
"Without your country's strong support, there would be no victory."

Sadamu was very humble for once.

The main reason was that he wanted to ask Shaluotuo for more financial assistance to pay the balance to Louis. The US$4 billion military expenditure was still a big pressure for Iraq.

A hint of surprise flashed in Sultan's eyes. This was not the first time they met.

In his impression, Sadamu was a very self-centered dictator. Arrogance was his label. How did he change and become humble?

However, it didn't matter. He came here with an important mission.

"Mr. President, I heard that your country is equipped with dozens of F16 fighter jets?"

"This is true. The victory this time was largely due to the F16 fighter jets."

"Oh?" Sultan's eyes flashed, and he said with a smile:"It seems that the F16 fighter is indeed very advanced. I wonder if Mr. President can tell me how your country bought the F16 fighter from the United States?"

"this..."Sadam showed an awkward look on his face:"Sorry, it's not convenient to talk about this."

Inconvenient to talk about it?

Sultan was stunned.

He didn't expect such an answer.

However, Sultan was not a person who gave up easily. Besides, he came with a mission this time. He must find out Sadam's procurement channels, and then use this channel to purchase for the Shaluo Army.

For the wealthy Shaluo, everything is lacking, but money.

Being in the Middle East, the most chaotic region in the world, it is necessary to strengthen military strength. Only in this way can it ensure its own safety. For the royal family, a strong army can maintain the royal family's rule over the country.

"Mr. President, as long as you are willing to help introduce, our country is willing to provide another $1 billion interest-free loan to help your country fight against Persia."

$1 billion?

Sadam was somewhat tempted.

With this $1 billion interest-free loan, it will undoubtedly ease the pressure of military expenditure.

"Prince Sultan, it's not that I don't want to tell you, it's just that I promised the other party that I can't reveal his identity. I hope you can understand."

Sadamu looked embarrassed.

Hearing this, Sultan said seriously:"I understand! Mr. President, don't worry, we Shaluotuo will never leak his information."

Seeing that Sadam was still hesitant, Sultan added:"In this way, as long as Mr. President is willing to recommend, our country is willing to provide an interest-free loan of 1.5 billion US dollars."

Sadam's face changed, and he immediately smiled:"Your Excellency the Prince has said so. If I don't help, wouldn't it damage the relationship between our two countries?"

"Old fox!"

Prince Sultan cursed in his heart, but nodded with a smile on his face:"That's right, we are brother countries, and it is only right for us to help each other."

After some politeness, Sadamu finally said it.

After hearing this, Prince Sultan was very surprised, and he also guessed in his heart that this Louis might be an arms representative sent by the US arms company?

But, if they sell it like this, aren't they afraid of being discovered by the US government?

"I wonder how to find Mr. Louis? Prince Sultan asked a crucial question.

"I am not sure about this, but if Prince Sultan wants to meet him, he can find someone."



Sadam explained,"He is Louis' representative, responsible for contacting us. If you want to see him, I can ask someone to take you to see him."

See him?

Prince Sultan's eyes widened:"Could it be that Mr. Harriman is also in Baghdad?"


"Then I would like to trouble Mr. President to help introduce"

""Okay, I'll hold a party tonight and invite him to attend. You can come too, so you can meet each other."

Hearing that Sadam was willing to help introduce him, Sultan naturally agreed. That night

, in the capital, a tall house with a heavily guarded courtyard, many big figures of the Iraqi country gathered.

Prince Sultan also came. Under Sadam's introduction, he met Hariman.

The two came to a room.

"Mr. Harriman, I heard that your boss is selling F16 weapons and equipment. I wonder if you can also sell some to us Camel?"

Afraid that Harriman would say no, he quickly added,"The price is negotiable."

Harriman was still wondering why Sadam called him over, and then he understood what was going on. After thinking for a while, he said,"I can't make the decision on this matter. If your country really wants to buy, I can contact my boss."

Hearing this, Sultan was overjoyed and quickly said,"You can rest assured about this, Mr. Harriman. Our country really wants to buy"

"Okay, leave me your contact information in China and I will report to my boss.


Sultan quickly asked someone to get a pen and paper, and wrote down the contact information to Harriman.

After putting the note away, Harriman stood up and said,"Mr. Prince, if there is nothing else, I will leave first."

Sultan also stood up and said solemnly,"Mr. Harriman, please tell your boss that we are sincere in buying Sand Camel."


Harriman nodded, turned and left the small room, said something to Sadamu, then left the banquet and returned to the hotel. He contacted Louis, who was far away in the capital of Shaluotu, Riad, through a satellite phone, and reported the meeting with Sultan to Louis.

Louis was not surprised.

The reason why he delivered the F16 fighter jets to Iraq in advance was to fish, and now Shaluotu was hooked, which was also expected. He wrote down the contact information and told Harriman that if there was such a business again, he could take it first, no matter which country it was, as long as he paid, he would sell it.

In addition, he urged Iraq to pay the second payment.

In order to prevent Iraq from defaulting on its debts, he had to send the second payment after it arrived.

He hung up the phone.

Louis looked at the note in his hand, his mouth slightly raised, revealing a faint smile.

Compared with Iraq, Shaluotu is the real dog owner.

The GDP of the two countries is half that of Iraq, and the population is several million less.

Moreover, the investment capacity of the Shaluotu royal family is relatively strong, and there has been no war for many years, so the capital is very strong.

(Ps: Those who say that being a dog for the United States is impossible, the protagonist develops slowly in the early stage, accumulates funds, and then explodes his troops. At the beginning, the Latin American ancestry is assumed, just to get into power later.

It is unrealistic for a Chinese to be the president of Latin America, and it will only lead to full suppression by the United States. Choosing a Latin American is different. First of all, the people in Colombia will not resist too much, and secondly, the Americans will not be too nervous, leaving enough time for the protagonist to develop.)

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