In the city.

A solemn atmosphere permeated the entire city.

Almost all the shops on the street were closed.

Every household had their doors tightly shut.

Everyone knew that the rebels led by Odley were struggling to survive. Because of this, the situation would become even more chaotic at this time. Under mental pressure, they might become beastly. In order to avoid disaster, every household in the city had their doors tightly shut, hoping that the National Defense Forces could come in as soon as possible and liberate Buca~La Manga.

The rebel headquarters.

The atmosphere was also solemn.

"Report to the commander. According to statistics, we still have more than 8,000 people and a lot of ammunition. In addition, according to your instructions, RPGs and Stinger anti-aircraft missiles have been distributed to the special operations battalion of the division headquarters."

This batch of Stingers and RPGs is the weapons that Audley got from Colonel Robert at the US military base.

Although he did not get armored vehicles and tanks, he gave more RPGs, including 200 rocket launchers and 400 rockets.

In addition, there are 30 Stinger anti-aircraft missiles.

"Let us withdraw our people as planned. Don't fight them head-on. Break up into smaller groups and use the geographical advantage to stop them."

As early as when he learned that the New 3rd Brigade and the New 4th Brigade in the south had surrendered, Audley knew that the situation was over.

Especially after being attacked by fierce enemy artillery and bombs, he decided to fight a street battle.

Use the RPG and Stinger anti-aircraft missiles obtained from the US military base to fight a street battle.

After all, fighting a head-on battle is undoubtedly courting death.


General Staff.

The rebels' mobilization was soon known to the National Defense Forces.

"Retreat to the city? Are you planning to fight a street battle?"

Gavin frowned and looked at the map.

No one wants to fight a street battle.

Especially for the regular army, fighting a street battle cannot bring out the advantages of artillery and fighter planes, unless they open fire directly into the city at all costs.

But this is not to fight an enemy country. Bucaramanga will be managed by the interim government in the future. If it is destroyed, reconstruction will be a huge expense. Moreover, if the artillery attack is carried out recklessly, it will cause casualties and cause the people in Bucaramanga to be disgusted and hostile to the interim government.

"It seems so."

Bosney nodded, frowning.


Gavin snorted coldly:"You are just trying to stop a chariot with your bare hands. Even now, you still want to resist stubbornly. You all deserve to die."


Intelligence Director Ed came over.

"I just got inside information that the rebels got 200 bazookas, 400 rockets and 30 Stinger missiles from the US military base."


Gavin's face changed drastically.

He said angrily:"How dare they!"

"No wonder the rebels planned to fight street battles. This is troublesome. The enemy has a large number of rocket launchers and Stinger anti-aircraft missiles. I am afraid that our armed helicopters can't be used."Bosney said with a gloomy face.

Whether it is RPG or Stinger anti-aircraft missiles, it is undoubtedly a great threat to low-altitude aircraft such as helicopters.

Once locked, they can basically not escape.

Similarly, because of RPG rocket launchers, ground armored forces, especially the fragile AMPV tactical vehicles, dare not drive in. If they are hit by one, they will basically be scrapped.

In other words, the Wehrmacht's superior firepower cannot be used.

Without the advantage, fighting street battles will undoubtedly result in many more casualties.


Gavin took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said in a deep voice:"I will report the situation to the boss."

After that, he walked to the next room.


Mingyue Manor.

This imitation Spanish-style castle manor was renamed Mingyue Manor by Louis.

At this time, on the island in the lake.

A parasol blocked the scorching sun. Under the parasol, a man lay, eating grapes and playing with two young beauties beside him. In front of him was a fishing rod. Not far away, there were more than a dozen uniformed bodyguards standing around, watching the surroundings vigilantly.

""Beep, beep!"

Suddenly, the satellite phone on the small round table rang.

Reaching out to take the satellite phone from the beautiful woman, Louis looked at the number and waved to the two young beauties in bikinis beside him.

The two beauties stood up and left.

After the two walked away, Louis pressed the connect button.


"Boss, it's me, Gavin."

"Um, what's the matter?"

"That's it..."Gavin told Louis about the US military's secret support for the rebels with a large number of RPGs and Stinger anti-aircraft missiles, as well as the current problems they are facing.

Louis' face darkened.

He has always been reluctant to have a conflict with the United States to avoid affecting his overseas business. Now it seems that the other party is deliberately trying to disgust him.

Think about it carefully, don't Americans and Europeans like to do this kind of thing.

Interfere in other countries' internal affairs, support anti-government forces within their borders, provoke wars, and then sell weapons and even overthrow the regime. They are masters at this.

Especially in Africa and Latin America

"Tell Ottoniel about this and have him file a diplomatic protest to the United States.

In addition, the military should be prepared to surround the US military base after dealing with the rebels and cut off their water, electricity and gas. Since they like to make small moves behind the scenes, they should get out of here." After a pause and taking a breath, he continued,"As for the issue of attacking the rebels, the special forces will be responsible for the street fighting, and I will equip them with a batch of drones"

"The army is closing the circle and taking control of the streets...."

