"Then I have to ask tomorrow where the Iraqi F16 was bought from."

General Liu murmured in a low voice.

He came here mainly for this matter.

On the battlefield between Iran and Iraq, the importance of aircraft performance has been reflected on the battlefield. Since the equipment of F16, Iraq has greatly strengthened its air supremacy and can often win with fewer troops.

Therefore, under the condition of tight funds, it still hopes to buy good fighters to enhance national defense and conduct reverse research and development at the same time.

After the relationship with Su Xiong became strained, Longguo basically cut off arms trade.

Now it is fighting fiercely with the United States, but the United States is not sincere. While supporting it, it also wants to restrict Longguo to prevent Longguo from becoming a threat to the United States.

This is also the current dilemma.

After learning that Iraq's fighter jets were not bought from the United States, his superiors asked him to lead a team to investigate and inquire about the inside story.

Now it has been confirmed that Iraq's F16 fighter jets are the same as the US F16, and he needs to inquire about the purchase channel.

The next day.

He found Ramadan again

"Mr. Ramadan, I have a request, I hope you will agree to it."

Seeing Ramadan, General Liu said seriously.

Ramadan smiled and said:"General Liu, we are friends, just tell me if you have anything, as long as I can do it." That

's what I want you to say.

General Liu smiled and said:"It's like this, our pilots have flown F16 in the United States before, and after seeing it yesterday, I wanted to experience it again, is it possible?"

"Your pilots want to fly F16?"Ramadan frowned:"I'm afraid this is against the rules."

General Liu knew what Ramadan was worried about, and hurriedly said:"Don't worry, our pilots will definitely be fine. If there is a problem, our country will compensate according to the price."

Letting his pilots test fly again is mainly to confirm whether the performance of Iraq's batch of F16 fighters is really the same as the ones used by the United States.

Looking at Liu Shanhe's eyes, Ramadan hesitated for a while, and finally agreed.

"General Liu, I can agree to a test flight, but you have to sign a test flight agreement. If an accident occurs to your pilot, causing our fighter plane to crash, your country will need to compensate for the losses!"


Liu Shanhe readily agreed. The pilot he brought with him this time was one of the best pilots in the Air Force, and it was not his first test flight. He had flown F16 in the United States before.

Seeing Liu Shanhe's agreement, Ramadan immediately asked someone to prepare a test flight agreement. After signing, he arranged for someone to take them to the airport.


"You know the importance of this test flight, I hope you can fly well." Liu Shanhe said to the pilot with a serious expression.

The pilot put his legs together and said seriously:"Please rest assured, Chief, I will do my best!"

"Well, go ahead."

Liu Shanhe patted the other person's shoulder and stopped putting pressure on him.

The latter saluted him, turned around and trotted towards the test aircraft.

Ten minutes later, at Baghdad Air Force Base, an F16 fighter took off quickly on the runway, speeding up. When it was still dozens of meters away from the runway, it quickly pulled up the nose and the fighter flew into the sky.

Seeing this scene, Liu Shanhe first breathed a sigh of relief, then cheered up and looked up at the sky.

The pilot was seen doing many routine maneuvers in the sky, such as lateral turns, directional deflections, pitch turns, etc. Perhaps the pilot gradually found the feeling, and later he became much bolder, doing circling, sharp ascent turns, rolling maneuvers, etc. He didn't dare to do the too difficult Imamman maneuvers and Cobra maneuvers. If something really went wrong, he would become a sinner. After flying in the air for more than ten minutes, the plane landed on the ground.

Seeing the pilot coming out of the cabin, Liu Shanhe quickly stepped forward and asked,"How is it?"

"Back to the commander, it's similar to the F16 I flew in the United States before"

"That's good."

Liu Shanhe breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

He raised his hand and gently patted the pilot's shoulder:"Go back to your accommodation and rest first."

""Yes, Chief!"

The pilot saluted.

He arranged for someone to send the pilot back, while Liu Shanhe went to meet Ramadan in person. He first congratulated Iraq on regaining air superiority and the resurgence of its air force, and then turned the topic to the plight of the border war in Longguo, saying how miserable it was.

After winning Ramadan's favor and sympathy, he extended the topic to the hope of purchasing advanced fighter jets.

"General Liu, to be honest, the purchase of the aircraft was handled by the President himself. I don't know where he bought it."

"Ah? Even you don't know?"

Liu Shanhe looked surprised.

Ramadan nodded seriously:"I really don't know."

"Could you please help me? I want to see the President."

Since Ramadan didn't know, he could only go to see Sadam.

Ramadan said,"I will report to the President."

"Thank you very much!"

Liu Shanhe thanked.

Presidential Office

"Want to see me?"

"Yes, Mr. President."

"What on earth does this Dragon Country representative want to do?"

Sadamu frowned. This is a visit and a test drive.

"Could it be that Longguo also wants to buy F16s?"

Ramadan nodded:"I guess so. He asked me about the purchase channels today."

"Ask? Even if we know the purchase channels, can Longguo afford it?"Sadamu curled his lips.

In his mind, Longguo was very poor.

He was not the only one who thought that at that time, in the minds of many people, Longguo people could not even get enough food, let alone buy F16.

And this prejudice was still held by some people decades later.

It is conceivable that after the West took control of the discourse power of public opinion, it hindered the normal cognition of the world.

Ramadan smiled slightly.

"Forget it, just give him Michelle's phone number and let them talk on their own."After thinking for a while, Sadamu still thought that he would need to buy cheap weapons and ammunition from Longguo later. In order not to offend anyone, he still���Came out


Two days later.


