The terrifying aura of the Super Saiyan four lingered in the field, and Hitt, who closed his eyes tightly in the audience, gently opened his eyes, his gaze swept over Vegeta's body, and then smiled faintly and closed his eyes again!

"What the hell is this?"

Xiangpa opened his mouth in surprise, he didn't expect Vegeta to have this wonderful transformation, turned his head to Gabe and asked.

"This... I don't know about that!

Gabe touched his head and replied with some embarrassment!

"Now the game has just begun!"

Beerus chuckled and said lightly.

"Hey, what's your name?" It doesn't matter anymore, hurry up and give me this Saiyan!

Xiangpa yelled at the robots in the field.

Hearing this, the robot felt slightly sad in his heart, but he still obeyed Xiangpa's order, and the hot magma in his mouth burst towards Vegeta again!


Vegeta sneered, and then the aura burst out in an instant, instantly disintegrating the magma that spewed out the other party!

"What! How so," Xiangpa said in disbelief, opening his mouth wide.

"I really can't believe that a Saiyan can actually burst out such a terrifying energy, if you can bring this transformation method back..."

Gabe's expression was a little complicated, and as a Saiyan, he was naturally very hungry for the various transformations of Sun Wukong and Vegeta!

"That's great, Vegeta, this guy looks like he's using all his strength!" Sun Wukong said with a smile.

Raditz next to him looked at the energy emitted by Vegeta and nodded with some satisfaction, now his strength may have surpassed Sun Wukong, it seems that he and Xiaojin have trained his devil for so long really not in vain.

In terms of the effort and dedication of strength, Vegeta this guy is more persistent than anyone, it is a pity, Sun Wukong still has the Realm King Fist as a hole card, and it is still difficult for Vegeta to surpass him thoroughly!

"Hehe, brother, is this your special training for Vegeta for so long? Can you see if you can tell me the method of turning into Super Saiyan Four?

Sun Wukong leaned in front of Raditz and asked a little excitedly.

"Aren't you already able to turn Super Saiyan blue now? Why do you have to learn this,"

Raditz pushed him away and said with some disgust.

"If you don't teach, don't teach, it's so petty..."

In the ring

, Vegeta's whole body was surrounded by golden light, and the terrifying aura continued to condense on his body, and with his loud drink, powerful energy fluctuations spread out in all directions, blowing the protective shield to pieces.

The disappearance of the energy shield caused fresh air to flow in again, and then Vegeta took two breaths and

rushed towards the robot!

"Hmm... Hmm"

also seemed to feel Vegeta's powerful energy, the robot was shocked, and quickly resisted desperately!

However, how could Vegeta under the Super Saiyan be able to withstand someone of this strength?

I saw that Vegeta's figure flashed in front of the robot, and then his clenched fist hit him fiercely, and he couldn't help but curse angrily in his mouth,

"You broken copper and rotten iron... Get out of here for Lao Tzu! "


Hearing Vegeta's self-respecting insults, the robot's eyes suddenly became tearful, and in an instant, he lost the consciousness of resistance and


Vegeta directly punched the machine Shi's face, driven by powerful forces, the robot fell out of the ring with a bang!

"Well done, Vegeta,"

Klingbulma and the others stood up excitedly.

After the victory, Vegeta quickly changed back to the state of likeness, and then quickly came to the audience, took the water cup in Bulma's hand, and gulped it.

"Mr. Vegeta, the opponent's contestant seems to have been injured by you not lightly!"

Weiss covered his mouth and said with a light chuckle.

Vegeta turned his head and saw that the robot was sitting on the ground with tears in his eyes, and everyone from the sixth universe was comforting his wounded heart.

Vegeta only reacted to what Weiss meant by injury, and then pouted and said lightly: "Boring"

After a while, under the urging of Bardos and Weis's divine power, the ring became intact again!

Vegeta nodded, then jumped and came to the ring!


Soon, the next fighter of the sixth universe also came to the ring, and Vegeta glanced at the thin young man in front of him, and his eyes couldn't help but become complicated!

"Good! Now that the contestants are ready, I announce that the game begins! The

referee held up the microphone and said loudly.

Gabe and Vegeta stood opposite each other, neither of them chose to take the lead, and suddenly, Gabe slowly bent down and saluted, and said lightly:

"Sixth Universe Saiyan Gabe, please enlighten!"

Vegeta's brows frowned slightly, feeling very uncomfortable with the other party's politeness, but he didn't say anything more, hooked his finger at him, and said coldly

, "Come on, let me see what the Saiyans of the sixth universe are capable of!"

Hearing this, Gabe's face froze and he immediately guessed a fighting posture, his figure moved quickly, and he rushed towards Vegeta!

At the same time, Vegeta was also ready to fight, looking at Gabe who rushed over, his fists clenched and he greeted him fiercely!


the two punches against each other, and a faint ripple in the air

"It's kind of interesting!"

Vegeta smiled faintly, but he didn't expect that the other party's thin body could burst out with strength that was not weaker than his own.

Immediately, the figures of the two moved again, and the sharp fist shadows intersected with each other, forming a fierce attack.

"This Saiyan is very good! It can actually be on par with Vegeta! Sun Wukong said with admiration.

Everyone around nodded in agreement, looking at the two who were fighting inextricably, and couldn't help but glance at Gabegao!

In the ring, Vegeta and Gabe are not to be outdone, the two of you punch me and kick, the fight is very exciting!

Suddenly, Gabe seized an opportunity to kick Vegeta in the waist while he was not resting!

Vegeta's body flew out upside down in an instant, and as his palm twisted on the ground, he turned quickly and landed on the ground smoothly!

"It's not bad, it's worthy of being a Saiyan..."

Vegeta smiled lightly

, and then prepared for battle again, and a strong momentum broke out again

: "Look at the move, afterburner!"

Seeing this, Gabe was not to be outdone, and the same as above used the qigong cannon, and with the collision of the two energies, a powerful wave of explosive gas swept in the ring!

As the puffs of smoke cleared, the figures of Vegeta and Gabe stood opposite each other again!

Neck and neck!

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