"What shit has never heard

of it" Raditz didn't expect this old man to be so shameless, and actually wanted to be a white whore

, "If you don't agree, I have to continue to seal you back, oh, by the way, now this realm is my territory, if you want to continue to stay here, you have to pay for accommodation

" "What do you mean?"

The old man looked at Raditz blankly, not understanding what he meant by this.

"This Lord of the Realm King God has already given me this planet as a reward for defeating the demon Buu, so you are now on my territory

" "What

" Hearing this, the face of the old King God of the Realm suddenly turned red with anger, and he couldn't help but reprimand

the King God of the Realm: "Unfilial descendants, unfilial descendants"

The Realm King God on the side could only lower his head and be scolded like a child, and it was difficult to return the favor.

At this time, Sun Wukong suddenly leaned into the ear

of the old realm king god, and muttered in a low voice: "In this way, if you help us develop our potential, we will give you a little H book

, how about" Sun Wuhan next to him turned red after hearing this, and pulled Sun Wukong over, and said embarrassedly:

"Dad, how can you say such words, it's really rude, how can the king god of the human realm look at that kind of thing."

"I don't agree,"

at this time, the Old Realm King God suddenly said towards Sun Wukong with a serious face.

"Look, I'll just say" "

I can watch beautiful women take a bath with my own eyes, and I don't need that kind of book."

Sun Wuhan was completely speechless at this time, but he didn't expect that the old realm king god was actually this kind of person, and even Jebit and the realm king god next to him couldn't wait to find a hole to drill into.

"So what if I could find you a real beauty to touch it?"

At this time, Sun Wukong naturally enlarged the scale without mercy, and this sentence also completely evoked the little locust in the heart of the old world king god

"In this way, then I consider considering

" Raditz looked at Sun Wukong's harmless appearance, but he didn't expect that this guy actually had so much care, stepped forward and put his arm around his shoulders, and then said seriously: "It's

really worthy of being my good brother, and my heart is broad, In order to let everyone improve their strength, they actually contributed their wives.

Sun Wukong immediately retorted when he heard this

, "Kiki will definitely not be able to do it, he will actually kill me

" "Brother, it's better than

" However, before Sun Wukong's words were finished, Raditz's hand suddenly exerted force, and Goku only felt that his shoulder was about to be crushed, looking at Raditz's murderous eyes, he quickly changed his words,

"How about Gohan's new girlfriend."

"Dad, what are you talking nonsense, why don't you let your wife go"

Son Gohan blurted out in excitement, and after realizing that he had said the wrong thing, he quickly explained clearly.

"Anyway, it

just can't work" "Since in this case, only Bulma is left, I just don't know if Vegeta can agree"

In the end, Sun Wukong unsurprisingly pointed the finger at Vegeta, and the helpless two gave Bulma's photo to the old world king god with a guilty heart for Vegeta, and he finally agreed.

"In that case, I will reluctantly agree, which of you will come first,"

the Old Realm King God coughed, shook his face and immediately became serious again, and asked everyone.

"Then I'll come first,"

Raditz said unceremoniously.

"Okay, come here, sit in front of me."

The Old Realm King God nodded and waved at Raditz.

Raditz followed the steps of the Old Realm King God step by step, and saw the other party gently stroke the back of Raditz's head.

"Oh? This guy's body is not simple. The

eyes of the Old Realm King God looking at Raditz suddenly became horrified, and he saw tiny golden silk threads flowing in every part of Raditz's body, and the strength of his whole body rose sharply under his drive.

"What a terrible potential"

The old world king god whispered a sentence towards Raditz, who was closing his eyes and recuperating his spirit, this guy already had such a great power, but he didn't expect that the potential was so terrifying, he couldn't imagine how strong his potential would be after it was developed. The most terrifying thing was that this guy's body was too strange to be owned by a mortal at all, and he could be sure that this was definitely not just an ordinary Saiyan.

Time passed minute by minute, Raditz's strength was being excavated little by little with the help of the old realm king god, and a red light appeared around him, and then quickly disappeared.

"What is that just on Mr. Raditz's body, I seem to feel a breath that makes people feel deep fear"

The Realm King God was really frightened by the sudden appearance of Raditz, and his whole body was shivering coldly, although it was only for a second.

"Yes, how come I don't feel anything"

Sun Wukong looked at Raditz a little blankly, and he felt that the other party was still the same from beginning to end, and there was no change.

"Yes, Lord Realm King God, you won't feel wrong, I didn't notice anything,"

Sun Gohan also said at this time.

"No, I definitely didn't feel wrong, that was absolutely..."

"Shut up, give me quiet, don't disturb me"

Before the Realm King God finished speaking, the Old Realm King God viciously reprimanded the other party, his eyes showed a warning meaning, so frightened that the Realm King God quickly closed his mouth and stopped speaking.

At this time, the old realm king god was also horrified in his heart, and the cold sweat on his forehead could not stop flowing down, and in the eyes of others, he thought that the development potential had been consumed, but only he knew what he had just experienced!

Just when he was awakening his potential for Raditz, he always felt that there was something special about his body, so he borrowed his divine power and some special methods to try to pull it, but he didn't expect to outline an aura similar to the legendary ancient god, which scared him to quickly stop the movement in his hand.

"I must have felt wrong, this is just an ancient legend, so ancient that only five people in the entire God Realm know, and he is one of them."

The Old Realm King God quickly dispelled the thought in his mind and pretended to yawn to hide his nervousness and unease.

Retracted his gaze that continued to pry deeply, and then concentrated on developing power for it, but with a long period of mining, the other party's body seemed to be like a bottomless pit that could not be stopped at all, but after what happened just now, the old world king god no longer felt that there was anything strange, he only felt that there were too many secrets on Raditz, and he did not dare to continue to increase his endless strength, so he had to do it in advance.

As the old realm king god's body suddenly lay on the ground

weakly, he said to him weakly, "Okay"


End of this chapter

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