The National Defense Force mobilized on a large scale, and transport planes were often seen in the sky, which naturally could not be hidden from the careful people.

Especially the embassies of various countries.

They understood that the National Defense Force was going to go to war with local armed forces again.

On the US side, because the interim government showed goodwill to the US side, there was no reaction, but they secretly collected intelligence and paid attention to the movements of the National Defense Force.

While other troops were still mobilizing, the 1st Front Army had already started. The 1st Brigade, the 5th Brigade, and the 6th Brigade set out from Bogota and passed through the two small cities of Fusaga and Melgar along the way. They did not encounter any resistance and had a smooth journey.

After they passed, the National Guard would move in.

Usually, when passing through a small city with a population of more than 50,000, a company of the National Guard will be left behind to cooperate with the local police to maintain law and order. If it reaches 100,000, it will be a battalion, and so on. In this way, they can firmly control it and avoid being coerced and occupied by armed elements.

And doing so can also gradually erode the areas where anti-government armed activities are active.

Soon, the 5th Brigade of the 1st Front, as the vanguard, arrived at Girardot, a small town, about the same size as Fusaga, with a population of over 100,000.

Across the river is Flanders, also a town with a population of only over 30,000.

A regiment of the 5th Division of the former government army was stationed here. After fighting for 40 minutes, they decisively chose to surrender after leaving behind dozens of corpses.

"Where are their regimental commanders?"

The commander of the 5th Brigade of the National Defense Force, Veron, looked at the surrendering soldiers squatting on the ground and raised his eyebrows and asked

"Report to the brigade commander, their regiment commander has escaped with a dozen of his confidants"


Bellon was bored and waved his hand:"Suppress them and guard them well, leave one battalion to guard them, and hand them over to the rear troops after they arrive."

He thought he would have to fight again, but it was just like tickling, not satisfying.

After leaving a battalion of troops to guard the prisoners, Bellon continued to lead the 5th Brigade and marched along the river impact plains between the valleys. Although it was not a cement road, it had little effect on the wheeled armored vehicles. As long as it was not a deep pit of 70 to 80 centimeters, it could be easily crossed.

Along the way, there were large tracts of reclaimed farmland. When some farmers saw the 5th Brigade, they were so scared that they hid quickly.

It turned out that the soldiers of the 5th Brigade did not break into the house, let alone looting or harassing. Only then did these farmers dare to go out.

The brave ones even took the initiative to ask. When they learned that it was the new The government army was relieved after they went to wipe out the rebels.

No matter what, the government army would never make things difficult for these civilians. They rushed all the way and recaptured the towns of Bernardillo, Lleida, Mariquita, Onda and others. Almost all of them surrendered. The rebels here chose to retreat after learning that Girardot had been captured.

That night, the 5th Brigade stopped in the city of La Dorada.

They rushed more than 180 kilometers in one day.

At the port of Boyaca, 60 kilometers away from the 5th Brigade.

It is a riverside town with more than 50,000 people. At this time, the town has more than 3,000 people, all of whom are soldiers of the 5th Division and armed elements of Medellin drug dealers who have retreated all the way.

"We can't retreat any further. If we keep retreating like this, when will we stop? I suggest setting up an ambush. We must teach them a lesson. Otherwise, they will really be able to control us like mud."

A drug trafficker slammed the table and shouted that he would fight back against the 5th Brigade.

"Fight back? Don't be ridiculous. We are just a bunch of people with only a gun in our hands. They have tanks and armored vehicles. How can we fight them? With our heads?" Another drug lord showed a sarcastic look on his face. The leader who was confronted stood up quickly, put one foot on the stool, and said angrily:"That's better than being shot in the future."


"All right."

A regimental commander of the 5th Division interrupted the quarreling two people and said,"Don't quarrel anymore. Now that the enemy army is pressing forward, we should unite and face the enemy together. Otherwise, when the enemy comes, everyone will be shot."

Seeing the two silent leaders, he continued,"I think we can think about the counterattack that Hu Tuole just mentioned. After all, if we keep retreating like this, we will have to fight them in the end. In this case, we might as well fight now.

We have retreated all the way and shown weakness. They must be arrogant now and think that we will keep retreating. If we fight an ambush at this time, it will definitely be effective. What do you think?"

Hu Tuole glanced at the leader who had just squeezed him, snorted coldly, and said,"I agree with Colonel Suke's opinion. They must be underestimating the enemy at this moment and will definitely relax their vigilance. I believe the probability of success of an ambush is very high.

It can also strike down the arrogance of the opponent."

Seeing that Colonel Suk said so, everyone naturally stopped objecting.

Although they are drug dealers, they are no match for the 5th Division.

Soon, everyone discussed an ambush in Latrea, more than 20 kilometers away.

