After the opening ceremony of the tournament, the competitions were also carried out in an orderly manner.

Nearly 60,000 participating fighters competed simultaneously in more than 100 sub-venues.

The surging crowd eased somewhat. Even so, the official did not dare to be careless.

There are too many fighters gathered, and ordinary people with different ideas and habits will have friction together. Not to mention the grumpy ~ irritable warriors.

Almost every moment there are conflicts, injuries – and incidents are repeated.

A small group of saboteurs took the opportunity to cause trouble and assassinate.

Fortunately, the ghost team dressed as Saiyans intervened to suppress it, killing hundreds of trouble-making warriors with the power of thunder, which restored order to the assembly.

Liwang Competition Venue.

Raditz gathered his breath and walked back and forth through the stadium to check the game.

Most of the people who come here to compete are large and strong alien warriors. Some are more than ten meters tall just by being in size!

He even saw a crystal figure about five meters tall and composed of hard dark crystals all over his body.

It is a relatively rare silicon-based life in the universe, relying on powerful silicon-based energy nuclei as a source of strength.

It is rumored that the gravity ratio on their planet is a hundred times that of ordinary planets! Volcanic eruptions occur almost all the time, and thick sulfur smoke hangs over the planet’s surface all year round. Landslides and ground fissures are commonplace. The average person simply cannot move on it, let alone survive.

“The combat power of 20,000 is indeed good.” Raditz nodded.

Races with more than 10,000 combat effectiveness in the universe are still very rare. Even if there are, there are only two or three kittens.

If it weren’t for the explosion in the central area of the three-star domain more than ten years ago, the people who participated in this competition would not have been so powerful.


The sound of the crystal man’s upper and lower jaws grinding in the ring seemed to be cheering himself up.

There is no excessive charge, no extra fancy moves, just the usual straight punches. In this way, it seems to float lightly on the dynamometer.

Rumble! A low roar resounded throughout the arena. The striking red warning and piercing alarm sound on the dynamometer caused a heat wave in the venue.


This is a number that most people cannot reach, even despair.

According to the norm in interstellar, a warrior with a combat power of 1000 has a gas value of about 1000. In order to say, this guy hit the value of 55,000 combat strength.

But in fact, his current combat strength is only more than 20,000.

The people in the audience exclaimed, and their gazes at him were also afraid.

Everyone gets three chances, but apparently this guy isn’t going to use it. Instead, he walked straight off the ring.

Raditz noticed that about seven or eight people were walking towards the warrior, apparently some forces were ready to recruit him. However, they are doomed to failure, after all, silicon-based life is weak in fame and fortune, and rarely joins forces.

The Liwang competition area is all regular horns, and there is not much ornamentation. After a round circle, Raditz left and went to the racing section.

Relatively speaking, the races in the racing zone are much better. The audience is also four or five times as large.

Various races compete in the planned airspace.

Speed has always been the pursuit of most, if not all, men.

Whether it is race walking, running, square cars in the Earth Age, or levitation racing in the interstellar era, cosmic fury.

Or powerful warriors who can fly freely today.

The thrill and excitement of racing is unmatched by most other sports.

The races in the racing zone are broken down into many disciplines, and Raditz only went to see the world race.

As the name suggests, it is a racing race with the star of Adrat as the arena.

Although there are not many powerful races in the universe, most races have the ability to fly. And this ability has been fully integrated into their instincts after thousands of years of evolution.

Just like Bart in the original Battle of Kinut, he has always been known as the fastest speed in the universe.

In fact, they fly for a long time, whether it is their size or the route and efficiency of energy operation in the body. How to use the minimum consumption and get the maximum speed.

These have long been integrated into their bloodlines and have become an instinct.

It is far from being comparable to the ‘dancing art’ on Earth.


On the rough track, hundreds of competitors raced wildly. The figures rushing by in the sky aroused the deafening shouts of the audience.

A hiss that breaks the sound barrier has long been the minimum criterion for winning the rankings.

Now the leader is the same Empty Shark clan who laughed at the old patriarch of Yadrat Star in the VIP room.

·0 Ask for flowers…

Looking at a star-confused man behind him who was clenching himself. He pouted disdainfully.

“Cut! If it weren’t for the boss asking me to retain my strength, how could a low-level creature like you possibly catch up with me!” Although you can’t expose your strength, you don’t want to be able to catch up with me!” ”

Sharkstorm casually observed the track ahead and suddenly accelerated the impact. Only an arrogant laugh remained:

“Haha! Boy, just wait to eat my ashes. Go first! ”

The face of the Star Confusion Warrior behind him turned red and white.

“Hmph! It’s not so easy to get rid of me! ”

A light blue energy flame also appeared on the Star Confusion Warrior, and its speed doubled.

………….. 0

It didn’t take long to approach the shark storm ahead.

Looking at the Star Confusion Warrior in the rear, the shark storm figure sank sharply, passed through a natural rock arch, and entered a canyon.

In order to make the race more spectacle and challenging, various obstacles are set up on the track, the track. Most of it is taken from the natural landscape.

And this canyon of more than 50 kilometers is full of rugged rocks, ravines, caves, and lonely peaks. It is one of the most ornamental tracks.

Once at this location, almost everyone’s speed dropped, except for the lead sharkstorm and the star-seeker.

The two chased, not giving each other any chance to surpass themselves.

The shark storm ahead rises and spins sharply for a while, glides to slow down the speed for a while, and circles up and down for a while, focusing on the steep flight channel.

The star-seeker behind him gritted his teeth and flew along his route, vowing to catch up with the other party.

At a sharp turn, the shark slammed on the ground, forcibly twisting its body through the arch.

The Star Warrior and him are almost the same as the front and back feet.


However, when stepping on the rock wall, the Star Warrior lost his front hoof and lost control and hit the rock wall in front of him.

“Hey~ it’s a pity.”

The audience in front of the big screen sighed, otherwise this round of the game would be more exciting.

Only Raditz and a few people saw that the sharkstorm spat on the rock wall. With spit, it transforms into the slippery rubber unique to their empty shark family.

This caused the Star Warrior to slide.

(End of chapter)_

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