After Waters announced his surrender, the National Army's advance speed accelerated a lot, and the soldiers who surrendered along the way were basically all surrendered.

In the afternoon, they successfully entered Barranquilla, the capital of Atlantic Province, a large city with a population of more than 1.7 million.

And this local war lasted only one day.

The news reached Bogota, causing an uproar and anger.

No one expected that the 1st Division would choose to surrender. They were still thinking about dispatching new troops to the north to reinforce, but you surrendered to me?

And it was the 1st Army Division, which was known as the most elite in the country. Isn't this a bit too damaging to the reputation?

After a brief surprise and uproar, the military was furious and denounced Waters as a traitor, a scum among soldiers, and a shame to Colombian soldiers.

For a time, the Colombian government and the military criticized and scolded Waters.



A Black Hawk helicopter slowly landed at the airport.

Then a figure came down from it.

The Special Service Regiment"107" Captain Jeff, the 1st Captain Hamer, the 6th Captain Bellows, Waters and Banjack, who had been waiting for a long time, went to meet them.


Several people saluted.

The person who came down was Gavin, the commander of the National Army and Minister of Defense.

Gavin saluted in return, then smiled and shook hands with Jeff and the other three.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, he walked up to Waters and Banjack, shook hands with them enthusiastically, and expressed his happiness for their surrender.

At the same time, he affirmed the contributions made by the two and declared that the National Army would not treat its friends unfairly, which made Waters and Banjack, who had been uneasy, feel relieved.

After some polite exchanges at the airport, the group took a car and drove towards the city center under the escort of the special forces.

Gavin did not stay in Barranquilla for long. He returned to Cartagena after only two days.

Accompanying him were Waters and Banjack, as well as the main officers of the four brigades below. Among them, the commander of the 1st Brigade left with a dozen confidants.

After returning to Cartagena, Gavin convened a military meeting the next day. The meeting summarized the problems and achievements of this battle, and commended some commanders.

Then it was proposed to reorganize the entire army.

After all, with so many prisoners joining, reorganization is necessary, and now that the army has more people, some organizations should be adjusted. The number of surrendered people in the First Division alone was more than 15,000.

There were also thousands of reservists who were temporarily pulled to the battlefield.

There is also the navy.

The total number of surrenders this time exceeded 20,000.

Except for the navy, the others must be disrupted and reorganized with the National Army, otherwise there will be chaos.

In addition, the National Army suffered more than 200 casualties in this operation, mainly in the street fighting in Savannaga, where the casualties were relatively large.

Compared with the number of annihilations, this is really nothing.

In addition, the police who were previously in charge of the Drug Enforcement Administration were also included in the reorganization system.

After the reorganization, it will be divided into two branches of the military.

The National Army and the National Guard Team.

Among them, the National Guard is similar in nature to the Longguo Armed Police. It belongs to the second-line force, mainly responsible for combating militants, drug enforcement and maintaining stability. It is reorganized into 5 light infantry regiments, totaling more than 7,600 people.

The commander was promoted by Humphrey, the former deputy commander of the 1st Regiment, and the deputy commander was succeeded by the commander of the 4th Brigade under the former 1st Division.

The National Army has also expanded.

After absorbing the remaining troops of the 1st Division and some police officers from the Narcotics Enforcement Bureau, it was organized into 13 regiments and 1 independent regiment (special service regiment) with a total of more than 29,000 people, and a new organization was established, that is, the brigade level.

The original 1st, 6th and 7th Regiments of the National Army, three elite regiments, merged to form the 1st Armored Brigade.

The brigade commander is Kelly Hammer, the commander of the original 1st Regiment, and the deputy brigade commander is Dennis, the commander of the 7th Regiment.

After the merger, the 1st Armored Brigade has more than 6,300 people, 3 tank battalions, 96 Type 15 tanks and 72 self-propelled rocket launchers , more than 200 armored vehicles and transport vehicles, and its strength is the strongest in the National Army.

The 2nd Brigade is composed of the former 2nd Regiment, the 5th Regiment and the newly formed 8th Regiment of the National Army, with a total of more than 6,000 people, equipped with 2 tank battalions 64, more than 100 armored vehicles and transport vehicles of various types.