The main reason for choosing this place is that there is a bridge here. If the National Defense Force wants to go to Medellin, it must take this bridge, otherwise it will take a detour of dozens of kilometers.

The next day, early in the morning.

The 5th Brigade set out again.

At 10 o'clock, they had arrived at Boyaca Port.

Knowing that the rebels had withdrawn, they rested in the town for a few hours and replenished fresh water and supplies.

At 1 pm, they continued to set out.

The long team continued to move forward


Bellon, who was sitting in a Hummer with his eyes narrowed, lowered the window and glanced at the signalman.

"Commander, the command sent a message saying that the drone found an enemy ambush in the Latrea area ahead of us."


Peron suddenly became alert.

"Bring me the map."

The soldier immediately took out the map.

Veron looked at it carefully.

"Good man, I said you are running so fast, it seems you want to set an ambush here."

Veron nodded, with a smile on his face:"Not bad, the location is well chosen."

He put down the map in his hand and said:"Pass on my order, the enemy is found in front, the whole brigade is in combat status, and the artillery battalion of the brigade is ordered to build a position in La Aurora."

Laola is about 7 kilometers away from the Treya area, within the coverage of the self-propelled rocket launcher.

Soon, a team was separated from the team, which was the self-propelled rocket launcher battalion, a total of 3 battalions. The other teams continued to move forward.

At 2 o'clock, they arrived in the Treya area. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Veron stepped on the hood of the Hummer and looked at the other side with a telescope. He couldn't see anyone, but the terrain was indeed suitable for ambush. If the team passed the bridge, if there were people ambushing on the hill on the left, they would definitely be caught off guard and suffer heavy losses. After all, the right side was flat and there was basically no obstruction.

Shooting from a high position was almost a live target.

Although he didn't see the ambush, the drone had already detected it, which only showed that he had a problem with his perspective.

At this time, on the hill.

Colonel Suk, Hu Tore and other militants were ambushing.[]

"Hey, why are they not moving? Did they find us?"

Hu Tuole looked at the stagnant Wehrmacht troops on the other side of the river with a telescope, wondering

"Impossible! We decided to ambush here at the last minute. How could they know?"

"So why aren't they moving forward?"

"Are they waiting for the troops behind?"

"'Whatever, they have to get through here, and as soon as they cross the bridge, we'll start fighting."


On the other side of the river.

Veron put down the telescope in his hand and jumped off the hood.

He handed the telescope to his personal guard, clapped his hands, and ordered the communicator:"Send a message to the artillery position, target...coordinate..., each launch vehicle, quickly fire 3 rockets, I want to let them know that they have been exposed"


The order was quickly passed to the artillery position in the rear.

After some preparation, the BM270 self-propelled rocket launcher began to move. The box-type launcher behind the vehicle tilted to 60 degrees and entered the bombing coordinates.

""Fire!" accompanied by a roar.

72 BM270 rocket launchers at the scene quickly opened fire.

Rockets flew towards the target with tail flames.

Flying at low altitude, the soldiers of the 5th Brigade on the river bank could see the rockets flying in the air when they looked up.

"Is this artillery firing?"

"My goodness, there must be more than 200 rockets, right?"

"Artillery is a luxury...."

At the same time

, on the other side of the river, Colonel Hutore and Colonel Suk, who were lying in ambush on the hill, noticed something was wrong. When they saw the dense rockets flying in the sky, their faces changed drastically. They hurriedly climbed up.


"It's a rocket!"


(Li Haohao) The whole scene was in chaos, and he ran away


A rocket landed first and exploded, making a"boom" sound.

"Boom! Boom!"

Then, rockets exploded one after another, and suddenly flames appeared on one side of the hill, and wailing sounds were heard.

"Ah! It hurts, my feet hurt"

""Who can save me, my arm?"

This was a militant with a broken arm lying in a pool of blood, wailing.

With such dense rocket coverage, almost one rocket attack could kill or injure seven or eight people, and sometimes even eleven or twelve people.

Seeing the enemy being bombed, Veron immediately ordered the advance team to cross the bridge.

Sure enough, the entire advance team crossed the bridge without being ambushed. Immediately afterwards, the infantry of the two regiments behind crossed the bridge one after another.

The sound of artillery also stopped.

""The advance team, go up and have a look!"

He immediately ordered a regiment to go to the hill. Fortunately, the hill was not very high, only about 70 or 80 meters.

When the advance team climbed over the top of the hill, they saw the wailing and blood flowing everywhere in front of them, and they were immediately shocked.

No wonder the artillery wanted to bombard this place. It turned out that they had ambushed people.

"Fortunately, the artillery bombarded this place. If we had just crossed the bridge, we would have become sitting ducks and died."

"Yes!! Fortunately, the artillery bombed this place"......

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