When Ansa led a regiment to the airport quickly, he ran into a team of more than a dozen people from the special service regiment, which was divided into small groups. The two sides fought back and forth in the street fighting. Although the special service team was small in number, they were all special forces soldiers with extraordinary shooting skills.

From time to time, they could also fire an RPG rocket.

Ansa was not a waste. He could tell from the crossfire that there were not many opponents, so he adopted the method of encirclement, hoping to gradually narrow the encirclement. This method was indeed useful.

For a time, the special service team was under great pressure. The number of wounded people gradually increased.

Fortunately, after an emergency call for help through the radio, many nearby teams came to reinforce, which turned into a counter-encirclement.

The situation of the war suddenly reversed.

The two sides fought until Ansa was shot in the head, and the morale of the enemy was defeated and low.

Except for a very small number of people who resisted, many people directly threw away their guns, took off their military uniforms, and ran away as civilians.

After learning that Anza was dead, Caicedo and Soroco's troops were beaten back step by step, and they were about to collapse.

Eli made a prompt decision and fled decisively with his confidants.

With his escape, the Battle of Medellin also entered its final stage.

The next day, at noon.

After annihilating a group of rebels hiding in the Medellin City Government, Medellin was officially declared to be recaptured by the National Army.

Moreover, more than 4,000 armed elements were annihilated along the way, and the 1st Front Army"410", including the wounded, had a total of less than 500 casualties, which was considered a good record.

In the city center, the flag of the Colombian government was hung up at the first time.

The news of the recapture of Medellin was broadcast on the news TV station that day, which attracted the attention of the outside world.

You know, Medellin is the second largest city.

The rebels claimed to have 40,000 troops before, but they were wiped out in just a few days, before they could hold on for five days. This gave the outside world a clearer understanding of the combat effectiveness of the National Defense Force.

After leaving the 1st Brigade to garrison Medellin, Hamer mobilized the 5th and 6th Brigades to go south.

One was to chase and destroy the remnants of the 3rd Division that had escaped.

The other was to go south to recapture cities such as Rio Nego, Manisa, and Pereira.

Perhaps seeing that even the powerful Medellin Group had been destroyed, a large number of armed elements on the Cali Group side also dropped their guns, became civilians, and stopped fighting.

Moreover, a large army gathered outside the city, with tanks and armored vehicles leading the way, and bombs were dropped on the enemy's artillery battalions and fighter planes from time to time.

Under this mental torture, the Cali Group saw with the naked eye that its size had shrunk rapidly.

Hundreds of people fled every day.

Even if a few typical ones were killed, it would be useless to deter them.

Seeing that the general situation was over, the leaders of the Cali Group took private planes and fled to other countries, such as Ecuador and Miru next door.

Without the leader, there was a mess below, and the members fled.

The Cali Group collapsed quickly, and the National Defense Force captured the third largest city in the country as soon as possible.

Then they went all the way south, recaptured many cities and towns such as Popayan, Pasto, Turco, and completely incorporated the western part of Colombia into the territory of the provisional government.

After a week of continuous fighting, the 3rd Front finally took the city of Neiva, arrested a large number of drug dealers and armed leaders, and killed the former government special operations brigade.

In the end, this"Western Expedition" eliminated nearly 10,000 rebel soldiers and leaders at the cost of more than 2,000 casualties, and arrested nearly 40,000 people, which can be regarded as a great victory.

After judicial trials, those who committed serious crimes were executed.

Most people were released.

There were also three or four thousand people whose crimes were neither serious nor light. They were eventually sent to the mines to do hard labor.

There was no salary, only food and accommodation, and then they could go home after working for 3 years.

This"Western Expedition" ended in just half a month.

It was not because the militants were lame.

It was mainly because the National Defense Force they faced was too strong.

Land and air integrated combat, and drones transmit battlefield situations in real time. If you still can't win, just find a wall and hit yourself to death.

In addition, armed forces such as Medellin, Cali, and Neiva are only local armed forces. Although there are regular troops in them, they lack fighters, defense missiles, tanks, and have lost air superiority, so they can only passively be beaten.

And they are not popular, so they will naturally be defeated quickly.

With the recovery of the western provinces, the interim government has controlled 45% of the territory.

Less than half.

But considering that the southern region is all rainforest, the territory is large, but the population is small.

The interim government controls the territory differently.

Nine of the top ten cities in the country are under control.

From a population perspective, with nearly 30 million people, the area controlled by the interim government has reached 22 million people.

From the perspective of the general trend, it won't be long before the word"temporary" in front of the interim government will be cancelled.

The remaining 2nd, 4th, and 6th divisions of the original government army control a lot of territory, but lack heavy equipment, fighters, etc.

Unless the three divisions unite together and then get support from foreign forces to fight, defeat is only a matter of time.

Moreover, the strength shown by the National Defense Forces has surpassed the military strength of many countries, especially with a large number of advanced fighter jets and tanks, self-propelled rocket launchers, armed helicopters and other equipment.

After seeing the National Defense Forces defeat the Medellin, Cali and other groups with ease, the three divisions did show signs of uniting.

The exchanges were much more frequent than before.

These were reported to Luis, Gavin and Ottonil by the Intelligence Bureau.

But Luis didn't care.

No matter how they unite, in the face of absolute strength, everything is false.

The Eastern Expedition was not rushed.

Several provinces in the west have just been recovered, and they still have to be digested to avoid rebellion.

In addition, in order to combat crime and drug dealers, smuggling and other acts that threaten the safety of people's lives and property, the interim government has introduced a new bill.

