"Hey, have you heard that the 7th Division of the government army was defeated by the National Army and fled in defeat?"

"I heard that the news reported that the Nationalist Army used only one regiment of troops to drive away the 7th Division and captured Arjona without any effort."

"This is all old news. The latest news is that the National Army captured the important town of Santa Estaña."

"What? Even Santa Estacia was taken?"

"Didn't you watch the news reports on TV?"

"The government army's combat effectiveness is too weak. They have even lost this important town. How can they counterattack?"

"Whether they counterattack or not, I think things are pretty good now. The National Army has not disturbed the people like other armed elements. I have a friend who does business outside the military camp. When the National Army soldiers come out to buy things, they act like normal fathers and do not force people to buy or sell."

"Really? So, the soldiers of the National Army are pretty good, right?"

"Anyway, I think it’s okay and it doesn’t disturb others!"

"I hope it will be like this in the future."

The National Army defeated the 7th Division. Such good news must be widely publicized.

So Ottonil asked the news newspapers and TV stations in Cartagena to broadcast this news. They also exposed battlefield photos and scenes of a large number of government troops accepting surrenders.

Such pictures and news made many capitalists, officials, corrupt officials, etc. who were originally looking forward to the government army's return were instantly shocked.

They didn't expect the brave government army to be so lame.

For ordinary people, as long as they don't harass and protect their rights, they will support anyone..

Gradually, they discovered that this group of armed elements who called themselves the National Army did not burn, kill, and loot like other armed elements.

Moreover, they paid for things they bought.

This immediately made many uneasy people feel incredible, and they began to be at ease, vigilant, and adapt to the rule of the National Army.

Today, an AMPV tactical vehicle, which is a variant of the Hummer, was driving in front, followed by five Iveco transport vehicles. People on both sides of the road looked at the transport vehicles with a hint of curiosity.

Seeing that there were people being escorted and tied up in each vehicle, a rough look showed that there were at least thirty or forty people.

"Hey, isn't that the owner of a bar in the east of the city? Why was he kidnapped?"

"I guess he must have done something wrong, otherwise the Nationalist Army wouldn't have tied him up."

"I know this boss, his name is Joshua. Although he looks like a bar owner, I heard that he has dozens of thugs under him, engaged in extortion, kidnapping, blackmail and drug trafficking. He is very powerful in the east of the city."

"Is that so? If that is the case, then these gangsters should be arrested and locked up in jail."

The convoy drove along the city road and quickly arrived at a central square in the city. At this moment, dozens of national soldiers with live ammunition stood in the center of the square, and a high platform was built in the middle of the square.

Many people around were looking around, wondering what they were going to do.

Soon, when one criminal after another was taken off the car by the national army and escorted to the high platform, many people immediately guessed what was going to happen next and couldn't help but exclaimed.

The timid ones ran away.

There were also many people who, after seeing their relatives and friends among the escorted, looked worried and wanted to step forward to stop them, but they were afraid that this group of vicious national soldiers would arrest him as well, and then The execution took place later.

The criminals being escorted, seeing this scene, didn’t understand that they were going to be executed, and they struggled to shout for help, but something was stuffed in their mouths, so they couldn’t shout at all.

Soon, 32 extremely heinous criminals were escorted to the execution platform, with soldiers pointing guns at their heads and making them kneel on the ground.

Except for a very small number of people, the vast majority wailed and kowtowed to the soldiers, begging them to let them go.

The soldiers responded to their pleas for mercy by hitting them with the butts of their guns.

At this time, an officer of the National Army stood on the stage, holding a document in his hand, and loudly read out the crimes of these criminals.

The sound spread through the surrounding streets and alleys through the loudspeaker.

"...After investigation, the above-mentioned people are found to have engaged in major illegal criminal activities such as drug trafficking, human trafficking, extortion, kidnapping, etc. The National Army Headquarters has decided to execute the above-mentioned criminals.

At the same time, the National Army hereby solemnly warns that it is strictly forbidden to engage in major criminal acts such as drug trafficking and human trafficking within the jurisdiction. Once found, they will be executed and there will be no tolerance."

The crowd watching around the square were stunned at this moment.

Drug trafficking is not a rare thing in Colombia. It is even said that one in 20 people in the country are engaged in this industry.

In the past, when the police caught them, they would be detained for ten days or half a month at most. If the case was more serious, they would be detained for several months. This was already a very severe punishment. Now it seems that the punishment of the National Army is not worth mentioning at all. This is fatal.

Many people were pale, cold sweat broke out on their foreheads, and a trace of fear flashed in their eyes.


The National Army officer on the stage didn't care what the people around him thought. After reading out the crimes committed by the criminal, he directly announced the execution. As the order was issued, the National Army soldiers who had already been in position, without a trace of fear or trembling in their eyes, directly raised their guns and pointed at the criminal's head,"Bang!"


