Hearing Sun Wukong's unashamed tone before, he thought that he could show how much skill, but it turned out to be just that, and the disdainful expression on his face was fully displayed.

"Damn, actually dare to underestimate me"

Sun Wukong saw Beerus's arrogant appearance, he was still a little confident in his super three strength, even Raditz did not dare to be so careless, but the other party obviously did not put himself in the eyes, and attacked angrily.

"Look at the move"

with Goku's figure instantly disappeared in place, directly used all his strength to attack Beerus, without the slightest intention of mercy, but what he didn't expect was that the other party actually blocked all his strength with just a slight raise of his hand.

Before Sun Wukong was surprised, Beerus then grabbed Sun Wu's hand and threw it the ground, and then the sandbag-sized fist hit his stomach, and the power smashed the ground through Sun Wukong's body to pieces, and Goku also changed back to his original normal appearance because he could not withstand such a huge force.

"Hmph, you must always remember your fear of God, but I am afraid that you will not have a chance in this life"

Beerus stretched out his finger, and a purple point of light aimed at Sun Wukong's head, and said gloomyly.

The King of the Northern Realm saw that Beerus actually used destructive energy, it seemed that the other party was really angry, but he couldn't stop the other party by himself, and suddenly he moved wisely and said

, "Lord Beerus's subordinates show mercy, maybe I know the news of the Super Saiyan God

" "Oh?"

Beerus, who heard this, also stopped the movement in his hand, set his eyes on the Northern Realm King, and said,

"You'd better not lie to me, otherwise your slap-sized planet won't be saved."

"How dare you, that's right. Monkey King is just a Saiyan who grew up on Earth, and it's normal that he hasn't heard of the Super Saiyan God. But now that Vegeta is on Earth, he is the prince of the Saiyans and may know about this.

Beerus shook his head, thought about it, felt that he said something reasonable, and then said to Weiss on the side

, "Then let's go to Earth

" "Okay, Lord Beerus

" "But before I go, I still want to destroy this guy who disrespects God"

The King of the Northern Realm, who was already secretly relieved, saw that Beerus still refused to let go of Sun Wukong, and he was a little at a loss for a while


" "You dare to stop me"

Beerus saw the Northern Realm King stop himself again and again, and he couldn't help but be a little irritated, showing fierce eyes, and suddenly stared at the Northern Realm King.

Although the King of the Northern Realm was a little afraid in his heart, he and Sun Wukong had some feelings for so long, and he didn't want Wukong to disappear in this world, so he stammered:

"That Monkey King's brother Raditz is a very powerful guy, maybe he is the god of the Saiyan, you better kill him after you are sure, put his dog's head on the neck first, and then come and fetch it when you are unhappy"

Weiss on the side saw that the King of the Northern Realm desperately wanted to protect Sun Wukong, and couldn't help but have some interest in him, and Beerus was not the first time to hear the name Raditz, so he looked at Weiss next to him

"Lord Beerus Raditz is likely to be the one who can fight with you"

Seeing the North Realm King's pug-like intercession, Beerus had no desire to kill Monkey King again, He had already thought that if he didn't find the Saiyan or Super Saiyan god he was looking for when he came to Earth, he would destroy the Earth, and then come here and destroy the Realm King again.

"Weiss, let's go

" Seeing Beerus and Weiss preparing to leave, the King of the Northern Realm also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly a voice sounded in his ears, it was Weiss's voice

"The King of the Northern Realm, this trick is doing a good job" Hearing this, the King of the Northern Realm

could only sigh helplessly, just now in an emergency, in order to save Goku, there is really no way, I hope Vegeta and Raditz can deal with it.

With Beerus and Weiss leaving, Sun Wukong, who was lying on the ground, breathed a sigh of relief,

"Gotta... Saved, this guy is really powerful

" "Wukong, are you okay"

The King of the Northern Realm also hurriedly stepped forward to check Sun Wukong's injuries at this time, and greeted with some concern

: "I'm okay, Lord King of the Realm, thank you for what happened just now." But he is going to Earth now, my brother can't be his opponent, I want to hurry over and definitely can't let him destroy the Earth"

Sun Wukong covered his chest and stood up with difficulty, but he had not fallen to the ground in two steps, and he could see how badly traumatized he had received.



At this time, Bulma was holding her birthday party on a huge cruise ship, and Vegeta was quietly staying beside Bulma, and Bulma was chopping her feet vigorously at this time and said angrily:

"Abominable Monkey King and Raditz, even dare to be late for my birthday banquet, see how I clean them

up" "Mr. Vegeta, Mr. Vegeta" suddenly a voice sounded in Vegeta's

mind, Vegeta subconsciously asked

: "Who are you" Beside Bulma still thought that Vegeta was talking to herself, and gave him a blank look

: "Who do you say I am, don't you even know my wife",

"Bulma, I have something to leave first

" "You go there"


Vegeta did not pay attention to Bulma, but ran alone at a rapid speed.

"Damn it, you dare to ignore me

" "Sure enough, the Saiyans don't have a good thing

" Vegeta, who came to the side, showed a terrified expression on his face at this time, and said with a little hesitation,

"What do you say, the god of destruction Beerus is coming to Earth?"

Through the King of the Northern Realm telling Vegeta about what happened on the King of the Realm, Vegeta also completely recalled that there is still a terrifying existence in the universe, that is, the god of destruction Beerus.

"You listen to Vegeta, you now hurry up and collect the Dragon Balls and ask about the Super Saiyan God, and let Raditz hide and not show up for the time being."

Vegeta clenched his fists, looked at Trunks, who was chasing and fighting in the distance, and the beautiful Bulma who was dressed like a queen today, and secretly decided in his heart,

"I will definitely not let Beerus destroy the earth"


End of this chapter

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