《Gun Control Act

Before this, gun ownership in Colombia was very serious, which led to the sacrifice of police officers when handling cases and fighting criminals, and the number of people who died in gang gun battles every year was as high as tens of thousands.

Therefore, in order to maintain social order and protect the safety of the people and law enforcement agencies, the Gun Control Act was introduced.

The content of the bill stipulates that ordinary people are not allowed to possess firearms and ammunition in special institutions other than law enforcement agencies and the military. Unless they have a gun license, violators will be sentenced to more than three years in prison, and in serious cases, more than 10 years in prison.

If the smuggling and trafficking of firearms is sentenced to more than 10 years in prison, and in serious cases, the death penalty will be directly executed.

In order to make the people obediently hand in their guns and ammunition, the interim government will dispatch the National Guard to clear them door to door. If they encounter resistance, they can be killed on the spot without bearing legal responsibility.

At the same time, to prevent the public from hiding firearms, a reporting hotline has been opened. Anyone who successfully reports can receive a government reward, which is converted into US dollars ranging from US$100 to US$500.

Those who are reported for hiding firearms will not only be sentenced, but also fined $10,000.

If they don't have the money, their assets will be forced to be auctioned directly.

The newly introduced"Gun Control Act" immediately caused a sensation across the country after it was announced on TV.

The vast majority of people applauded.

After all, if guns are confiscated, people don't have to worry about being shot when going out, and it can be regarded as indirectly protecting the safety of the people, so they naturally have to support it.

Only a very small number of people engaged in illegal businesses opposed this bill.

However, opposition had no effect at all, and the new government forced it through.

If you don't accept it, just hide your gun, and then go to jail if you are caught, or you will be shot.

Under the strong control of the interim government, the territory controlled by the interim government has been dragnet-styled to investigate and confiscate guns and ammunition.......

Not to mention, some people wanted to play special because they had relatives working in the government, but they were shot on the spot by the National Guard and the police.

At the same time, his relatives were also investigated to see if they had committed any crimes. If they did, they would be sent directly to prison.

If not, they would be dismissed from public office.

Under such a mighty and powerful push, nearly 300,000 guns of various types were confiscated, and the number of bullets exceeded 10 million.

The confiscated weapons and ammunition were directly handed over to the military for custody, and then sold to Africa, the Middle East or other parts of Latin America by Louis's people.

Or to American gangs, etc., in short, they were sold when needed.

Confiscating weapons is only the first step.

Next, we will vigorously crack down on drug trafficking.

Without weapons, drug dealers are like lambs.

In this way, when the police go out to arrest drug dealers, they don't have to worry about being retaliated by drug dealers like before.

Under this kind of dragnet investigation, even if there are still guns and ammunition hidden, they are only a few.

And drug dealers dare not take them openly anymore.

So, this is all a chain reaction.

In addition, the currency issue also needs reform.

At present, the exchange rate between the Colombian peso and the US dollar has reached 5,000 to 6,000, and it is about to fall into toilet paper.

In order to better maintain the financial system, Louis discussed with Ottonier, the economic department and others and decided to launch a new currency. The new currency will be issued with the existing gold reserves and US dollar reserves as the national credit currency.

In order to stabilize economic development and promote international trade, and avoid the turmoil caused by the exchange rate, a fixed exchange rate will be adopted and pegged to the US dollar.

This is the same as the Hong Kong dollar and the Singapore dollar. After being pegged to the US dollar, there is no need to worry about the exchange rate issue.

And because Colombia has abolished the financial stock market and controlled the inflow and outflow of foreign exchange, there is no need to worry about international financial capital coming.

In the 1990s, the capital headed by Soros made a lot of trouble in Southeast Asia. Didn’t it take advantage of the country’s financial market and regulatory loopholes to successfully dig a pit and then make money and run away?

Now Colombia doesn’t even have a stock market, how can it buy at the bottom?

However, if the new currency is really issued, it will not be a matter of a moment. There are many aspects involved. If you are not careful, it will cause turmoil.

The interim government, at most, has only been established for a few months, and the western provinces have only just been included in the ruling area, so the trust in the interim government is not high.

So after some discussion, they decided not to rush to issue the new 1.7 currency for the time being, and to consider this issue after a period of stability.

These are all suggestions and ideas from Louis, and it is still professionals who should do this.

He is now busy trading with Longguo.

It has been almost three months, and he has not yet delivered the Xiaolong fighter jets that they bought.

Someone said hello to Shaluotuo and asked Longguo’s people to come to the base to transport the 12 Xiaolong 3 fighter jets.

As for the 30 Sidewinder missiles and 10 Phoenix missiles, they were also mounted and transported away.

Shaluotuo quickly agreed.

Now, Louis is the person they value most.

First, he got them medium-range ballistic missiles.

Second, the weapons provided by Louis are advanced enough. Third

, when buying weapons in Louis, there is no need to add conditions like the United States, which makes Shaluotuo very satisfied, and they are even considering abolishing the US military garrison in Shaluotuo.

After all, there is another powerful client who can provide weapons.

If you want everything, then the value of the United States to Shaluotuo is naturally much less.


After learning that the goods have arrived and can be delivered.

Liu Shanhe reported the matter immediately, got approval, and then rushed to Shaluotuo without stopping.

At the same time (to read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Michel also asked the death squad pilots in Shaluotuo to fly these 12 Xiaolong fighters to Liad Air Force Airport.

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(In addition, a current occupation map is provided!).

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