With Beerus's inquiry, the sky suddenly became quiet, Beerus's face was full of black lines, embarrassed as if a few crows flew over his head, and shouted angrily at this guy who ignored him:

"Hey, are you guys polite, didn't you hear me talking to you?"

However, even when he saw that Xiao Jin, who had already made Beerus anxious, still ignored him, looked at him and then turned his head, looking at Beerus like a fool. And Raditz and Buu next to them covered their mouths and secretly laughed, and Buu muttered quietly on the side:

"I want to communicate with the boss, I'm angry with you."

That's right, in the long time of getting along in the spiritual time house, Majin Buu has gradually had some sex and feelings, and Xiaojin has far surpassed Majin Buu in terms of strength and spirit, after a period of love, Majin Buu was also cleaned up by Xiaojin, and now Raditz has become his master. And Xiao Jin became his boss.

Xiao Jin's indifference also annoyed Beerus, and a strong killing intent flashed in his eyes

: "No matter where you are a god, you should know the respect for the God of Destruction, now I see that you are very unhappy, I want to destroy you."

In the face of Beerus's threat, Xiao Jin did not hesitate at all, and immediately prepared to strike, but Buu on the side suddenly stepped forward to stop Xiao Jin, patted his chest and said confidently

: "Boss, what is the use of dealing with this kind of goods, just leave it to me

" Then without waiting for Xiao Jin's consent, the demon Buu had already come to Beerus, with a strange smile on his face, and he couldn't help but think in his heart: "His grandmother's, in the spirit time house, is either the boss or the master." , Every day I only get beaten, and now I finally come out and I want to beat people to play.

However, he didn't know the height of the sky, but he didn't know how powerful Beerus was, and in his mind, he always thought that in this world, Raditz was the first little gold and the second of his third old, and he mocked Beerus unceremoniously:

"Hey, silly cat, look at you thin and haven't eaten, and you still look like you are beaten"

Hearing Majin Buu's words, Beerus's face was instantly gloomy to the extreme, and the eyes full of killing intent almost tore Majin Buu to pieces, Gritting his teeth, he said word

by word, "You ~ just ~ just ~ called ~ me ~ what ~ what

" and the naïve Majin Buu thought that his ears were a little bad, waved his hand, and repeated again helplessly

: "Wild cat, you don't eat, how can your ears not be good

" "Ah"

Beerus has been completely irritated by the words of Majin Buu at this time, and he has not suffered such a big grievance when he is so big.

The few people on the cruise ship who were watching through the Vis crystal ball at this time were almost frightened and fainted, and it took a lot of effort to finally calm Beerus down, but they didn't expect that such a tiger guy popped out of nowhere, and it looked exactly like the beaten demon Buu.

"This fat gentleman is also Raditz's servant, he seems to be very brave, Lord Beerus is estimated to be really going to be blown up this time."

Weiss next to him covered his mouth and snickered, and said with interest, although Beerus is his brother and brother, but it is also fun to see him ugly occasionally.

"I ~ tear ~ you ~ into ~ broken ~ pieces"

Beerus in the sky has been the demon Buu to the extreme, the whole body full of destruction breath is no longer concealed, as if the end of the day is as terrifying, lying on the ground Sun Wukong saw Beerus like this in his heart could not help but have some fear, if he had fought with Beerus like this, I am afraid that he had died I don't know how many times.

"Buu, this guy is not simple, you quickly retreat"

Xiao Jin also noticed that Beerus was not simple at this time, after getting along with the demon Buu for so long, the two already had some feelings, he didn't want the other party to die in vain.

"Boss, don't worry, this guy can be handed over to me to deal with, master, you can see me show my might, see how I beat him, his own mother doesn't know him, rest assured that you will definitely not lose me this slave."

And the demon Buu, who could not feel the breath of God at all, did not care at all at this time, facing the other party's momentum only thought that it was bluffing, he had absolute confidence in his strength. So regardless of Xiao Jin's obstruction, he rushed up without hesitation, and did not forget to blow a bull to Raditz before leaving.

"Who cultivated this shameful thing, we two this handsome and cold Fan fool has not learned anything at all."

Looking at the stupid demon Buolatiz, he covered his head and complained helplessly to Xiao Jin on the side.

"Alas, the master is his own child after all, the tiger will be ordered, when the time comes, I hope you will save him, and let him suffer a little by the way."


At this time, the Realm King God Realm

, who thought that Majin Buu had been destroyed, also put down his guard for many years and began to enjoy life happily. The Realm King God was now lying quietly on the grass with his eyes closed. And the old realm king god on the side sat cross-kneeled, his eyes looking into the distance, the saliva in his mouth flowed out drop by drop, and his mouth kept chanting

, "Take it off, take it off quickly, and there is one last thing."


The realm king god who had originally closed his eyes and raised his gods suddenly burst into laughter, just bumping into the old realm king god who was studying biology courses, interrupting the best scene of his life.

"What are you doing with this unworthy descendant

" The old realm king god stood up and shouted angrily at Xin (the realm king god), but seeing the other party's serious look, he also became quiet

, "What happened

" "Old ancestor, you feel it carefully"

suddenly a terrifying aura is growing at an extremely fast speed, and has even spread to the realm king god star, Slowly, this familiar feeling made the hearts of the Realm King God and the Old Realm King God shrouded a layer of unease.

"This is the breath of Majin Buu, can't be wrong, but isn't this guy already killed by Mr. Raditz? How could it be, it has become so powerful now,"

the Realm King God clenched his fists, his brows became tightly furrowed, his eyes were full of shock, and he said with some fear and resentment.

"You give me quiet, are you scared stupid by Majin Buu, don't you feel that there is a more terrifying existence next to him

" The old realm king god naturally felt the breath of Majin Buu at this time, but he was more afraid of another

"God of Destruction, the guy who sealed himself in Beerus"

than this............

End of this chapter

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