"No, no, I really can't predict his name, but I know he's a Saiyan"

Hearing this, Beerus suddenly felt a little bored, now Saiyans are a group of virtues, he knows best, suddenly thought about it, and said with some resentment

: "I remember that I seemed to have hinted that Frieza would destroy them, and he actually dared to disobey his orders."

"Frieza the Lord of Beerus has indeed destroyed planet Vegeta, but it seems that some of the remaining Saiyans have survived."

Weiss suddenly explained to Beerus.


"Then where

are the remaining Saiyans now" Beerus stretched out and asked Weis

, "Most of the surviving Saiyans are concentrated in the green planet 877 of 4302, which is a planet called Earth"

Weiss took out his scepter, and the expression of Earth appeared on it, and then told Beerus its specific location.

"Earth, such a familiar name, I remember that I seem to have been there once before, the guy named dinosaur is so rude, I destroyed them

by the way" "But Lord Beerus, now there is also a Saiyan named Sun Wukong who defeated Frieza is cultivating in the Northern Realm King God Star

" "What, defeat Frieza"

Beerus was also startled for a while when he heard this sentence, of course, he was not shocked by the strength of the other party, I just didn't expect that a small Saiyan would actually stand up now.

"Specifically, a Saiyan named Raditz was killed, not only that, but this man also defeated his brother and father, who were more powerful than Frieza, and the strength is very good, I think he is very likely to become your opponent

" "Oh, Raditz? It's a little interesting, where

is he now" At this time, I heard the introduction of Weis, Beerus was also interested in this Saiyan named Raditz

"Back to Lord Beerus, this person also lives on Earth now, he is the brother called Sun Wukong, but he seems to be in a strange alien space cultivation

now" "Earth, okay, then I'll leave now, how long will it take to get to Earth from here, Just to find out about the Super Saiyan God and that Saiyan. "

I do the math," Weiss said with a smile

, "It will take about thirty minutes"

"Thirty minutes, such a long time"

Beerus became a little unhappy for a while, and suddenly hesitated.

"We can also go to the Northern Realm King Xing first to see the Saiyan named Sun Wukong, maybe he knows the news about the Super Saiyan God."

"The time to go to the Northern King Star only takes twenty-three minutes and forty-four seconds

" Beerus thought for a while, and nodded helplessly

"Hmph, actually delayed me for so long, if this trip makes me a little dissatisfied, but it will have to pay a price

" "In that case, then let's go"

Weiss always maintained his warm smile, said

Beerus nodded, Then he came behind Weiss and grabbed his thin waist.

Then the two turned into a white streamer and disappeared into the God of Destruction Realm.


At this time, Sun Wukong was cultivating the Northern Realm King, so that the Northern Realm King could guide him whether there was a way to suddenly Super Saiyan Three to gain more powerful power, and he now had only one purpose, that is, to surpass his brother Raditz.

In the face of Sun Wukong's request, the King of the Northern Realm really had no choice, but the other party's appearance of not giving up without guiding him to cultivate was really a little difficult, and in desperation, he could only use the method left by Raditz to train him here.

"What's wrong Goku, why did it stop suddenly"

Seeing that Sun Wukong, who was training, suddenly stopped the movement in his hand, the King of the Northern Realm only felt a little strange, so he asked.

"That Lord of the Realm, my stomach is so hungry, do you have anything to eat,"

Sun Wukong covered his gurgling stomach and asked the Northern Realm King with an innocent face.

"If you are hungry, go home and eat, my food here has long been eaten by you."

Hearing Sun Wukong's words, the King of the Northern Realm covered his head, since this guy came here, the food he had hoarded for many years had been consumed in just one month, and he said to Sun Wukong with some anger.

"Don't be like this, I saw you hide a bunch of good food two days ago, do you want to eat alone"

Hearing Sun Wukong's words, the Northern Realm King just wanted to say something, but saw that the other party had run to the house where he hid the food, and the Northern Realm King quickly followed.

Walking into the room, I only saw that Sun Wukong, who was looking around for food in the room on the four walls of the family, and the King of the Northern Realm also breathed a sigh of relief at this time, and said,

"Look, I don't have any food here at all

" "Is it?" Shouldn't be,"

Sun Wukong said suspiciously, as his stomach rumbled, he sniffed hard with his nose, and suddenly a joyful smile appeared on his face, and said excitedly:


Then Sun Wukong ran to an antique table, and then raised his hands to see that the table was lifted by Sun Wukong with the ground, and then a large number of sealed jars appeared in front of Sun Wukong.

"Wipe, you belong to the dog's nose, you can find this" The Realm King God closed his mouth in surprise

, and said Sun Wukong reached out to open the jar in front of him, and a smell of food floated into Sun Wukong's nose, unceremoniously he directly reached out to grab the food and ate it, while eating and saying

"Lord Realm King God, you are too uninteresting, you actually secretly hide so many delicious

things" "

Delicious, It was so delicious.

"It's too much, don't treat yourself as an outsider at all, really think that this is your home, you two brothers are simply more than one excessive, I can count as owing you in my last life."

The enraged King of the Northern Realm was about to continue to reprimand Sun Wukong, when suddenly his body trembled violently, the tentacles on his head sent out ripples, and an uneasy feeling surged into his heart.

He quickly checked it and found that the God of Destruction was moving towards here at a very fast speed, and he was scared and sat down directly on the ground

, "Why did that guy wake up suddenly

" At this time, Sun Wukong picked up the food in his hand, and walked over while eating, seeing the scared appearance of the King of the Northern Realm, he said with a dumbfounded

face: "What's the matter, Lord King of the Realm, why are you afraid of being like this, is someone bullying you, do you need me to warn him."

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