""Commander, will it be okay if we shoot down the American drone?"

The chief of staff of the 1st Brigade saw the drone falling in the distance and looked hesitant.

Hammer disagreed:"What are you afraid of? This is a battlefield. If the American drone dares to come, we will dare to shoot it down. Besides, how can he prove that we shot it down?"

"I can definitely say that it was shot down by the rebels. Don't the rebels have Stinger anti-aircraft missiles? Isn't this the best evidence?"

"If they don't shoot down the American drones, the Special Forces' actions will be exposed under their noses. If the Americans are shameless and pass the footage to the rebels, they will be in danger."

Hearing this, the chief of staff nodded and looked towards the city where fierce fighting was still going on in the distance.

This little episode did not affect the offensive of the special forces.

By five o'clock in the afternoon, the special forces had captured half of the city and eliminated no less than two thousand militants.

The scope of the rebels' activities was greatly reduced.

Faced with the increasingly serious situation, Audley and his confidants became more and more impatient.

There was no hope of relying on the Americans.

Audley didn't understand why the government army was so brave in the street fighting.

And it seemed that they knew the ambush location.

At first he thought there was a ghost inside, but after thinking about it carefully, it couldn't be a ghost.

Not to mention the ghost, even he himself didn't know how the front-line troops were ambushed.

And this situation did not occur in one place.

Almost all the ambush teams were like this. The special operations battalion, which he was proud of and thought was the most elite, was also like this when they went up to fight. In less than an hour, there were less than a hundred people left out of more than four hundred people.

It was as if the government soldiers could see through it.

"Commander, the Americans are calling."


Audley woke up from his thoughts and walked to the phone:"Hello?"

10"What? Suspect they are equipped with small toy planes? Can they detect the surrounding situation?"

Audley was stunned.

Then he showed an expression of sudden realization:"So that's it, I said it was like growing an eye, so that's it"

"What? You're suggesting that I retreat to Venezuela?"

"Thank you for your kindness. I don't want to leave for the time being. If I really need this, I will contact you."

After hanging up the phone,

Audley looked unhappy, but he felt much better after thinking about the previous doubts.

"Immediately inform all units on the front line and ask them to pay attention to whether there are any toy-like flying vehicles around the enemy. If there are any, shoot them down immediately. The enemy can use these things to observe the surrounding situation."

However, Audley's idea of shooting down the drone was too absurd.

The Black and Yellow Peak drone was only the size of an egg. Not to mention that it was difficult to spot, even if it was spotted, everyone would be a sharpshooter.

If it was a sharpshooter, the battle would not have been like this. The battle lasted until seven o'clock in the evening, when it was completely dark and the gunfire in the city stopped.

The special forces regiment stopped attacking. After a long battle, even the most elite troops would be mentally exhausted.

But there was a troop that could attack best under the moonlight.

At about 10 o'clock in the evening, the lights in the whole city dimmed, and some flickering lights could be seen.

Three hundred meters away from the rebel headquarters, Moros was lurking here with his men.

They had been observing for a long time.

They found that the building was heavily guarded, and vehicles entering were searched.

Apart from the rebel headquarters, he couldn't think of any other place that would be under such martial law.

And through the telescope, he had seen Audley's figure.

Although it was only a moment, he was sure that it was definitely the leader of the rebels.

"Captain, if it were you, we could just call in an air force fighter jet and launch a missile at that building, and that would solve the problem easily. Why do we have to capture him alive?"

Seeing Moros put away his telescope and return to the room he was hiding in, a team member expressed his doubts.

In fact, they had already arrived at this place in the afternoon and found the rebel leader.

It was entirely possible to call in the air force for a tactical strike.

"Do you think I want to capture him alive? The headquarters and the boss have ordered that we capture him alive to use him as evidence that the Americans were involved in supplying weapons to the rebels."

"Is there any need for proof? Hasn't the news already reported it?"

"You ask me, who should I ask? Just do it."


"Pay attention, rest for another 15 minutes, and act on time at 10:15."

After that, Moros went to the side to contact Team 2.

Team 1 was responsible for the assault, and Team 2 was responsible for the support.

Their mission was not to annihilate a large number of enemies, but to capture Audley and take him away alive. The rest had nothing to do with them.

Time flew by, and 15 minutes had passed.

Moros led Team 1 fully armed and moved towards the target building.

Because they had observed it during the day, although the orange building was heavily guarded, no militants were found in the surrounding houses.

Perhaps they thought this was the base camp.

They thought it was impossible for the government forces to get here.

Soon they arrived at the outer wall of the orange building.

A Black Hornet drone rose quietly, with green flashing lights. In the dark sky, it looked like a Like fireflies.

