In addition, during the Pahlavi period, a large number of AIM-4C Falcon missiles were imported, and there are still quite a few left.

However, the range is relatively short, only more than 11 kilometers.

Of course, it is enough to deal with Iraq's MiG-21, MiG-23 and other fighters.

The air-to-air missiles currently carried by Iraq are AIM-9 Sidewinder, with a range of 17.7 kilometers. Although the radar it is equipped with is not as far as the F14 Tomcat, fortunately, the missile range is several kilometers farther.

Therefore, within the target range, the F16 can open fire first.

At the same time, the Persian F14 Tomcat squadron also detected the moment the target fighter in front opened fire, and quickly locked onto the enemy fighter.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

Several AIC-4C Falcon missiles quickly flew towards the target, and at the same time, the nose of the aircraft was immediately raised to make it fly high in the sky, and decoy jammers were quickly released.

"Boom boom boom!"

The Iraqi Sidewinder missile hit the decoy bomb, making a violent explosion.

Not everyone is so lucky. An F14 Tomcat fighter did not dodge. After all, in the first round, the F16 fighter fired more than a dozen air-to-air missiles in salvo, with the purpose of relying on numbers to shoot down enemy fighters. Before this, the Iraqi Air Force would definitely not be so extravagant.

But now it is different. 1,000 AIC-9 Sidewinder missiles have just been delivered, which is enough for them to be extravagant.


The tail of an F14 Tomcat fighter jet that was dodging and rolling was hit, causing an explosion in the air. Fire and black smoke appeared in the surrounding airspace, and soon the F14 fighter jet crashed into the ground.

As the fighter jet fell, the fire burned rapidly.

Soon when it fell to the ground, there was a violent second explosion.

At this point,

Azores, a pilot of the Iraqi F16 fighter squadron, was driving a fighter jet. The radar kept sounding alarms, and he immediately raised the nose of the aircraft.

Driven by the powerful engine power, the fighter jet climbed 90 degrees directly. Seeing that it was about to be hit, Azores quickly launched decoy jammers, rolled continuously, and successfully avoided an AIM-4C Falcon missile. In the first round of the battle, two F14 fighter jets from Persia were shot down.

It's not that the pilots' driving skills are not good.

It's mainly the missile range.

Secondly, the accuracy of the AIM-4 Falcon missile is also very high. Low, not as good as the Sidewinder AIM-9 air-to-air missile that is more suitable for close-range air combat.

There is another problem. Perhaps it is because of the long-term abuse of the Iraqi Air Force that the pilots of the Persian Air Force are somewhat arrogant and underestimate the enemy.

It’s just that they didn’t know that this time they encountered F16 fighters, which are not inferior to the F14 in terms of performance and maneuverability in all aspects.

Sanandaj Air Force Base.

After a radar scan, it was soon discovered that two of their fighter planes were shot down.

The report was immediately made to Major General Badiya, the commander of the Air Force of this base.

Upon learning that two of his own F14 Tomcats were shot down, Badiya’s face was very ugly and he was heartbroken.

After fighting for so many years, there are not many F14s that can still fight.

Many of them are actually dismantled as parts and used by other F14s. It can be said that of the only more than 80 remaining ones, less than one-third can take off.

Now that two have been shot down, how can they not feel pain in their hearts?

""Damn it!"

At this time, in the sky more than ten kilometers away from the base, the Iraqi F16 and the Persian F14 fighters were engaging in the most primitive close-range combat.

Although the F14 is air combat-first, its advantage lies in long-range interception capability. After all, its radar coverage area is farther. However, it is not equipped with AIM-54 Phoenix air-to-air missiles, and is actually half-crippled.

Close-range combat is not as strong as the multi-purpose F16.

Especially in terms of maneuverability.

Seeing his companions being shot down one after another, the ace pilot and captain of the Persian F14 squadron was anxious.

Although he also shot down an enemy fighter, the situation was becoming increasingly unfavorable for him.


While he was thinking, a missile passed by the airspace next to the F14 he was driving, almost hitting it, but was attracted by the jammer and exploded in the air.

Just as he was panicking, fortunately, the F-5 fighter jets behind him came to reinforce him.、F-4 Two fighter squadrons joined, and the Iraqi MiG-21D also joined the battlefield, and the two sides fought fiercely in the airspace.

At the same time, the Iraqi MiG-23 and Su-20 escorted the Tu-22 and Il-28 bomber formations to fly towards the Sanandaj Air Force Base.

As for the Persian ground air defense forces, they are as bad as the Iraqi ones.

However, the Iraqi country has the help of the bear behind it, and it is much stronger than the Persian country in the field of missiles.

The main air defense weapons of the Persian country are still using old-fashioned machine guns and anti-aircraft guns for air defense.

In the early days, it was also equipped with Hawk air defense missiles, but after being modified to be carried by fighters, the air defense forces were almost gone.

After all, in the eyes of the Persian country, it is better to take the initiative to attack rather than air defense.

Moreover, they had been suppressing the Iraqi country before, and they never thought that the Iraqi country could bomb them.

As for the Hongqi 2 purchased from Longguo, it is mainly deployed in important areas such as Tehran.

At this time, the ground base has sounded the air defense alarm.

The anti-aircraft guns of the ground air defense forces never stopped.

But they just couldn't reach it.

At an altitude of several thousand meters, the bomber formation composed of Tu-22 and Il-28 began to lower its altitude and bombed the frontier air base, first hitting important targets such as the runway, oil depot, and command center.

""Boom boom!"

A missile landed 3 meters away from the oil depot, and the explosion instantly destroyed the oil depot,"Boom!" and then a raging fire ignited. As bombs were dropped one by one, the entire Sanandaj Air Force Base was suddenly on fire.

Soon, the Sanandaj Air Force Base lost its ability to resist, leaving only some air defense positions, anti-aircraft machine guns and anti-aircraft guns still in operation, but after losing the radar, they could only observe with the naked eye.

But their actions were destined to be futile, and they became the dead souls under the Su-20 machine gun.

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