Middle East.


U.S. Embassy

"Mr. Chris, according to our 10-day investigation, we highly suspect that this person is the one who provided weapons and ammunition to Iraq. This person has been in and out of the presidential palace many times, and has close ties with the president's son Uday. He has also been found to have connections with the Iraqi military many times."

There is a photo of a person on the blackboard in the conference room. If Louis was present, he would recognize at a glance that it was his subordinate Harriman.

Since the appearance of F16 fighter jets and Sidewinder missiles in Iraq, the CIA has stepped up its investigation efforts and transferred almost all the elite intelligence personnel in the entire Middle East to Iraq.

After a detailed investigation and interview and buying off a person close to Uday, some clues were found.

Chris, the head of the CIA's Middle East affairs.

He has been in the Middle East for almost 10 years.

However, he used to stay in Riyadh.

After all, the United States and Shaluotu are allies

"This person is called Harriman, a Latin American, and his nationality is not yet known."

Hearing that he was from Latin America, Chris remembered the Colombian incident.

Although he was the person in charge of Middle East affairs, he also heard about the Colombian drug dealer Pablo's possession of anti-aircraft missiles.

At that time, the whole world was in an uproar, and the United States also accused Su Xiong of supporting drug dealers.

"Do you think he could be from Columbia?"

"this...It's possible, but no concrete evidence has been found yet."

"So where is this person now?"

Chris asked a very crucial question

"Sir, we have found out that he is staying in a hotel at 77 Karah Street in the center of Baghdad."

"Hotel?"Chris was surprised

"Yes, sir"

"What about security?" Chris asked again

"Not many. There are eight police officers downstairs for security, and the other party has two bodyguards. Including the target person, there are 11 people in total."

11 people?

Chris tapped the table lightly with his fingers and fell into deep thought.

The four police officers can be ignored.

The difficulty is probably the two bodyguards.

But even if the other party is good, can they match their elite special forces?

If the security personnel are really so weak, it is not difficult to arrest them.

The key is how to deal with the people from Iraq, and they have to be transported abroad as soon as possible. This is the difficulty.


Chris looked at another subordinate:"You immediately contact General Carter stationed in Kolok and ask him to send an elite special forces team to Baghdad."

The relationship between the United States and Iraq is very bad, and Saddam is a strong president. The US military does not have a military base in Iraq. The nearest military base is in Kolok.

Although he now has several excellent agents, agents are good at intelligence gathering, not combat.

Besides, once the agents move, it is equivalent to being exposed.

It is not cost-effective, it is better to find professionals to do professional things.

"Yes, sir."

The man named George nodded in response.

Then he got up to contact the head of the US military stationed in Koloko.

That night, a 7-member special forces team took a transport plane and landed in a village called Fallujah, 50 kilometers away from Baghdad.

Using the cover of night, they successfully sneaked into Baghdad.

After learning that a special SEAL team had arrived in Baghdad,

Chris, who was still sleeping, got up quickly and met with several people.

"Hello Mr. Chris, SEAL Team 7 reporting to you."

"Hello, Captain, welcome to Baghdad."

Chris extended his hand and shook hands with the other party.

Then he shook hands with the other six people.

After getting to know each other, he took them to the conference room.

Pointing to a photo on the blackboard, he said,"Everyone, this man is called Harriman, a Latin American. We at the CIA highly suspect that he is an arms dealer trading with Iraq. He may have a lot of key information. I need you to capture him alive and take him out of Iraq.""

""Excuse me, Mr. Chris, how is the security force around this person?" Adam, the captain of the special forces team, asked.

Chris said,"The security force is very weak. It is known that there are 8 police officers and 2 bodyguards."

Hearing that there are only a few guards, seven members of the Navy SEAL special forces team, he was relieved. It would be easy if there were not many people. What he was afraid of was that there was a large group of guards, which would be troublesome.

"Mr. Chris, I need a detailed map and information"

"No problem, I'll have someone bring it to you right away."

Chris asked someone to get a map of Baghdad's city center, and gave Adam some photos of the surrounding streets.

The few people who got the information began to study it.

They did not act immediately, after all, it was almost dawn.

That afternoon, Adam took two people to see the hotel where Harriman was staying and the surrounding streets.

Afterwards, he returned to the embassy and told the rest of the team what he saw. After optimizing the action plan, Adam found Chris:"Sir, we plan to act tonight."

"Oh?" Chris asked,"Do you need my cooperation?"

Adam shook his head,"No! It's just a few people. We can handle it."

"OK, after taking the person away, you should leave Ike immediately. If you need my help, feel free to contact me."

"Good, Mr. Chris."

At night,

Harriman was talking with two companions about when they could leave Baghdad and return to Columbia.

"It's almost time. The second batch of equipment has been handed over. It will probably take another ten days or half a month for us to leave this hellhole."

"I heard the boss has returned to Columbus?"

"Well, I went back to Columbus yesterday."

"Oh, I still miss Columbia. It's not convenient to play with women here."

"If you hold on a little longer, you can go back."

Harriman looked at the time on his watch:"Go to bed early, it's getting late."

The two nodded and went back to their rooms to rest.

At the same time.

Adam also brought the team members to the hotel where Harriman was staying.

First, he used a night vision telescope to observe the surrounding situation of the hotel. After confirming that there was no big problem, he turned around and gestured to the team members. Two special forces climbed up the tall building and set up sniper rifles.

He took the remaining five people and divided them into two teams, alternating to cover and move forward.

At this time, a policeman at the entrance of the hotel was yawning and patrolling with a sleepy look, without noticing that death was approaching.

Adam took out a dagger, and when the policeman came to him, he dodged and covered the policeman's mouth. The dagger in his hand quickly cut a hole in his neck, and the bloody red blood immediately flowed out.

The policeman tried desperately to struggle, but his strength was no match for Adam, and he died after struggling for two minutes.

His hands fell limply, his eyes were wide open, and it was obvious that he died with his eyes open.

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