Under the infrared night vision goggles, the situation inside the courtyard wall was clearly photographed.

There were two guards at the gate, and two teams of patrol soldiers were seen. In addition, two armed men were found standing at the door of the first floor of the orange building.

The situation was told to the team members, and combat orders were issued.

One person squatted in a horse stance with his hands crossed together.

The other person stepped on the hands of the team member, and jumped up with force. With both hands clasped the wall bricks, the team member lifted them up with force and successfully crossed the more than 2-meter-high wall.

Following the same pattern, several people climbed over the courtyard wall in a short while.

The last person, after helping to get started, grabbed the team member's hand and���They climbed the wall and soon reached the orange building.

The two militants were bragging and chatting, not noticing that someone was approaching them.


Moros took out the pistol he carried with him and installed a silencer, and fired quickly.

At the moment of falling, two special forces soldiers took a step and supported the bodies of the two militants.

To prevent them from falling to the ground and making noises.

Drag the bodies aside.

Two special forces members immediately sneaked in, and after confirming that it was safe, they gestured and carried the bodies inside.

And quickly stripped the clothes off the bodies.

The two team members put on the clothes of the militants, and then stood at the door disguised as militants. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Confuse the patrolling soldiers outside.

At the same time.

Moros took the remaining nine team members, divided into three teams, three people in a group, and quickly sneaked into the building and went directly to the fifth floor.

During the day, they had observed that the fifth floor was a lounge.

Without alarming the people on the lower floors, including the rebel headquarters, Moros led five people straight to the fifth floor.

As for the other three, they stayed on the second floor.

Once there was a situation, they could immediately cover.

When they arrived on the fifth floor, they met two rebel soldiers.

Fortunately, he was quick-witted and fired two shots, hitting the chest directly.

Fortunately, he was equipped with a silencer, otherwise he would have been exposed at this moment.

Audley was exhausted and was about to fall asleep. The days of fighting and the bad news from the front line made him a little tired.

However, he couldn't fall asleep when he lay in bed.

There was always a sense of uneasiness in his heart.

He couldn't fall asleep for a long time.



The footsteps outside the door made Audley frown.

"biu..."biu" two sounds caught his attention.

Although the sound was very small, he still heard it. Just as he was about to get up to see what was going on, he saw the door lock twisting.

Audley's pupils shrank.

He immediately realized that something was wrong.

He hurried back to his room and prepared to get his gun.

You know, no one dared to open the door of his room without his permission.

The current situation can only mean that something is wrong. Combined with the uneasy feeling in his heart.

But before he took a few steps, the door lock was opened.

Seeing the fleeing person, the special forces soldier who opened the door realized that something was wrong and the other party had discovered him.

Subconsciously, he took out his gun and prepared to shoot.

But he stopped immediately.

At this time, Moros discovered the situation and made a prompt decision. He raised his hand and shot

"Biu" didn't hit the body, but the legs

"Ah! 473"

Audley screamed, stumbled and fell to the ground.

"Someone come! Someone come quickly!"

""Hurry up and cover his mouth."

But it was over.

Audley's screams and shouts were particularly clear in the dark.

When Audley's hands were tied together and dragged out, there was already a lot of gunfire outside. Dozens of armed men in the building were rushing upstairs. Fortunately, the team members who stayed on the 2nd and 4th floors crossed fire and killed more than a dozen of them, temporarily suppressing the people downstairs.[]

However, Moros knew that if he delayed for too long, nearby militants would come to reinforce him, making it more difficult to escape.


After handing Audley over to two team members, Moros also joined the battlefield.

At the same time, the patrol team outside, including the two armed guards at the gate, rushed to the building quickly after hearing the intensive gunfire inside the building.

"Go! Go!"

The militants didn't notice that someone had changed at the entrance to the building, and they ran and shouted"Go!"

When more than a dozen militants rushed in, two special forces soldiers opened fire from behind them.

"Da da da..."

The bullets were fired instantly.

Just like cutting wheat, the dozen militants were instantly wiped out and knocked down.

At this time, Moros also rushed out from upstairs. Although some people were shot, because they were wearing nano-bionic clothes, ordinary AK bullets and pistol bullets could not penetrate them at all.


Just as the group of people had just retreated, reinforcements arrived.

Several Hummers rushed in front.

After seeing Moros and others, the machine gunners on the Hummers were ready to open fire.


At this time, an RPG rocket in the distance directly hit the Hummer, and it exploded instantly.

The car was also lifted up by dozens of centimeters by the air generated by the explosion, and then fell heavily to the ground and burned.

"call out!"


Two more rockets hit the target.



Moros shouted hurriedly. Needless to say, it was Team 2 that was blocking the enemy.

(Ps: The battle ends in the next chapter)

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