Colombia, equipped with 24 Xiaolong fighter jets, has undoubtedly become the strongest air force in Latin America.

In this regard, Luis does not plan to strengthen his strength.

After all, there is no need to increase the number of fighter jets to stimulate the United States at this time.

The only way to develop and strengthen the national strength is to grow slowly.

You know, the weapons and equipment of the interim government are bought by Luis himself. It costs billions of dollars in the system to arm these hundreds of thousands of people. In reality, it takes tens of billions of dollars to buy these.

The two aviation brigades alone will cost two or three billion dollars.

This kind of subsidy will not continue forever. After the unification of the country, if the National Defense Army wants to purchase weapons and equipment, it will have to buy weapons from the Galaxy Trading Company like other countries.

Public is public, private is private, and this point must be distinguished.

At most, it will be sold to the National Defense Army at a lower price. After all, the stronger the Colombian Army is, the more solid Luis's position in Colombia will be.

Navy, because all the coastal areas of Colombia were taken by the interim government, the Colombian navy that had not surrendered before also surrendered to the interim government. The Colombian navy that lost the seaport was like a rootless duckweed. It could float on the sea for a while, but it could not last for several months. It needed supplies.

The few frigates and patrol boats in Colombia were useless.

In addition, there was no conflict of interest at sea, so the focus was not placed on the navy for the time being.

After talking about military matters, Louis turned his attention to Ottoniel and asked about the control over the local government.

"Overall, the current political situation is relatively stable. After some criminals and militants were arrested and shot, the situation has become more stable. However, this stability is just a hidden danger. Once there is a military failure, it is very likely that these hidden dangers will emerge again.

Of course, there is no need to be afraid if they emerge again. The National Guard of each province is not a vegetarian.

As long as there is no external force involved and secretly supporting them, they will not be able to make any waves."

"Just your words will do."Louis smiled.

With the rear stable, it is time to launch a war of unification.

The time has been delayed long enough, it is time to wipe out all the separatist forces in the country.

After unification, the mineral resources and oil resources in the south and southeast will be in his hands.

He turned his eyes to Bosney and Gavin:"If a war of unification is launched at this time, how confident is the military to wipe out all the separatist forces at once? Complete the unification."

Bosney and Gavin looked at each other first, and then turned their eyes to Louis

"Boss, I have a question. What about the US military base?"

The US military has a military base in Colombia, located in the southeastern province of Santander, with more than 1,000 people stationed there.

Louis naturally knew about this.

After thinking for a while, he

"Ignore the US military base for now. Wait until we have dealt with other forces before dealing with this US military base."

Louis didn't want to cause too much trouble. Although he was bound to break up with the United States in the future, that was a matter for the future. Louis didn't want to break up too early. After all, the United States is currently the world's number one economic power, with a GDP accounting for 27.54% of the world's total. The West, South Korea, and the island countries, led by the United States, account for more than 75% of the world's total.

Except for the Soviet Union, Xiong and Longguo, almost all of the top 10 GDP countries in the world are allies of the United States.

In this situation, Louis didn't want Colombia to confront the United States head-on.

Apart from anything else, if a war were to start with the United States at this time, the first thing that would happen would be the people of Colombia to make a fuss. Ordinary people would have no chance to go to the United States. If they had money and travel expenses, they would have gone to the United States long ago.

In addition, Louis also wanted to make money from the United States and its allies, so Louis was unwilling to let the military go to war with the United States unless it was absolutely necessary.

Hearing Louis say to bypass the US military base, Bosney and Gavin breathed a sigh of relief.

The strength of the US military is not something the National Defense Force can deal with now.

"If we avoid the US military bases, then within a month, the military is confident that it will wipe out all armed separatist forces in the country and complete unification."

Gai Wenhong said confidently with a serious face.

A month?

Louis really wanted to say that it would take that long?

But then he thought about it, in the southern rainforest area, if the rebels were hiding in the rainforest, it would be more troublesome to chase them down.

"Then get ready. I hope that by this time next month, there will be no more separatist forces in Columbia."


Gavin and others stood up and answered loudly.

The next day, the Ministry of National Defense held a meeting to discuss how to send troops to wipe out the separatist forces in the south and east.

After a whole day of consultation, a feasible action plan was finalized.

The 3rd Army was dispatched from the north to attack the territory occupied by the 2nd Division of the former government army. The 2nd Division occupied the southern part of Cesar Province and the North Santander Province.

The 2nd Division is not strong. There are no big cities in its territory. It is mainly some towns with a population of tens of thousands, and most of the territory is mountainous.

Here Fighting in such an area can easily lead to endless guerrilla warfare.

Once the 2nd Division is defeated, it is estimated that it will hide in the deep mountains and forests.

Fortunately, with the Wing Loong drone, we can keep track of the enemy's movements throughout the process.

The 6th Division is easier to fight. It is located in the plains. Although there are many rivers and rain forests in the territory, it is undoubtedly easier to fight than the mountains.

The remaining 4th is the strongest among the rebel forces. There is a US military base in the territory. Intelligence suspects that the US military has provided a batch of weapons and ammunition to the 4th.

