Frost's face changed, and then he turned around with a hint of cunning on his face, his body bent slightly, and said respectfully: "Lord Xiangpa, the reason why I use the dark weapon is because I want our sixth universe to win too much!" You should be able to understand me, right?

"Shut up! The face of our sixth universe has been lost by you! Xiangpa jumped up from his seat angrily, feeling the disgusted gazes of the surroundings, especially Beerus, and his face looked even more ugly.

Annoyed in my heart!

Immediately, a black-purple energy appeared in Xiangpa's hand, and the energy of destruction made a flash of fear on Frost's face, now he is really afraid, he knows that he has no power to fight back under the energy of destruction, and it is impossible to escape on Xiangpa's hand!

"Lord Xiangpa, I know it's wrong, please..."

"Shut up for me"

Xiangpa, who didn't bother to listen to Frost's explanation at this time, flicked his palm lightly, and the destructive energy flew straight towards the other party like a missile!


When everyone thought that Frost was going to die, they only heard a voice, and the destructive energy flying towards Frost was also ejected in an instant!

"He is now my opponent, I will personally send him down!"

Vegeta's heavy voice reached everyone's ears, and everyone's eyes fell on him at this time!

Xiang Pache snorted, ignoring Vegeta's disrespectful words, after all, it was still beneficial to his side!

"Can the referee now declare the game started?" Vegeta said lightly.

The referee was stunned, and he hurriedly said after reacting: "Than ... Race, start! "

You disgusting creature like Frisha, let Uncle Ben completely purge you today,"

Vegeta said coldly.

"Whoops, it's up to you!"

Frost covered his mouth and sneered.


" "Ha..."

Vegeta snorted coldly, and suddenly his breath erupted, and the next moment the familiar golden light flashed again, turning into a Super Saiyan!

"You... You... Can it even be?

Frost's eyes widened and he said in disbelief.

"Go and die, trash!"

Vegeta cursed angrily, kicked his feet hard in the ring, and rushed towards Frost!

The strong momentum made Frost's face couldn't help but become distorted, trembling and holding the hand in his hand, and greeted the rushing Vegeta.


At the moment when the two collided with each other, Frost's face changed, and his body seemed to have received the impact of a mountain, and he was violently knocked out!

Vegeta did not give Frost the opportunity to land, and at the moment the other party flew out, he had already come behind him, his knee kicked fiercely on the vertebrae of

Frost's back "Ah"

Frost screamed in pain, his body flew into the air at a speed of 100 meters, and then the overwhelming momentum surrounded him together

, and the brilliant

golden energy light wave sounded with Vegeta's voice, Explode in the sky like a missile!

"Cough, cough..."

In the blurred sight of everyone, Frost fell out of the smoke fiercely, fell to the ground in embarrassment, his hideous face suddenly became distorted, and his body was severely traumatized!

I saw that Vegeta slowly walked to Frost, gently raised his right foot, stepped on the other party's head fiercely, and an indifferent voice sounded:

"You kind of trash has no qualifications to let Uncle Ben do it, now you can get out!"


Frost gritted his teeth and roared, although he wanted to resist at this time, but now he didn't even have the strength to stand up.

", trash!"

Vegeta scolded, then kicked him in the waist, and then Frost flew out of the ring in a parabolic state.

At the moment when Frost landed, Vegeta hit him again with an air wave, and Frost, who was injured and injured, directly lost consciousness.

Vegeta's indifferent gaze swept around everyone in the sixth universe, making several players unhappy at the same time, although Frost is indeed not a thing, but there is no need to be so ruthless, right?

If you lose, you have to make up for it!

Do the two of them have a feud?

"The game is over! Seventh Universe Vegeta player wins! The referee's voice rang out.

"Damn it, Frost this waste! Hey, Bardos, didn't you say that these people are the elite of the sixth universe? Why is there not a single one that can fight? Xiangpa gritted his teeth and asked angrily.

Hearing this, Bardos covered his small mouth and said with some grievances:

"Lord Xiangpa, I can't be blamed for this, and this seventh universe player is indeed a little abnormal, and it was not as good as this when I investigated decades ago!"

"It seems that the Saiyans are indeed a race that should not be underestimated!"

"Cut! Isn't it a Saiyan? Our sixth universe is not absent. Gabe, you give it to me next!

Xiangpa frowned and said in a deep voice.

"But Lord Elephantpa, it's Mageta's turn..."

said Gabe hesitantly.

Without waiting for Xiangpai to speak, the robot next to Gabe slowly walked out, and then hammered his chest twice, making a thumping sound of metal clashing.

Immediately afterwards, the robot jumped up and landed on the ring in an instant.

Suddenly, the blue light mask in the arena slowly rose at the edge of the ring, and this scene made everyone wonder.

"Hey, what the do you mean by this?" Beerus stood up and cursed angrily at Elephantpa.

"Am I not your fucking mother?"

Xiangpa grinned, touched his nose and said lightly:

"This is my new rule, if anyone touches this energy shield first, it will be considered a loss!"

"Who agrees with this rule?"

Beerus's face suddenly became gloomy.

Xiangpa tilted his head and said without care:

"If you are not convinced, can you compare?"

Hearing this, Beerus's heart was galloping with ten thousand grass and mud horses, and he secretly cursed with his fists clenched

, "Xiangpa, this bastard plays a scoundrel

every time" "Hehe, but Lord Beerus agrees every time!" Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to play it.

Weiss covered his mouth and chuckled twice, and said lightly.


Beerus pouted and didn't speak again!

"Isn't it just adding an extra broken energy shield? If you don't touch it, don't touch it, Uncle Ben can solve him with one hand,"

Vegeta said haughtily in the field.

"Xiangpa, you have added new rules, can I have a few words with Vegeta?"

Raditz's voice reached Xiangpa's ears, and at this time, Xiangpa, who was in a satisfied joy, did not care about the other party's words at all, returned to the audience, and slowly said,

"Whatever you want!"

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