’s eyes.

“Oh! “Soon the rooster also fell under the toxin, and the rest of the hens and chicks scattered in shock. In an instant, only two unconscious chickens and a deadwood snake were left.

The deadwood snake slowly swam to the ground, spitting out snake letters ready to start eating.

Before it could think about it, a powerful claw fell from the sky.

Poof! The claws instantly scratched the skull of the dead wood snake, and it was paralyzed.

The owner of the claws is about to flutter his wings, and he never wants the praying mantis to catch cicadas, and the yellow finch is behind. A hairy monkey jumped into the air, riding on a feathered serpent eagle of the owner of the claws.

“Oooh!” The haired monkey revealed a hideous face, and twisted the neck of the field snake eagle. Together with the deadwood snake in its mouth, it fell to the ground.

As soon as it was too late, a short figure rushed over, flying up and slamming into its chest the moment the monkey landed.

Bang! The monkey immediately flew upside down, crashed into a towering tree, and retorted to the ground.

Looking at its collapsed chest and constantly spraying Xue’s mouth, it is obviously impossible to survive.

“Thanks to the fact that I have been hiding until now, what a bumper harvest!” With the help of the lightning that constantly flashed in the sky, the short figure could barely make out its face, but it was a black-haired boy with a tail.


Just as the boy was collecting his prey, a colorful tiger rushed out of the woods and looked at the boy greedily.

“Cut, here is a food grabber!” Although the boy showed disdain, his body still made a defensive posture.

The tiger circled around the clearing for half a circle, and suddenly jumped up and pounced on the teenager.

The boy was still not afraid, half-hunched his body, raised his hand in the shape of a knife, and flashed from under the tiger.

Sting! A large pool of warm blood spilled on the boy’s body!

The tiger’s abdomen was actually cut in half by the teenager, and the bones were visible deeply!

“Wha…” Hit hard, the tiger not only did not retreat, but rushed towards the teenager even more frantically.

The injured beast is the most dangerous, and the teenager also goes all out.

Roar! Strike! Bite! Fling!

After a fight, the tiger was finally smashed to death by the teenager with a pair of iron fists!

“Oh…” Before the boy could breathe, a series of wolf howls came. Then four coyotes with glowing eyes emerged and surrounded the boy.

“Grass! It’s not over yet! The boy roared and pounced again.

Phantom leopard, saber-toothed tiger, dark giant snake, three-jiao shield rhinoceros, flamingo, clawed giant ape…

One after another, powerful beasts, and even ferocious beasts appeared one after another. Like a wheel war, the front servants rushed towards the boy one after another.

Although the boy is small, his strength is very strong. One by one, the fierce beasts fell in front of him, and even the powerful fierce beasts were still like huge waves crashing into the reef on the seashore, shattering their bones.

The battle continued until the next morning, when the dark clouds in the sky had long since dispersed and the warm sun slowly rose from the east.

The clearing under the forest had long been widened several times, and hundreds of fierce beasts and fierce beast corpses fell horizontally in front of the young man. The flowing blood even formed pools of blood on the depression.

“Exhausted! However, the trial is finally completed! The young man looked around at the corpse of Chengshan and smiled with satisfaction.


Two sounds of breaking air struck quickly.

If in normal times, the teenager can dodge with one sideways. But after a night of fighting, the boy has already refined his strength.

He could only watch as the speeding poisonous dart plunged into his throat, leaving a curse in vain.

Soon after the boy fell to the ground, the surrounding jungle began to flood, and then disintegrated little by little and disappeared.

The big trees, the sky, the shrubs, and even the corpses of the beasts on the ground all gradually disintegrated and disappeared.

Except for the teenager lying on the ground.

In its place was a dark brown metal floor of one color.

When everything disappears, you can see that this is a huge metal room, poured with metal all over. There are still some dents left on the metal floor on the ground, which are slowly recovering.

“Okay, don’t play dead! Hurry up! Suddenly, a crisp female voice came from the metal roof.

“Just not! You raippi! It is clear that it is over, and it is still engaged in a surprise attack, so that I did not pass the trial! The boy lying on the ground began to roll on the ground, looking like a fool.

“Don’t get up? Brother Broly, there’s a guy who wants to find you to practice…” the female voice shouted maliciously.

The boy lying on the ground stood up with a carp, “Don’t! Other! Can’t I go yet? ”

After speaking, the boy walked to one side of the metal wall with a sad face. The originally integrated metal wall revealed a gap after he approached. When he walked out, he walked into another girl, and this closed.

“Anna the Trialist.”

“Combat effectiveness 6000.”

“Trial Level, Intermediate.”

“Trial Environment Central Desert.”

When the female voice fell, the metal room began to change again.

The roof began to emit a strong light, the air became scorching, and even the ground began to burn a little…

A few minutes later, Anna was already in the middle of a desert under the scorching sun.

Thundered! In the distance, smoke and dust billowed and the sound of ten thousand horses galloping.

Anna looked at it, but it was a group of desert bandits with thousands of people, and their combat effectiveness was as high as 2,000!

(End of chapter)

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