There are also several large cities in the territory, such as Bucaramanga, a city with a population of more than 600,000. The economic conditions are much better than the territories controlled by the other two divisions.

In addition, with the secret support of the United States behind the scenes, the weapons and equipment of the 4th are also much better.

Therefore, the Ministry of National Defense made an action plan to first sweep the two wings of the 4th, that is, the territories of the 2nd and 6th Divisions, and finally encircle the 4th. The

5th Army was dispatched from the western region, with 4 brigades, mainly light infantry brigades, and a large number of wheeled armored vehicles.

It is the most suitable for dealing with the 6th Division.

The middle route is composed of two parts, the 1st Army Leave Bogota and attack Boyacá, Casanare, Meta, Guainha, and Arauca.

The 2nd Army will dispatch two brigades out of Medellin and go directly to the area around Bucaramanga, the 4th's stronghold.

If they don't attack, they will defend in place.

If the 4th Army sends troops to support the 2nd Division or the 6th Division, then these two brigades will attack the 4th's stronghold.

If the 4th Army does not send troops to support, the final outcome will be the same. (To read the exciting novels, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

After sweeping the two wings, finally encircle the 4th Division.

Three and a half armies, almost half of the troops, more than 80,000 people, were withdrawn, with the goal of completing the battle, completely wiping out the separatist forces, and completing the unification task.

After the action plan was determined.

Several armies and brigades with tasks began to move, the ammunition depot was opened, and boxes of bullets and shells began to be loaded onto vehicles.

At the same time, the assembly call was also sounded.

Soldiers on vacation also received calls to return to the troops.

Then they took trucks and troop carriers to the front line.

One armored vehicle after another also went to the front line.

0Please give me flowers0

Although they didn't know who they were going to fight, the soldiers all knew that the National Defense Force, which had been silent for several months, was going to go to war again.

Two days later, all preparations were ready.

The 3rd Army set off first.

At the same time, four Wing Loong fighters from the Bogota Air Force Base also flew to their respective battlefields to provide military services.

Military airports in Barranquilla, Carteinaga and other regions were also busy, with one Xiaolong fighter after another carrying ground-to-ground missiles and anti-aircraft missiles. There were a total of 12 fighters, and they would be responsible for providing fire support for the 3rd Army and helping to clear obstacles.


With the hum of the engine, the first Xiaolong fighter began to taxi on the take-off runway, and after a few hundred meters, it jumped up, soared into the sky, and flew into the clouds.

Then came the second and third....It was not until the sixth fighter jet took off from this airport that the ground crew clapped and cheered.

Similar scenes were also seen at other airports.[]

Soon, 12 Xiaolong fighters formed a formation.

Among them, 10 were carrying ground-to-ground missiles and bombs, and only two were carrying air-to-air missiles. These two were responsible for providing protection for the remaining 10 fighters equipped with air-to-ground missiles just in case.

After more than 10 minutes of flight, the formation entered the territory of the 2nd Division.

The fleet was divided into two and bombed military targets in the cities of Chiriguana and Kurumani in Cesar Province.

The focus was on targeted elimination of military camps, artillery positions, fuel, convoys and armored vehicles.

The weapons and equipment of the 2nd Division were already poor, and there were not even tanks, let alone missiles and the like.

In the past, there were blood transfusions from the military, but since Gavin and others captured Bogota, the 2nd Division has had a hard time. Although there are many mines in the country, they cannot be transported out, and the ports are occupied by the National Defense Force. As for transporting them out from the border, it is impossible.

Venezuela and Colombia have a bad relationship because Colombia agreed to the construction of bases in the country by the US military.���The relationship was completely strained.

The 2nd Division had a hard time because they had mountains of gold and silver but could not transport them or exchange them for money.

They could only plunder and oppress the people in the country to maintain the food and drink expenses of more than 10,000 people.

Even so, sometimes they needed the 4th Division to help them.

After the air force attacked, the ground forces, the 3rd Army, also officially entered the 2nd Division's territory.

After showing a little strength, under the firepower of machine guns and assault guns, the defending regiment decisively dropped its weapons and chose to surrender.

Then, there was not even any resistance.

There were also people who took the initiative to lead the way and told where the rebels were hiding.

With the momentum of autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves.

Sweeping across Cesar Province, by noon, they captured the capital of Kurumani.

More than 1,000 people were eliminated and more than 4,000 were captured. The remaining remnants fled to Aguachica, Santander Province and other areas, obviously wanting to resist again.


Part 4.

A heated discussion was taking place in the conference room.

The topic was whether to send troops to support the 2nd Division.

Some agreed and supported it, explaining that if the 2nd Division was destroyed, the pressure would fall entirely on the 4th Division.

Those who disagreed thought that their own strength was not enough, and if they went to support the 2nd Division, what if the two brigades of the National Defense Army took the opportunity to attack? Some also thought that going to support would be useless, as they could not defeat the enemy's armored forces at all, so there was no point in supporting them.

The two sides argued endlessly over this issue.

(Ps: Speed up the pace of unification!! Five).

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