The 3rd Brigade is composed of the former 3rd Regiment of the National Army, the newly built 9th Regiment and the 10th Regiment, with a total of more than 7,000 people, equipped with 2 Type 15 tank battalions, 1 wheeled EE-9 assault gun armored vehicle, 1 BM270 self-propelled rocket launcher battalion and more than 200 armored vehicles of various types.

The 4th Brigade is composed of the former 4th Regiment of the National Army as the backbone, plus the newly built 11th, 12th and 13th Regiments, with a total of 8,000 people. It is a light armored division, equipped with only 32 Type 15 tanks and 12 old Stuart light tanks. Although there are few tanks, there are many armored vehicles, as many as 400, all of which are wheeled armored vehicles.

After the reorganization, even the weakest 4th Brigade can fight against a division of the government army.

If it is replaced by the 1st Brigade, even if it faces two divisions, it will be an easy and pleasant thing.

In addition to the substantial expansion of the army, Louis also benefited from taxes.

The financial income brought by Barranquilla alone can support the daily living expenses of the 4th. After all, Barranquilla has a population of more than 1.7 million and has the largest port in the country.

In addition, because of the surrender of the 1st Division, the area occupied by the National Army has expanded from more than 5,000 square kilometers to 55,200 square kilometers, a full tenfold expansion. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!) The population under jurisdiction has also increased to more than 5 million, which is almost one-fifth of the total population of Colombia......

Although the area is not large, less than one twentieth of Colombia, it is a densely populated area compared to other places in Colombia.

The most important thing is that the mineral resources in the territory are rich.

Especially the coal resources, located in the Barrancas area, there is the largest coal production base in Colombia. If it is reasonably developed, these areas may not be unable to live a rich life just by virtue of the advantages of mineral resources and ports. Unfortunately, the corruption in Colombia is too serious, and the social situation is turbulent, so no one dares to invest.


With Louis as a big money sponsor, there is no need to worry about no one investing.

But now is not the time to develop the economy.

At this stage, we have to fight and take down Colombia as soon as possible, and then it will not be too late to develop the economy slowly. At present, the 4th Brigade of Regular Army is definitely not enough to take down the entire Colombia.

It’s not that we can’t beat the remaining 5 and a half divisions of Colombia, but the main thing is that we have to occupy the territory after fighting. If you don’t occupy it, there may be rebellion at any time.

So the next step is to expand the army.

At least we have to expand several more brigades of regular army.

As for the National Guard, there is no need to recruit from the system, and we can completely recruit surrendered soldiers.

For the newly recruited death army, he does not plan to recruit according to the previous 6th Regiment template this time.

The main reason is that there is no need to waste money.

To deal with the Colombian Army, armored vehicles can be enough to wipe it out, and there is no need to equip tanks.

If there is a real need for firepower, you can use a single RPG, or an artillery battalion, or call for firepower support from the Army Aviation Brigade.

Therefore, the newly recruited infantry regiment is a motorized infantry regiment, without a tank battalion. It is composed of 2 armored infantry battalions, 1 self-propelled artillery battalion, 1 ZTL-11 105mm wheeled assault gun company and several special companies. It has 48 Boxer armored personnel carriers, 244.2 tactical vehicles and 48 Iveco transport vehicles, 9 ZTL-11 105mm wheeled assault guns, totaling 1,720 people.

And it only costs more than 15 million US dollars to recruit such a motorized infantry regiment.

It is more than 7 million US dollars less than the previous recruitment of the 6th Armored Infantry Regiment. Just one battalion of Type 15 tanks can save more than 6 million US dollars.

According to the organization of motorized infantry regiments, he recruited 21 regiments in one go, spending a total of 315 million US dollars.

The 21 regiments were organized into 7 brigades.

That is, the 5th Brigade....To the 11th Brigade.

The number of regular troops will reach 67,000.

After the 7 newly recruited brigades are materialized, they will be handed over to Gavin. How to run-in, eat, drink, defecate, and barracks are what he needs to solve.

(Ps: It will speed up the pace of unifying Colombia. The main battlefield is still on the road to dominating South America, and in the future, the world battlefield, hard against the United States)

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