Louis Villa Manor

"What did you say? Longguo wants to buy F16 fighter jets?" (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Louis received a call from Michelle and was surprised after listening to what he said.

"Yes boss, they offered to buy F16!"

"Do they know the price?"

"You know, the price I quoted them is the same as the price of Ik and Sha camels."

Louis asked again:"Then how much do they plan to buy?"[]

"I said that I plan to purchase 12 aircraft."

12 aircraft, calculated at 45 million per aircraft, is 5.4 US dollars.

He remembered reading a news report that in the 1980s, Longguo was extremely short of foreign exchange, and it seemed that there were only 700 to 800 million US dollars. At that time, the whole nation set off a wave of earning foreign exchange.

It has to be said that Longguo spent a lot of money to buy F16.

It is estimated that the last air battle between Iraq and Persia stimulated Longguo. Otherwise, according to the original historical trajectory, Longguo would not pay for F16 at this time! However

, Louis believes that Longguo does not need to buy F16 at present, and buying Xiaolong 3 can fully cope with it.

The F16 fighters sold to Iraq and Shaluotuo may not be as strong as Xiaolong 3 in terms of performance. At least in terms of avionics equipment, radar, etc., Xiaolong 3 is better than the first generation of F16!

And the price is much cheaper

"So, I will send you a document, and you tell the representatives of Longguo that we have a light fighter, code-named"Xiaolong", which is more suitable for them."

It's not that he doesn't want to sell F16 to Longguo, but he really thinks it's a waste of money.

"How much does the Xiaolong cost?" Michel asked.

Previously, they only sold F16s, and Xiaolong was not sold to the public.

"The price is quoted at 1,000 US dollars per unit."

The system price is 1.7 million US dollars.

Although it has increased several times, this is already for the sake of the former motherland. If it were other countries, it would cost at least 17 million US dollars or 20 million US dollars to sell.

After all, at this time, the Xiaolong 3 is definitely considered the world's advanced fighter.

In addition to the factors in his previous life, he lowered the price to sell it to Longguo Xiaolong 3 for another reason. He planned to build a global navigation system, and when the time came, he would need to launch satellites. The success rate of Longguo rockets was reliable.

Once he had his own satellite navigation system, he would exchange the system for advanced weapons and equipment, and it would be a truly complete body.

Unlike now, many functions are actually unusable, such as the Wing Loong UAV.

On the same day.

Louis asked someone to take a few photos of the Xiaolong, and then sent them to Michelle by fax.

Middle East.

After receiving the fax from Louis, Michelle contacted Liu Shanhe to meet.

The two sides met at a hotel in the center of Liad.

"'Mr. Liu, you don't need to buy F16 fighter jets. The price is still a bit expensive for your country, but we can't sell them at a lower price because of our cost here. However, we have a fighter jet that is very suitable for your country and the price is much cheaper."


Liu Shanhe smiled and said,"I wonder which fighter plane Mr. Michel is talking about?"

Michel smiled and clapped his hands. A bodyguard stepped forward and handed the document bag in his hand to Michel.

He opened the document bag and took out a stack of photos and information about the parameters of Xiaolong 3.

"Here is the information, Mr. Liu, please take a look"


Liu Shanhe didn't hesitate and took the information and started reading it.


When Liu Shanhe saw the photo of the Xiaolong 3, he thought it was his own J-7 fighter. But after a closer look, it was different. The first problem was the air intake.

J-7 is the nose air intake, and this aircraft, code-named"Fierce Dragon", uses D-shaped air intakes on both sides. Yes, Liu Shanhe is the head of the equipment department. Although he is not very proficient in fighter jets, he still knows some common sense.

In addition, there are differences in the wings. The J-7 uses a large delta wing, while the fighter in front of him has a swept-back trapezoidal wing, and the wing is not that big, it has been reduced a lot.

In addition, there are many small changes.

Although some designs are a bit similar to the"Saber 2" fighter program they are developing, he did not think much about it. After all, there are many similarities between fighter jets, and J-7 has been exported to many countries.

After taking a closer look, Liu Shanhe felt that he was more and more handsome, much more handsome than his own J-7.

After putting down the picture in his hand, he (De Ma Zhao) picked up the information and carefully read the English information above. He was good at English and could basically understand it, otherwise he would not have led the team to visit.

When he saw the parameters on the information, Liu Shanhe was shocked.���It became serious

"Mr. Michel, are the parameters above accurate?"

"Mr. Liu, you can rest assured that we will never brag about the products we sell. If the data shows the performance, it will definitely meet the standard. You don't need to question it."


Liu Shanhe took a deep breath, suppressed the shock in his heart, and looked at Michelle seriously.

"How to sell this JF-17 fighter?"

"If your country wants to buy it, it will cost 10 million US dollars per aircraft."Michel said with a smile.

Liu Shanhe breathed faster when he heard that it was only 10 million US dollars.

This price is more than 400 million US dollars cheaper than the F16.

"Mr. Michel, can I take this information away?"


It's just a few pictures of parameters. It's not easy for Longguo to copy it.

The engine is a problem, and there are also avionics, composite materials, etc. These are not something that can be solved in a short time.

You know, Xiaolong 3 is an iterative version of Longguo after 2015.

""Thank you!"

Liu Shanhe looked grateful.

He put away the information, said goodbye to Michel, and left the hotel quickly.


Liu Shanhe needed to contact China urgently to report this matter.

As Michel said, if the performance of Xiaolong is as good as the parameters say, then there is no need to buy F16.

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