Seeing Trunks' painful appearance, Vegeta couldn't bear to rush up anymore, but was put in front of him by Monkey King.

"Vegeta calm down, Trunks and Gokuten will be fine

" "Get away from Kakarot, you idiot, don't you see that the energy in their bodies is draining rapidly, they will die like this

" "Vegeta, you have to bear with me a little longer, I believe that Vic also believes in the God of the Realm" "I believe in your mother" Vegeta

heard the screams of Trunk and Son Goten, and saw Son Goku say such irresponsible words, Angry to directly burst into a foul

mouth, "Don't forget that you also have yours, I tell you Kakarot, I don't care about the safety of the earth, but if Trunks is hurt because of this, I will definitely kill all the people of the entire earth"

said that Vegeta did not want to have too much entanglement with Sun Wukong, and directly set out to rescue Trunks, Sun Wukong and Vic still want to continue to block Vegeta, I didn't think that I was blocked by the sudden appearance of Raditz

, "Brother, why are you..."

"You two fools, what instigating the words of the king god of the goods world, you all believe, he himself is incompetent, how can he sacrifice my nephew, no matter who wants to harm the earth, come one we will kill one

" Seeing that Sun Wukong and Vic were blocked by Raditz, Vegeta did not hesitate, and directly got up and prepared to fly over

"Mr. Vegeta, please wait a minute, If you have to go over, please step over my corpse"

Vegeta looked at the guy called God in his eyes, like a fool, he didn't pay attention to him, he directly slapped the other party's face, suddenly attacked, the Realm King God only felt pain on his face, the whole person flew out directly, seeing this, Jebit was worried about the safety of the Realm King God and hurried over to check.

Without any obstacles, Vegeta directly transformed into a Super Saiyan, took two fairy beans from Raditz's hands and came behind Trunks, directly kicked Spobic and his companions to the ground with a punch, and then held Trunks and Sun Wutian, who were successfully rescued, and directly sent fairy beans into the mouths of the two without hesitation.

"Spobbitch has collected most of the energy, this place should not stay for a long time, let's go quickly"

After saying that, the two figures moved, and two white figures flew directly towards the sky.

Seeing that Trunks and Sun Wutian, who had taken the fairy beans, were already safe and sound, Vegeta exuded a substantial murderous aura and had already been impatient, fierce eyes stared in the direction the two left, and said viciously

: "Injured my Vegeta's son and still wants to run" Vegeta

directly got up and chased after him, seeing that the realm king god in this situation also said to Sun Wukong and others:

"Let's go with us next, There are some things that I will explain clearly to you on the way"

Saying that, the Realm King God, Jebit, Sun Wukong, Bike, Sun Gohan, and Raditz's group of six people also followed, while the others continued to participate in the world's first martial arts conference here.

In the sky, several people who were flying fast caught up with the angry Vegeta, and then the King God of the Realm suddenly spoke

: "Mr. Vegeta, please wait a minute, we quietly chase over, otherwise we can't find each other's base camp, Mr. Monkey King, I need to use your strength to defeat a very terrible monster together, with the strength of Mr. Vegeta alone, I can't win at all" "Can't win

, just rely on those two guys?"

Sun Wukong was a little stunned after hearing this, although the two guys just now are indeed a little tough, they are not very strong, and they can easily solve them by themselves.

"No, those two people were just used by a treacherous and cunning

Demon Master" "Demon Master?

"A long time ago, a very evil demon master Bibidi appeared among mankind, and he created a very terrifying monster - Majin Buu.

Majin Buu has no rationality, only knows about killing and destruction, and has turned hundreds of planets into Death Star in just a few years

" "Cut, this kind of thing can be done by any of us here Saiyan"

Vegeta said nonchalantly at this time, he didn't think that a Majin Buu could be better than their Saiyan.

"No, you're wrong Vegeta, there were five realm king gods at that time, any one of them could be knocked down with one blow to the extent of Frieza, but all four realm king gods like this were killed

" The realm king god continued to tell Sun Wukong and other characters about the power and origin of this demon Buu

, and said eloquently: "The sealed Majin Buu was placed on the earth, and it was even more evil than Buffeidi's son Buffeidi, Now that he wants to open the seal and destroy the universe with the power of Majin Buu, we must stop him. "

It sounds like it's quite powerful, and it's worth

doing" Sun Wukong heard that Majin Buu was also interested, but he didn't expect that there was such a powerful opponent in the world, he felt that his body was already boiling at this time, and then suddenly remembered what Raditz had said, and then turned his head to look at Raditz and asked:

"Brother, do you know about Majin Buu?"

Hearing Sun Wukong's inquiry, Raditz was a little surprised, how did this fool know, and then everyone's eyes looked at

Raditz, "Mr. Raditz has also heard of Majin Buu?"

"I do know some, but Kakarot, how do you know"

Raditz asked Sun Wukong with some curiosity

, "Brother, I remember that you once said that you were waiting for a very powerful opponent to appear, but that opponent has not yet woken up, and today I heard what Lord Kakarot said, I think that your opponent will not be Majin Buu, right?"

Seeing everyone's curious eyes, Sun Wukong slowly explained.

"That's the case, but you misunderstood that my opponent is not him

" "Isn't it?"

"He doesn't deserve it"


End of this chapter

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