Choosing J16, there is no need to worry about the impact.

Although the appearance of J16 is a typical Soviet style, and it is very similar to Su-27, it is not Su-27 after all.

Moreover, the Soviet Union is currently facing many internal contradictions, and Eastern Europe is about to undergo a huge change. How can it have the energy to take care of these things?

So you can use it with confidence.

Both J16 and J16D models have been added to the procurement list.

Among them, J16 purchased 2 squadrons, that is, 24.

J16D belongs to the category of electronic warfare aircraft.

Electronic warfare aircraft are particularly important in modern combat systems.

Conduct electronic reconnaissance, interference and attack on enemy radars, electronic guidance systems and radio equipment, and destroy the enemy's air defense system.

Such as electronic interference, using multi-band clutter to shield electromagnetic signals, causing the opponent's electronic communication system to be paralyzed.

To put it simply, J16D is a combination of a heavy fighter + early warning aircraft. It has attack capabilities, and it also has the business of an early warning aircraft.

It's just that it is not as strong as a professional early warning aircraft.

But it can assume the responsibilities of a small airborne early warning aircraft, control, and command the fleet to fight.

Moreover, J16D poses a great threat to ground radar and airborne early warning aircraft.

Especially in this era when there are no stealth fighters.

J16D purchased 12 aircraft.

It is enough to deal with it.

However, early warning aircraft are still necessary. With early warning aircraft, J16 and Xiaolong are greatly enhanced in situational awareness.

After screening, he finally chose KJ-500, which is the world's first digital array radar with a wider detection range, high accuracy and low power consumption.

Even stealth targets can be scanned within a range of 300-400 kilometers.

The distance of ordinary fighters is 500-600 kilometers.

It can be said that it has squeezed into the leading position of the world's medium-sized early warning aircraft, and the price is cheaper than the A-50 early warning aircraft of the Russian Bear and the E-3 early warning aircraft of the United States, and it is more cost-effective.

The price of an KJ-500 is much higher than that of J16D, and the system price has reached 9.3 million US dollars, which is not far from 10 million.

But think of the detection range.

With this thing, it is equivalent to being able to detect targets in advance, and then change tactics and respond.

This is like a drone, which can observe the target's movements in advance, which greatly enhances the combat capability of its own fighters.

As a defensive air force at present, there is no need for too many early warning aircraft. Two or three are enough to guide dozens of fighters to fight.

Therefore, Luis bought three and planned to arrange them in Bogota, Medellin and Cartagena.

With the combat air force and ground armor, three-dimensional combat requires one more thing.

That is air defense missiles.

After losing air superiority, the air defense system is particularly important.

Otherwise, the ground armor will become the target of bombing.

Just like the Gulf War.

Losing air superiority, no matter how strong the ground armored forces are, they can only be bombed.

In the face of this situation, the establishment of an air defense system is particularly important.

There were 3 sets of FK-3 and 1 set of S-400 before.

This number is obviously not enough to face the powerful US Air Force.

So Luis added 10 sets of FK-3 and 5 sets of S-400, and purchased dozens of missiles for the two air defense systems.

Less than 80 million US dollars.

The rest are pilots and ground air defense system operators.

This time, pilots were recruited in a targeted manner.

Targeted recruitment can be carried out according to the aircraft to be flown, so that pilots can be more suitable.

This means that the pilots recruited in a targeted manner are equivalent to those who have flown this fighter for more than ten years and have rich flying experience.

And he only needs to pay $1,000 more than ordinary pilots.

$1,000 is nothing to him now.

100 pilots were recruited in a targeted manner at one go.

Including the operators of the ground FK-3 air defense system and S-400 air defense system, it cost $970,000.

In addition to the previous purchase of 3 fighter squadrons, 3 early warning aircraft, and 5 armored brigades, this purchase cost a full $676.77 million.

The balance in the system account shrank by more than half at once.

Although it cost so much money, Louis still felt it was worth it when he thought of the increased combat power.

First, the newly recruited 5 armored brigades were materialized.

That is, the 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th, and 30th Brigades.

The 26th was placed in Cartagena and the 27th in Barranquilla, which are coastal cities in the north.

The reason is very simple. The northern region is basically plains and hilly areas suitable for armored mechanized army activities.

Mountain cities like Medellin, Bucaramanga, and Florida Placa are not suitable for the deployment of armored brigades, but only suitable for the deployment of mountain brigades, that is, light infantry brigades.

The 28th Brigade was placed in the city of Cali.

The city of Cali is sandwiched between two mountain ranges running from north to south. It is surrounded by high mountains, and the middle is a plain, or a basin.

