The main force of the Eastern Route Army, the 1st Regiment of the National Army.

From the garrison camp, along the highway, the vanguard of 1 tank battalion, 1 infantry battalion, and 1 prisoner-reorganized infantry battalion, a total of 3 battalions, totaling 2,200 people, have already arrived in the San Andres area. It is only 11 kilometers away from the enemy's 3rd Brigade entrenched in the San Vicente area. Such a distance is just a matter of more than ten minutes for the 1st Regiment.

In the sky, a Wing Loong 2 drone transmitted the enemy's situation in real time.

Regimental Command

"Report, the drone has found the enemy's armored camp and artillery position."

Hearing this, Hammer was overjoyed and said quickly:"Send the coordinates to the artillery battalion and tell them not to be stingy with ammunition, and bomb as hard as they can to kill those bastards."

The artillery battalion of the 1st Regiment was 2 kilometers behind. Because it was equipped with self-propelled rocket launchers with a range of up to 65 kilometers, it did not need to move forward. Although it was traveling alone, it was not worried about being attacked. After all, the drones above were monitoring the movements, and once the enemy was found, they would immediately run away and retreat.

The artillery battalion

"Report to the battalion commander, the regiment has sent us coordinates, asking us to launch a fire attack on these coordinates, and let us not be stingy with ammunition."

A communications soldier stood up and walked quickly to his battalion commander to report. The battalion commander looked at the order and immediately ordered:"Notify each artillery company to fire 6 rockets at the target coordinates."

The artillery battalion is equipped with 24 BM270 self-propelled rocket launchers. One vehicle has 12 unit launch ports and can fire 12 rockets. Now it is ordered to fire 6 rockets, and the total of 24 rockets is more than 100 rockets. This firepower attack is not a small amount.

Orders were issued to each artillery company, and the launch vehicles tilted at an angle.

As the"fire" order was issued

""Swish, swish, swish!"

Rockets shot up into the sky, dragging flames as they flew toward their targets, becoming particularly conspicuous in the evening.

The enemy's 3rd Brigade.

Ever since learning that two brigades of the 7th Division were defeated by the militants in the south, the entire 3rd Brigade has been in a tense state of combat readiness.

However, after a week, it was discovered that the militants in the south had no plans to go north, and gradually the officers and soldiers relaxed their vigilance.

At night, a bonfire was burning in the camp, and soldiers gathered around it to chat. After all, not everyone can live in the village, and most people set up tents in the wild.

At this moment, one of them was lying on the ground, looking at the starry sky, and suddenly found that there were many more bright spots in the sky, moving quickly.

""Hey, what do you see there?"

The soldier's words immediately attracted his companions.

Following the direction of the soldier's finger, his companions looked up at the sky. It was too late to see clearly:"What is that? Those light spots are flying so fast."

Rocket launchers are rare in Colombia. Many soldiers have never seen them. After all, Colombia's artillery battalion still uses the towed howitzers of the US Army during World War II.

As the two discussed, the surrounding soldiers gradually saw this scene.

They all discussed what that thing was.

""How come they are getting closer to us?"

Someone muttered.

Ten seconds after the words fell, a rocket landed in the camp.


The sound of the explosion instantly frightened the soldiers.

"Fuck, that's a cannonball, run"


"Boom! Boom!"

Rockets fell one after another, and the whole camp was suddenly filled with explosions. The violent explosions also frightened the officers living in the village, and they hurriedly ran out.

"What's going on? Where did the explosion come from?"

The commander of the 3rd Brigade, Montoya, asked angrily as they came out dressed.

"Report to the brigade commander: the artillery positions and armored camps were attacked by unknown rockets."


Montoya's face changed drastically.

Looking closely, the explosion site was exactly the artillery position and armored camp.


Montoya couldn't help but blurt out:"Quick, send people to rescue, drive away the artillery and armored vehicles."

The idea is good, but it is doomed to be impossible. Facing the saturation fire of more than 100 rockets, the artillery and armored vehicles were blown up, and it was impossible to drive away.

At the same time, after learning that the artillery battalion had opened fire, Hammer immediately ordered his troops to speed up the action. More than 30 tanks and dozens of armored vehicles rushed forward on the flat land of the seaside.

Soon, they exchanged fire with the front line of the 3rd Brigade.


The firing point was easy to spot in the dark. As soon as the fire started, there would be a flash of fire. The tank fired directly at the flash of fire and immediately overturned a position.

""Da da da!"

The machine gunner on the armored vehicle pulled the trigger frantically and fired at the firing point.

Suddenly, the sound of gunfire rang out.

Montoya, who heard the gunfire, was shocked.

"Report, the frontline positions are exchanging fire with unknown armed elements. The enemy's firepower is very strong, and there are tank shelling. The frontline positions have suffered heavy casualties. Request reinforcements."

An officer ran over to report with a panicked look on his face.

His words undoubtedly confirmed his guess that the group of armed elements in the south were really bold and took the initiative to attack his 3rd Brigade.

"How many enemy troops are there?"

Chief of Staff Yakov asked.

"It's not clear. It's too dark to see how many enemies there are. But judging from the firepower, there are at least several thousand of them."

Montoya and Yakov were shocked when they heard that a few enemy soldiers were coming. There were only a few thousand rebels. Could it be that they all came to them?

Without time to think about it, Montoya quickly ordered:"Pass my order immediately. The whole army retreat."


The officer was stunned for a moment. Shouldn't he send people to the front line to snipe? Why retreat?

"What are you doing standing there? Go and pass the message." (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Montoya shouted.

