After everyone separated, Tianjin Fan came to the 92nd division arena.

“92395…… Well, it arrived. “It took a lot of effort to find its own venue.

Even if it is a sub-arena, its scale is still not comparable to the number one martial arts association in the world on earth.

Nearly 500 people gathered at the venue, and only the top ten were eligible to qualify for the official competition.

“Hey! Here comes another one. Just as Tianjin Fan was observing the venue and opponents, an arrogant laughter came.

But it was a guy nearly three meters tall with a lion’s head.

At this time, he and his companion were looking at Tianjin Rice with a playful face.

“And three more eyes. Ah~ Looking for the route when escaping, or looking for a wallet? Ahaha…” The other party laughed unscrupulously in front of Tianjin Rice.

Tianjin Fan’s face turned cold, and he was about to make a move. But remembering the rules of the playing field, he turned and left.

[Anyone who does not do it on the competition stage will be immediately disqualified from the competition.] 】

“Hmph! Whoops! Seeing this, the man also ignored the Tianjin meal, spat and continued to loudly ridicule the competitors around him with his companions.

The tournament is a round-and-back tournament, like a pyramid, where the winner advances to the next round until the top 10 are decided.

Soon the game began.

Tianjin Fan’s number is relatively back, and there is still a while when it is his turn, and he first stands on the edge of the ring to check other people’s matches.

Because they are all from other galaxies, the contestants are strange, and everyone has them. Fortunately, they are basically humanoid intelligent creatures, except for a few who do not understand the language, he can understand most of the conversations.

The two people on the stage now seem to be Dema Starmen and West Asians from the remote Hierro system.

Both are life evolved from insects, and even today they still have a lot of bone shells.

The Delmar Starman’s head resembles a praying mantis’s triangle, with a pair of large outwardly convex eyes; The lower edge of the arms is like two sharp bone wide knives, shining with cold light; The muscles of the two thick hind legs are knotted and full of explosive power.

The West Asians, on the other hand, have a thin and slender body and a huge suction mouthpiece.

After the whistle sounded, the figures of both sides immediately blurred and disappeared into the field.

“It’s really fast.~!” Tianjin Fan sighed.

According to the combat effectiveness detector on the edge of the ring, everyone can see it. The combat effectiveness of the two is comparable, both around 10,000.

However, the speed of the two is indeed more than one step higher than that of the fighters with the same combat power.

The Dema Star Warrior is more aggressive, and from the beginning to the present, they are all crazy attacks, and a pair of bony arm knives dance up and down and are airtight. Everyone could only feel the gusts of knife wind blowing by. There were more than a dozen shallow knife marks on the special fiberglass guardrail around the ring. Over time, there are more and more knife marks on FRP.

Looking at his appearance, it seems that he wants to be fast.

On the other hand, West Asia Star is less offensive and more defensive, relying on a flexible body and dodging right to avoid the opponent’s attack.

After about a minute, the Dema Star warriors showed a trace of fatigue, and the intensive offensive slowed down.

‘The Dema are losing. Tianjin Fan said secretly in his heart.

Sure enough, after waiting for more than a minute, the Demas offensive dropped a bit, and gaps appeared in the dense attack sequence.

The West Asian Starman’s originally swift figure suddenly doubled, piercing the throat of the Dema Starman with sharp mouthparts. Before the other party could react, he pulled away.

“Whew…” the Dema Starman covered the wound with both hands. But it was in vain, blocking the blood that did not know how to goo.

“92037 wins!” The referee on the side duly announced the winner.

The West Asian Star raised his hands and walked around the competition stage like a demonstration before ending the scene.

The injured Dema Star was taken to a side treatment room by medical staff. With a healing device, this injury is only a few hours at most (old-fashioned machines).

Since then, Tianjin Fan has been paying attention to one game after another by the competition stage. Seeing all kinds of strange skills and aliens was an eye-opener.

“Players 92395 and 92396 are invited to the stage.” It wasn’t until evening that Tianjin Fan heard the referee shout his number plate.

At this time, most of the people around the competition platform had already dispersed, and even the referee had changed two.

Wearing the martial arts uniform of Turtle Immortal Flow, Tianjin Fan jumped up to the competition platform.

“Huh?” To his surprise, his opponent turned out to be the lion-headed man who had laughed at him in the morning.

“Oh, it’s you boy. It seems that you are destined for tragedy. Ahaha…” When the lion-headed man saw his opponent, he was overjoyed in his heart. A mouthful of fangs shining with cold light was revealed: “Hehe, I’ll let you see the benefits of my iron palm later!” ”

Tianjin Fan remained silent and put on an attack posture.

“The game begins!” As the bell rings, the referee announces the start of the game.

“Hehe, I’ll give you a meeting gift first.” The lion-headed figure shook and appeared on the left side of Tianjin Rice. Sharp claws have popped out of the palm of the flesh. Ready to give Tianjin a meal.

Tianjin Fan didn’t even turn his head, his right foot slammed on the ground, and his left elbow slammed into the chest of the lion-headed man.


The lion-headed man was blasted into the transparent fiberglass guardrail and then bounced back to the ground.

“Hmm~ abominable guy. It’s really two hits! The lion-headed man gritted his teeth and stood up, his eyes bloodshot. Exudes a gaze that chooses people.

“It seems that I have to use that trick, and I originally planned to use it until the official match. Remember, the person who killed you was the Lion King Pandrew! ”

The lion-headed man’s body was half-squatted, a pair of thick palms and claws popped out, and the qi (Zhao Zhao Hao) encouraged on his body became stronger and stronger.

On the opposite side, Tianjin Fan could feel his ‘qi’ constantly condensing into his hands.

“Lion Whirlwind Claw!” Pandru roared angrily and rushed towards Tianjin Rice. The sturdy competition platform was also vigorously stepped out of small pits by him.

A majestic male lion appeared behind him, roaring and practicing with his charge.

I saw eight cold rays of light flashing one after another, with a sharp hissing sound, which faintly tore the air demon.

Tianjin Rice’s eyes froze, leaving an afterimage in place. The ontology had already appeared behind Pandrew.


After throwing out three hand knives and two kicks in a lightning flash, he left the competition platform alone.

Snap! It wasn’t until he stepped off the competition platform that Pandru the lion-headed man plopped down on the ground.

“Player 9.92395 wins!” Even the referee was stunned for a while before declaring Tianjin Rice the winner.

(End of chapter)_

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