Moreover, Cali is also a populous city, and heavy troops must be arranged for defense.

The remaining 29th and 30th Brigades are arranged in the southern region.

Although there are a large number of rainforest valleys here, there are a large number of hills and plains in the southeast, and there are tens of thousands of square kilometers in the southwest.

The middle is also connected.

Placing two armored brigades is also to deal with threats from neighboring countries.

The specific deployment is Gavin's business. Anyway, he placed the fifth and sixth brigades in these areas

S-400 air defense systems are mainly placed in the capital Bogota, the economic center of Medellin, Cali, Barranquilla and other large cities.

Like the FK-3 air defense system, in addition to coastal defense, inland Bucaramanga Luis also deployed.

Finally, the fighter planes were placed in the air force bases of Cartagena, Medellin and Bogota.

Although there is no railway in Colombia, there are really many airports.

There are more than 40 large and small airports in the country, including simple airports.

Among them, there are 21 that can accommodate A-320 aircraft.

In fact, railways are relatively rare in many countries.

It is mainly because they do not have vast territories like the Bear and Dragon.

Airport access and self-driving have become two important modes of transportation in many regions.

After all the purchase of weapons and equipment and the recruitment of death soldiers were realized, Louis called Gavin and asked him to coordinate the handling of these newly recruited death soldiers and purchased weapons and equipment.

Gavin was overjoyed when he learned about the situation.

The addition of five armored brigades and three fighter squadrons will undoubtedly greatly enhance the strength of the Colombian Defense Force.

At the same time, the tense relationship between Colombia and the United States has also spread internationally. (To read the novels of Bao Shuang, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

0Seeking flowers0 attracted the attention of the world.

Many people were surprised at Colombia's courage. Colombia is one of the two superpowers in the world. How dare Colombia, a medium-sized country in South America, confront the United States?

When the Kazakhs saw someone confronting the United States, they seemed to have found a companion and frequently expressed their support for the Colombian government.

Colombia did not respond to Kazakhstan's support.

Kazakhstan is a broken pot. It has been blockaded by the United States for decades, and in the 1960s, it even caused a missile crisis.

Although the Colombian government was angry that the United States intervened in supporting the rebels, it did not want to tear its face and completely stand against the United States.

The posture now is nothing more than forcing the United States to give in and then let the United States withdraw from Colombia, but it does not want to confront Kazakhstan directly like Kazakhstan.

Diplomatically, both sides clashed and accused each other.

The U.S. troops stationed near Bucaramanga had a hard time.

First, they were woken up by the Colombian army's morning exercises outside before dawn.

After the morning exercises, they thought they would be quiet for a while.

However, it wasn't long before they started firing cannons.

It was the kind of deafening cannon sound.

When I went to negotiate, they said it was a military exercise to hone the artillery's actual combat strike capabilities.

It's just that the sound of the bugle and the cannon made it impossible to fall asleep. I just had to grit my teeth and bear it.

But you cut off the water, electricity and gas, and didn't let the vegetable farmers send vegetables to sell outside the base. What does that mean? Cut off water and electricity, and starvation.

The U.S. troops in the base were very angry.

Robert, the person in charge of the base, has not slept well these days.

The whole person, nerves are tense.

I have been contacting the Pentagon, hoping to solve the current dilemma as soon as possible.

The Pentagon has also discussed this many times.

Some hardliners agree to use military force against Colombia, believing that this is a provocation to the great United States. If they don't show some color, other countries will follow suit, which will not be conducive to the US military's deterrence of other countries.

Those who disagree with the use of military force believe that the main enemy at the moment is the Soviet Union.

It is not appropriate to make trouble at this time.

It is best to send spies to bribe people within the Colombian government and support the rebel forces, so as to disintegrate from within.[]

No matter which one, they all agree that the US military should be withdrawn from Colombia, otherwise once the war breaks out, they will become prisoners.

Besides, the people have no electricity and water.

Even the food is gone.

Even if you don't want to leave, you can't stay. It

's better to leave.



US military base

"How is it going?"

"Report to the colonel, the Pentagon called and ordered us to pack up. They will send a transport plane to pick us up."

The communicator stood up and reported.

Hearing the evacuation and the dispatch of a transport plane to pick us up,

Robert breathed a sigh of relief.

After several days of mental torture, he was no longer as rebellious as he was at the beginning.

Now he just wanted to escape from this place.

Have you ever seen a rocket being fired in the middle of the night? When he asked, they said it was a fireworks to celebrate the reunification of the country.

Listen, are there rockets being used as fireworks?

Anyway, he had never seen it before.

(Ps: Please subscribe!!! 1).

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