Ordinary soldiers are not suitable for street fighting. It’s not that they can’t fight, but they are not as good as special forces. Now the enemy is equipped with RPG, and they will suffer more injuries in the fight. It’s better to let the special forces take the field.

After being equipped with drones, it should be more suitable for special operations.

I heard that Louis planned to equip the special forces with a batch of drones. Although it is not clear what kind of drones they are, Louis said that it will definitely improve the combat effectiveness of the special forces soldiers. Think about the special forces’ fierce record. Since its establishment, it has participated in many wars, big and small, with less than 50 casualties.

The number of militants and rebels who died in their hands is no less than thousands.

It can be said that they are the most elite individual combat unit in the entire army.

He hung up the phone.

Louis directly opened the system and found the drone category in the mall.

There are hundreds of drones.

All kinds of drones, large and small.

No large drones were selected, which are not suitable for street fighting.

Large drones, like Wing Loong、M -9 The Death God and Rainbow series are actually suitable for reconnaissance and precise strikes on targets, but not for large-scale special operations.

Small-scale operations, such as decapitation operations, are still possible.

After careful screening, Louis finally chose the"Black and Yellow Peak Nano UAV." (To read the novels of violent excitement, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

This drone is very small, weighing only 18 grams, and even with a full set of systems, it is only 1.3 kilograms. It is about the size of two fingers, driven by electricity, and very quiet. It is also equipped with two 12-megapixel cameras and a high-resolution thermal imager, and can fly a distance of 2,000 meters. Its performance in all aspects is excellent. The only drawback is that its maximum battery life is only 30 minutes.

Although the battery life is relatively short, this thing is the most suitable for street fighting.

0 Ask for flowers

Just imagine, it is only the size of two fingers, flying in the air, who can find it without careful observation?

Besides, the short battery life can be solved by changing the battery, which is nothing more than a little troublesome, but the advantage is that it is not easy to be noticed.

The price is not cheap.

The system of a Black Hornet 4-seater aircraft costs 5,000 US dollars, which is almost the price of a special forces soldier.

After thinking about it, I decided to equip the bodyguards and the intelligence department with it.

In addition, Moros's"Shadow Special Forces" needs to carry out decapitation missions, so they must be equipped with it.

In addition to the special forces.

Louis bought 300 sets.

200 sets for the special forces, 50 sets for the"Shadow Special Forces", 2 sets for his bodyguard team, and the remaining 48 sets for the Ed Intelligence Agency.

This thing is also useful for intelligence reconnaissance, especially for entering and exiting heavily guarded areas.

300 sets cost 1.5 million US dollars.

Two Black Hornet 4-seater aircraft appeared.

There were two more boxes in front of him. He opened one of them and took a look. It was very small and exquisite, about the size of a baby's palm.

It looked like a toy.

In addition, there are operating handles, chargers, and two spare batteries.[]

Following the instructions, Louis pressed the start button and then operated the handle. Pushing forward meant moving forward, and pulling back meant moving backward.

The operation was very simple.

And it was very quiet.

Unless you were very close, such as within two meters, you could not hear any sound.


"With this thing, the combat power of the special forces, special forces, and intelligence agencies will be greatly increased."

Looking at the black and yellow peak drone in his hand, Louis showed a satisfied look.

He put the handle on the round table, reached out to pick up the satellite phone, and quickly dialed the special forces commander Colonel Jeff

"Hello? It's me. Where are you now?...OK, I understand. Stay still and I'll give you���"

Hang up the phone.

Louis opened the system, found the location Jeff mentioned in the system, and sent 200 Black Hornets 4-person aircraft there.

After that, Louis called Moros of the Shadow Special Forces and asked him to come to the manor and inform Ed of the Intelligence Bureau.

In the town of Xilong, hundreds of kilometers away, less than 5 kilometers from the city of Bucaramanga.

Jeff brought a dozen people to the coordinates mentioned by Louis. Seeing two hundred boxes neatly stacked, he couldn't help showing curiosity.

After opening one of them, he

"What is this? A drone?"

After reading the manual, Jeff was surprised.

Others were also surprised.

After studying it carefully, they soon learned how to operate it. After a careful experience, especially watching the real-time picture in the handle, Jeff said in surprise:"With this thing, the combat effectiveness of our special forces can at least be improved by 50%."

""Captain, this thing is simply a magical tool. With this drone, we can see the enemy's hiding places clearly when fighting in the streets."

Everyone said in surprise.

Jeff stopped everyone from discussing

"Okay, let's transport this back first."


When the stuff arrived at the Special Forces Regiment,

Jeff quickly distributed the drones to each squad.

Each squad was equipped with two.

The rest were stored at the regiment headquarters and replaced if they were broken.

(Ps: Please order, subscribe, and support data.)

(Attached with a picture of a 4-person Black Hornet, it is really suitable for street fighting and special operations. Death).

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