The officer came to his senses and hurried to inform.

Looking at the burning tank and armored vehicle camp, and then looking at the front line, Montoya's face was very ugly. After fighting for so many years, it was the first time he encountered such a frustrating scene.

But he didn't think about it. His so-called"war" was just a fight with militants. Most of the militants were light infantry, without heavy weapons and artillery. Even if they attacked by surprise, it would not cause much damage.

But this time was different. He encountered the National Army, which seemed to be armed. , in fact, their firepower was many times stronger than his.

It was precisely because of the enemy's strong firepower, tanks, and it was at night that Montoya had to order a retreat.

If the artillery positions and armored vehicle camps were not destroyed, or if it was daytime, then he would definitely not order a retreat, and he would have to fight a positional war, but unfortunately it was not the case.

In the dark, fighting a positional defense war is completely like being a living target. Once you open fire, the enemy will know your position. How can you fight like this?

What's more, the enemy still has tanks and armored vehicles, and only light infantry are left on his side. What's the point of fighting?

Fortunately, Montoya was decisive. If he stayed, even if he was not completely wiped out, it would not be much better.[]

In an instant, the entire military camp was in chaos. Soldiers scrambled to flee. Officers didn't care about anything else. They drove away in a hurry. No one wanted to be caught. You know, some time ago, TV news and newspapers reported the bloody methods of the rebels.

After briefly annihilating the frontline positions, the main force of the 1st Regiment went straight to the 3rd Brigade's military camp. Looking at the fleeing soldiers, the tank battalion and the armored vehicle machine gunners fired and strafed from time to time.

The slow-running defeated soldiers, seeing that they were caught up, divided and surrounded, decisively chose to throw away their weapons, kneel on the ground, and raise their hands to surrender.

In the face of the surrendered soldiers, the 1st Regiment did not kill the prisoners, but confiscated their weapons and sent people to guard them. The main force was still chasing the main force of the 3rd Brigade.

In this way, they ran in front and chased in the back. From time to time, there were vehicles that were hit and exploded, and some jumped out of the car in a panic and fled in all directions.

While the 1st Regiment was raiding the 3rd Brigade, the 6th Regiment of the Central Army was making rapid progress and encountered little resistance.

This was also normal. The direction of the 6th Regiment was basically small towns, with no big cities. It was not the focus of the 1st Division's defense. Facing the powerful 6th Regiment, they naturally surrendered. It was not until they reached Baranoa that they encountered some decent resistance.

The right-wing army exchanged fire with the main force of the 2nd Brigade under the 1st Division in Sabanaga. The two sides directly engaged in street fighting, which prevented the 7th Regiment's artillery battalion from exerting its strength. Fortunately, the 7th Regiment was an armored cluster with a large number of tanks and was equipped with RPG rocket launchers.

As long as they found a stubborn firepower stronghold, they would fire one shot. Although the advancement speed was relatively slow, it was only a matter of time before they defeated the opponent and captured Sarnaga.


The 1st Division's base.

At this time, the entire military camp was busy.

The front line was in emergency, and calls for reinforcements kept ringing.

As a result, the atmosphere in the command center became much more solemn.

"' Report, Savannagar direction was attacked by enemy forces, the enemy attacked���Fast and powerful, the 8th Regiment requested reinforcements"

"Report, the 3rd Brigade called, the unit was hit by enemy fire, suffered heavy casualties, and is retreating towards Juandeco, requesting reinforcements"

"Report, the 11th Regiment stationed in Barano River Town called and they were attacked by the enemy..."

Waters listened to the endless stream of reports from his subordinates, looking very worried.

The chief of staff and the deputy division commander beside him were not much better.

"Attacked from three directions, how many troops does this rebel have? How come it looks like there are at least 20,000 or 30,000."

The deputy division commander came to see and said.

His words also touched Waters' heart.

How come the whole line was in danger overnight?

"Can the Air Force be dispatched?"

Waters looked at the Air Force colonel on the side. Although his rank was not as high as his, he was not in charge of the troops.

The Air Force colonel shook his head:"Fighting at night, the combat capability is limited."

Hearing this, Waters (Qian Hao) showed disappointment in his eyes. It seemed that the Air Force could not be relied on.

"Ask for help from the capital and ask them to send urgent reinforcements, otherwise Barranquilla may fall."

"In addition, the 4th Division stationed in Santa Mayuta was ordered to dispatch two regiments to the south for support."

The 1st Division is the trump card of the Colombian government army. It has 4 brigades and more than 25,000 people. It is much stronger than the other divisions. The 1st Division is given priority for equipment.


Knowing that the National Army was actually attacking Barranquilla, and the request for help from the 1st Division, it seems that the situation on the front line is not good. This scared the officials in the capital.

"Barranquilla must not be lost!"

Quartas, who was far away in the United States, said firmly on the phone.

He didn't need to emphasize it, everyone knew the importance of Barranquilla. It was the largest port city in the country, and almost two-thirds of the country's imports and exports depended on Barranquilla.

The remaining one-third was Cartagena, which had been occupied by the National Army.

If Barranquilla was lost now, not only would the economy be hit hard, but it would also affect the people's confidence in the government. Maybe the rebels entrenched in the south would take advantage of the situation and rise up. By then, everything would be in chaos.

Faced with this situation, a brigade of combat troops was urgently transferred, intending to take the Air Force's transport plane to reinforce.

Not to mention that Colombia lacked fighter jets, but there were quite a few transport planes, but they were all second-hand.

There were 6 C-130H, 7 C-295 tactical transport planes and 10 208 light transport planes.

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