"Find death"

Frieza glared angrily at Xiao Jin, and the terrifying momentum around her quickly spread.

"Dare to call King Ben garbage

" "Frieza" At this time, Vegeta shouted, interrupting Frieza's movements, and then Vegeta gave the other party an international gesture, his eyes were full of contempt, and said,

"Your opponent is me

" "


"It turned out to be Vegeta, I haven't seen it for a long time,"

Frieza laughed indifferently.

"I didn't expect that you were actually on Earth, King Ben gave you a chance now, if you are willing to return to me, I can let you go this time

" "Hmph

" Vegeta snorted coldly, his eyes said coldly

, "You should be glad that you didn't hurt Bulma just now, otherwise you would be a corpse now"

After hearing this, Frieza's eyes glanced briefly at Bulma behind Vegeta, and said with a smile

"It turns out that this young lady is Vegeta's wife, it was really rude just

now, just a little mercy, but it's okay, I can kill you again

" Hearing Frieza's words, Vegeta frowned, Bulma is his bottom line, no one can be hurt and insulted, now his eyes are full of killing intent, coldly said

"looking for death"

Seeing that Frieza was still complacent, Beria was already angry, After directly transforming into Super Saiyan II, he rushed up.

The momentum around the body was like a tide, and the dust was also flooded in all directions because of Vegeta's impact, and then Vegeta came to Frieza's side at a thunderous speed, and then punched the other party's stomach, and Frieza, who was caught off guard, screamed in pain, and the whole person retreated tens of meters before seeing and stabilizing his figure.

Frieza's face became extremely ugly at this time, his eyes revealed an incredible look, he never thought that Vegeta had actually become so powerful, wiped the blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, and smiled coldly

, "I didn't expect you to actually become a Super Saiyan, since that's the case, I won't be careless this time, I will directly use my ultimate..."


did not wait for Frieza to finish Vegeta came to the other party again, Here comes a hard thump!

Frieza covered her stomach in pain, so painful that her eyes were about to fall out, and said viciously:


" Vegeta glanced at the other party coldly, "

Do you think I will give you the opportunity to transform like that idiot of Kakarot?"


" "Frieza, you are destined to die in the hands of Laozi

Vegeta today" said, Vegeta rushed forward again without giving the other party a chance to react, and Frieza did not dare to be careless when he saw this, and used his energy to fight.

However, how could the original form of Frieza be the opponent of Super Saiyan Erhe Vegeta, and the battle soon turned into a one-sided killing.


" Vegeta's fist hit Frieza's body again, at this time, Frieza's lying on the ground gritted his teeth and said

, "Vegeta, you bastard, you have the ability to make King Ben transform

" "Hmph, you don't have this opportunity

" Vegeta sneered, but he couldn't help but wrinkle

"Frieza, this guy, it's really enough to resist beating"

Frieza's eyes were full of anger, and said

, "You forced me

" "Sun Fist"

With Frieza's shout, Vegeta, who realized that something was wrong, quickly covered his eyes, and suddenly the dazzling sunlight shone on the earth.

Frieza took this opportunity to quickly transform into his ultimate form, and as the light disappeared, a lizard-shaped Frieza with a white body appeared in front of everyone's eyes, and the injuries on his body also recovered with the transformation.

"Damn, I didn't expect that this guy Frieza also learned the Sun Fist, and the result was that he was able to transform successfully"

Klin clenched his fists and said in a deep voice.

"Vegeta, it's only now that the game really begins"

Frieza stretched out his arms, and his whole body flew into the air, his eyes filled with that confident expression.

"Che, do you think I won't be able to clean you up if you transform,"

Vegeta said indifferently, and then the momentum around him skyrocketed again, reaching the stage unique to his Super Saiyan II, and his strongest strength in this state.

Frieza snorted coldly, looking at Vegeta's unhappy for no reason, and said coldly: "Vegeta

, you are really stupid, you actually appeared in front of me again

hehe, after four months of hard cultivation after my resurrection this time, my strength has reached a point that I can't even imagine"

"Do you think I haven't practiced for so many years?" Let you see my current strength"

Vegeta said without care, and then the momentum on his body instantly emanated, and the surrounding space became distorted because of the power at this time, and Vegeta's whole body was in thunder, as if a god of war was under mortals.

"So strong

" felt Vegeta's breath, and everyone was also overjoyed

, "I didn't expect

Vegeta's strength to reach this point" Tianjin Fan said with some surprise

, "Yes, the breath has even surpassed

Frieza" Vegeta showed a confident smile on his face, his figure moved quickly, and the golden light flashed and came to Frieza's side. The huge fist was like a cannonball, smashing heavily on Frieza's waist.

With a loud bang, Frieza's entire body fell heavily directly from the air, and with Frieza's landing, the entire earth also trembled slightly under the strong impact, stirring up a large area of sand and dust.

"Frieza, do you have this bit of strength,"

Vegeta said confidently as he stood in the air. A bright light flashed between his eyes, and there was no wave on his face.

Frieza, who fell to the ground, suddenly laughed at this time, his figure slowly floated from the pit, and mocked Vegeta wantonly:

"Haha, Vegeta, you do have some progress than before, but do you think that this will bring me down, it's too whimsical."

Vegeta looked at Frieza with some doubt, he didn't know what the hell this guy Frieza was doing, his strength in all aspects had far surpassed the other party, but there was no fear on his face, could it be that Frieza still hid his strength.

Frieza looked up, his eyes were murderous, the cold light of the original prudent person, as if two sharp knives were inserted into the chest

"What the hell is this guy Frieza doing

" Vegeta said with some doubts

"Hahahahaha" "

Vegeta, you should feel honored, you are the first person to see my transformation." Originally, I still wanted to prepare it for Raditz and the Monkey King, but now it's a bit cheap for you,"

Frieza said inexplicably to Vegeta with a solemn look in his eyes.

"What, this guy Frieza can actually transform"

Everyone watching this battle thought that there was no suspense, but they didn't think that Frieza was actually hiding a killing move, and everyone couldn't help but have a trace of fear in their hearts.

"Tremble, earthlings

" "Let's try the hellish horror next"


End of this chapter

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