
Gabe was crazy at Vegeta like a madman, but what made everyone feel strange was that Vegeta had been receiving each other's tricks all the time, and it seemed that he had no intention of fighting back!

It doesn't have to be so obvious to release water, don't others think it's your illegitimate child!


Under Gabe's crazy attack, Vegeta's figure fell heavily to the ground, and the ring was also smashed apart by this powerful impact!

Then, Gabe did not relent because of Vegeta's landing, he was still filled with anger at this time, and the next moment rushed to Vegeta again!

Vegeta slowly stood up and watched Gabe's fist blast, but he didn't dodge in the slightest!

The bang

fell with the sound of collision, and a burst of smoke rose in the field, and a moment later, as the smoke cleared, the figures of the two appeared in everyone's sight again.

"Not bad, the children can be taught!"

Vegeta nodded gratifyingly and looked at Gabe calmly.

Hearing this, Gabe's expression was stunned, and at this moment he understood, his figure retreated one after another, looking at his hands in horror, it turned out that he had misunderstood him!

"I... Right... Sorry!

Gabe looked at his hands and said apologetically.

"Messing with things, how can our proud Saiyans apologize? And I wasn't angry with you just now, but you made me very satisfied!

Vegeta said quietly.

"This... Did I do all this?

Gabe looked around at the embarrassed scene and asked in disbelief?

"As long as we Saiyans reach the peak of our anger, we can unleash the potential of our bodies! That is, become a Super Saiyan, and all aspects of your body are up to par, the difference is only anger!

Vegeta explained lightly.

"So you just did that to me, to make me angry?"

At this moment, Gabe suddenly realized, bent down sharply, and said respectfully

, "Thank you, master!"

"Master?" Vegeta frowned, his gaze swept briefly over Gabe's body, and then acquiesced to the title!

"Follow the method I taught you, change into a Super Saiyan again, show me!"

Vegeta said in a commanding tone.


Gabe nodded, then slowly closed his eyes, carefully recalled the scene just now, and the next moment his eyes opened sharply!


a strong aura climbing again, Gabe's body was once again shrouded in golden light, and the next second he turned into a Super Saiyan again.

The golden light emanating from the surroundings and the power increase of the hit made Gabe extremely excited and excited!

"Thank you Master for your guidance!"

Gabe clenched his fists, felt the power of the lifting in his body, his face was delighted, and then bowed to Vegeta again.

Vegeta smiled gratifyingly and nodded faintly!

"It's time for the game to end!"

Vegeta smiled slightly.

"Hehe, master, it's a little difficult for you to defeat me now!"

Gabe said with a smile.

"Oh? Is it?

Vegeta smiled teasingly before he spoke

, "It's really complacent if you have some strength, and now I'll let you recognize reality!"


Vegeta clasped his hands and let out a boom, and the white light swept around his body, and his breath rose to a jaw-dropping level in an instant.

"Huh? How to forget this! Gabe's eyes widened, and his mind instantly woke up from the joy of gaining strength.

"Super Saiyan Four, huh? It's kind of interesting,"

Xiangpa pouted and said lightly.

"Lord Xiangpa, it seems that Gabe is going to lose this time. The Saiyans of the seventh universe really can't imagine with common sense!

Bardos next to him covered his mouth and said softly,

"I don't need you to remind me!"

Xiangpa gave her a blank look and said with some disbelief.

At this time, the silent Hitt of the sixth universe was once again affected by this power, and his eyes couldn't help but look at the Monkey King of the seventh universe, and now he was very interested in these two!

However, when Hitt's gaze fell on Raditz, he couldn't help but frown slightly, because he felt danger on the other party's body.

As if sensing Hitt's gaze, Raditz also looked over, and then smiled at him, but Hitt turned back indifferently and ignored Raditz.

"Boss, that brother of yours is very rude, alas, he actually dares to ignore the master, and really wants to go up and repair him!"

The movements of the two were fully watched by Buu, and he said in an indignant tone.

"Master, do you need me to teach him a lesson?"

Little Jin leaned over to Raditz's side and asked in a low voice.

"Let's watch the game first!"

Raditz said lightly.


Vegeta's match with Gabe continued, but no one noticed that a scarred figure left the match, but Hitt caught this action.

"Abominable Saiyan, let me lose my face!"

Frost dragged his scarred body to a mysterious square, and cursed angrily in his mouth.

He was unwilling, finally got the opportunity to invest in Xiangpa, now it is all yellow, and his identity has been exposed, and he must face himself in the future with endless chasing!

After much deliberation, Frost made a bold decision, that is, to steal all the rewards that Elephant Pa promised them now, looking at the jewelry money piled up in front of him, his mysterious squares, Frost's eyes showed greed!

"Oh, these things are mine, this thing is also mine, see if you can find me in the future!"

Frost greedily touched the mysterious square in front of him and said excitedly.

"This thing is mine, advise you not to touch it"

An indifferent voice suddenly sounded from behind Frost, causing his face to change instantly, and he quickly turned around.

"Yes... It's you, Nozomi... Hitt,"

Frost said in horror.

He still knew Hitt's horror, but in the face of such a desperate temptation, greed had already consumed his sanity!

I saw that Frost roared and rushed towards Hitt desperately

: "These things are mine, no one can rob them with me!" Including you! Hitt

looked at Frost indifferently, and then his body made an extremely slight movement!


Frost was taken aback, and at this time he found that his body could not move.

In the next second, Frost fell to the ground full of holes, his body was constantly shaking on the ground, and his eyes showed an incredible expression, he didn't understand what he had gone through, and fainted in fear!

"You should be glad that you didn't have the value of being killed by me!"

Hitt glanced at the unconscious Frost, picked him up and left the place!

"Hehe, it seems that I don't need to make a move!"

In the hidden corner, Bardos's voice sounded slowly.


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