"Bang Bang!"

A series of gunshots, the criminals fell to the ground in an instant, blood flowing from the back of their heads, their eyes wide open, as if they were dying with their eyes open.


Such a bloody scene made some timid people scream in fear.

Even the lawless gangsters in the past felt nauseous and fearful when they saw this scene. They were obviously stunned by the iron-blooded methods of the National Army.

Several soldiers saw that there were still criminals who were not dead yet, so they went forward and shot them again.

It was not until the 32 criminals were completely dead that they arranged for people to drag the bodies away and burn them together.

Although the bodies were dragged away, the blood flowing on the ground showed that the scene just now was real.

The execution of the criminals was also published in the evening newspaper of the day and on TV news.

"this...The National Army was too cruel. They actually shot so many people. This method was too brutal!"

"Is it cruel? I think it is good. We should use thunderbolt methods to eliminate these criminals. This will deter gangs and criminals."

"You can use another method. Anyway, I think it is too bloody.

Although there are many people who think that the National Army's methods are too bloody, even if these criminals really deserve to die, they can just be sentenced to prison. Why do they have to execute them?

However, for the vast majority of ordinary people who long for the rule of law and a good security environment, they raise their hands to agree with the National Army's approach.

Especially the lower-class civilians, and some people who are bullied by drug dealers and criminals, all applauded.

Under this thundering method, the security of the entire Cartagena improved all of a sudden, and many criminals hid, fearing that they would run into the muzzle of the gun at this time.

When Gavin reported this to him, Louis supported it.

After all, it is his territory now, and he naturally wants to manage it well, so that it will bring him greater benefits. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) However

, Louis also warned Gavin:"The execution of criminals can be left to the local governments, and the military does not need to get involved.

The most urgent thing for the military to do is to build military camps and military airports, which is the primary task."

How could Gavin not know this? Building a military airport and expanding a military camp requires money to buy materials.

"Boss, this money..."

Gavin looked embarrassed[]

Louis said,"As for the money, ask Otto Neil. We just executed dozens of criminals and cracked down on several criminal gangs. Invest the confiscated money in building military camps and military airports. I will give you another 200 million US dollars, which should be enough for you."

Military airports are not built in a grand manner like civil airports.

In the late 1980s, 200 million US dollars was enough to build 3 or 4 simple military airports.

Gavin was delighted to hear that Louis was willing to allocate 200 million US dollars. Louis proposed to build military airports mainly to equip the air force on a large scale and strengthen the air force.

Of course, if it is just to deal with the government army, it is definitely not necessary. He is worried that the Americans will end up. The Americans are not as weak as the government army. If the Americans really go all out, even if he uses all his troops, he may not be able to stop them. They can't stand the hundreds of fighter planes they send to bomb them.

Therefore, in order to control the air power, building military airports is an urgent matter.

As for military camps, they are even more necessary. Seven regiments with more than 15,000 soldiers suddenly appeared, and they need a place to live.

We can't always occupy civilian houses and some government infrastructure, which is not conducive to military training.

Soon, the stolen money from fighting criminals was counted, and it was more than 48.5 million US dollars.

After getting the money, Gavin immediately arranged for bidding to build military camps and airports.

Just as Louis was proceeding in an orderly manner.


In the meeting room of the General Staff, a picture was being played at this time. The picture content was the picture of the National Army executing drug dealers and other criminals.

Although the picture was bloody, it did not cause much reaction to the people in the meeting room. They had seen such scenes many times.

"Mr. President, I think this is a good thing."

"Good news?"

Quartas looked at the deputy commander Claire in astonishment.

"Yes!" Claire said loudly:"We can broadcast this video and say that the National Army is a terrorist organization. I believe that with this bloody execution scene, the Chinese people will stand on our side.

At the same time, we will seek help from the international community and the United States. I believe that with this video, public opinion will be biased towards us."

"Yes, Claire is right, I agree with his idea."

The Air Force Commander said.

Others followed suit and all supported Claire.

Quartas was not unhappy, in his opinion, Claire's idea was good.

"General Mac, what does the US military say? Can they provide military support?"

Quartas turned his attention to Commander-in-Chief MacPhail.

Hearing this, MacPhail said seriously,"Mr. President, the US military has not responded yet, but I have received news that the US is considering whether to allocate funds and provide weapons to support us.

I mean, Mr. President, it would be better for you to go to the US to meet with President Reagan. This would be safer."

"You are right," Quartas nodded in agreement:"I have to go to the United States."

The United States.

The White House.

The sudden rise of the National Army, unsurprisingly, attracted the attention of the United States.

After all, Colombia is in the back garden of the United States.

Such a powerful armed force suddenly emerged and wiped out nearly a division of Colombia's army. With such a strong strength, how could the United States not pay attention?

Moreover, Colombia is still a pawn of the United States in Latin America.

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