Everyone did not expect that the proud Vegeta could actually say such affectionate words, it seems that his personality is slowly changing bit by bit on earth. He is no longer the Saiyan who only knows how to kill and fight, but a good man who knows feelings and cares for his family.

With the elimination of Majin Buu, everyone returned to the peaceful era of the past, and each lived the life they once had. Three days later, Sun Wuhan successfully returned to Earth with his potential stimulated, but his strong strength did not arouse a strong heart to continue learning martial arts, and after accompanying Sun Wukong to cultivate for a period of time, he resolutely re-devoted himself on the path of scholars.

Monkey King, who originally had Gohan as a sparring partner at home, gradually became bored at this time, and he wanted to become stronger than Raditz, but he couldn't force Gohan's thoughts, so he had to say goodbye to his family and go to the place of the King of the Northern Realm to practice.

Vic was still the same as before, and indifferently, he began his path of solitary cultivation. As for Klin and the others, they gave up martial arts in cultivation and began to live a life like people, eating five to nine or three seasons. Only Tianjin Rice, after being taught by the turtle immortals, has never lost a single martial arts discipline, and he has embarked on a path of martial arts research after his strength has slowly improved.

The proud Vegeta also understood the gap between himself and Raditz, Sun Wukong and others after experiencing the lessons of Majin Buu, and began to practice harder, but he did not have the arrogance of his early years, probably because of his family, every time his strength improved, he would try to challenge Raditz, but unsurprisingly he failed miserably, and since then Raditz has also become an insurmountable mountain in his heart, and he is the target of his own efforts.

Back in their warm home, Raditz and No. 18 live a peaceful and down-to-earth life again, although the two already have a son and daughter, and are no longer young. But with Raditz's strong physical fitness and No. 18's body that never feels tired, the two will always live that kind of happy life without shame and irritability.

Located on a small island isolated from nature, in a huge courtyard full of warmth, Raditz lies quietly in it and enjoys the sunbathing, and in his arms lies a beautiful woman with golden hair, and there is a loud noise in the sky.

"These two troublemakers went to fight with Xiaojin again"

No. 18 shook his head helplessly, these two little guys really deserve to be the descendants of Saiyans, they have such a powerful destructive power at a young age, and fortunately there are no people here where they live.

"If they like it, let them play,"

Raditz said with a spoiled look on his face, as long as it made these two little guys happy, Raditz felt that it was nothing, and they were much more sensible than he thought.

"Why haven't you been cultivating recently, but I heard Bulma say that Sun Wukong and Vegeta have been cultivating assiduously, aren't you afraid that they will surpass you?"

Raditz heard No. 18's words and smiled noncommittally

and said: "Aren't we fighting every day

" No. 18 has long been accustomed to the provocation of Wulatiz, helplessly gave him a blank look

, and said a "old and unorthodox sentence

" Raditz also scratched his scalp awkwardly, holding the charming No. 18 in his arms, and said gently:

"I have never given up cultivation, Because I know that I will have stronger opponents in the future, I want to have the ability to protect you all the time.

"I've been trying to see if I can completely merge the two energies mentioned by the Old Realm King God into one, and although I've been failing, I already clearly feel a slight loosening, so I plan to go to retreat for a while."

Hearing this, No. 18 nodded, he never interfered with the decisions made by Raditz, she has always been silently the woman behind Raditz, she can appear when he needs it, and she is the first to support any decision he makes.

Raditz's heart is also very clear about this, so No. 18's place in his heart is becoming more and more important, and he vows to protect this woman and protect his family, and all this must have enough strength.

"Where are you going to go for the retreat, will it take a long time,"

Raditz gently stroked her mother's golden hair, pecked lightly on her beautiful face, and said in a gentle tone:

"Although I already have a feeling, it will not be so easy to really complete, maybe it will take a long time." So I'm going to go to the Spirit Time House so I don't have to wait too long.

No. 18 showed a resolute look, and said with a smile:

"I know, that place is about to become your back garden" "

Do whatever you want, I will always support your decision, just during this time I will take Xiao Ye and Xiao Linger to the Western Capital, in a few days it will be Bulma's birthday, she has invited me many times, then I will take them to go in advance."

Saying that, No. 18 glanced at Raditz affectionately, smiled slightly, and stood up. Staring at the three people who were fighting not far away, he slowly spoke:

"Xiao Ye, Ling'er, you two don't play, you haven't gone out for a long time, today Aunt Bulma invited us to the Western Capital, you go and prepare."

"Okay, okay,"

hearing No. 18's words, the two little divine beasts stopped their movements in their hands and came to No. 18's side. Three times five divided by two, he will clean himself up, "

Dad, mom, let's

go", "Dad doesn't go today, just mom will take you" "

Why, why doesn't dad go."

Xiao Linger, who didn't know why, pouted and asked a little unhappy.

"Little Linger, dad has something very important, Dad will go to you in a few days, and bring you gifts when the time comes, okay."

Hearing that there was a sudden flash of light in Xiao Ye's eyes, he stepped forward and pulled Xiao Linger, who was holding Raditz tightly, and comforted,

"Sister, you have to be sensible, Dad must have very important things to be busy with, you don't cry anymore, delay me to receive

the gift" Xiao Linger stuck out her tongue at him a little angrily, and said impatiently

, "Gift, gift you know the gift, I ignore you, hum"

After a small fight, No. 18 left the island with Xiao Ye and Xiao Linger, looking at their distant backs, and under the bathing of sunlight, it brought an inexplicable feeling to Raditz's heart, I don't know why tears appeared unconsciously in her eyes. Maybe he has such a sensible wife, two such lovely children, such a warm family, even a brief separation makes him feel a little reluctant.


Raditz suddenly shouted towards the departing number 18 ahead.

"What's wrong,"

turned back to No. 18, glanced at Raditz and asked gently.

"There is a sentence I haven't said because I want you to experience it yourself, but I want to say it now

" "I love you"

Hearing Raditz's farewell, No. 18 had a moving smile on his face, and the smile under the sun was so warm and beautiful. Even angels coming are not as good as her.

"I love

you too" and "Daddy, we love you too"

The simplest words often hide the deepest emotions, and some words are enough.

"I'll go find you guys when I'm done

" "Good" x3

looked at the background of the three people going away, Raditz's rosy eyes showed a happy smile, and said to Xiao Jin on the side:

"Xiao Jin, I'm very happy today"


End of this chapter

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