"Sun Wukong, I have to say that you are really the first person I admire for many years."

Hitt also saw Sun Wukong's physical condition, so he did not shoot directly, but chatted with the other party.

Goku smiled slightly and responded faintly

: "Me too, you are the most powerful person I have ever met besides my brother and Lord Beerus

" Sun Wukong let out a soft breath and asked:

"Hit, you should still have a killer weapon, right?"

Hearing this, Hitt couldn't help but be stunned, and asked with some doubt: "Why did you say that!"

Goku smiled and said his thoughts: "When I was fighting with you just now, I always felt that I was tied up, I should be worried about something!"

"I didn't expect to be seen by you!" Hitt nodded lightly, and continued: "I say killer, accusation is murder!" So in order to avoid killing you, many of my killing moves have never been used!

Goku nodded, then smiled, "I see!"

Then he turned around and said to Xiangpa, who was on the side: "Lord Xiangpa, I want to change some rules, I don't know if I can!" Hearing

Goku's words, everyone couldn't help but be stunned, only Raditz understood that he was acting as a demon again, but could his body continue to fight? Raditz was skeptical.

Xiangpa was also a little puzzled, and asked: "What rules do you want to change!"

Sun Wukong smiled lightly: "I want to cancel the rule that the game cannot kill!" If not, the Hitt guy would never have been able to play his true strength. "

Huh?" Sun Wukong's request immediately amused Xiangpa, he had never seen such a stupid person.

"This... This... Goku is he crazy? How could such a perverted request be made!

Klin stammered in disbelief.

"Did you know him on the first day?"

Raditz gave him a blank look.

"Eh..." Clinton felt a little stuck.

"Monkey King, are you sure you want to do this? Your body shouldn't use much strength now, right? Do you really want to die? Hitt was also stunned by Sun Wukong's decision, and asked suspiciously.


" Sun Wukong laughed loudly, and then said lightly:

"The person who fought you is not me, with my current body, I can't let you use your full strength, but there is one person who can!"

"What do you mean?" Hitt asked suspiciously.

Sun Wukong smiled gently, then slowly turned around, his gaze once again fell to the direction of the sixth universe, and spoke:

"Lord Xiangpa, I admit defeat in this match, but I hope you can let my brother and Hitt have an irregular battle, I don't know what you think!"

"Your brother?"

Xiangpa shook his head, his eyes saw the body of Raditz on the other side, and secretly said in his heart: "It turns out that this guy is not stupid, but if Hitt can kill this nasty guy, it will be great, hehe!"

Thinking of this, Xiangpa nodded and agreed

: "I can promise, but I must let Hitt recover his strength

" "No problem!"

Hearing this, Sun Wukong agreed excitedly.

But I didn't know that at this time, Raditz's face had completely darkened

, it turned out that this stinky boy was digging a hole for himself, and he was really getting beaten more and more!

"Hey! I didn't say yes!

At this time, Beerus's voice suddenly sounded, interrupting the conversation between Sun Wukong and Xiangpa.

Joke, originally this Hitt was tied up and physically exhausted, and his side won a large interest rate, why agree?

"Why don't you agree, this was proposed by your seventh universe yourself?" Xiangpa's brows frowned slightly, and he said with some dissatisfaction.

"Disagree is disagree, can you help me? You kind of bite me?

Beerus gave him a blank look and said lightly.

"Lao Tzu doesn't eat,"

Xiangpa replied.

"What do you say, like Pa, I see that you want to fight again

" "Fight and fight, I'm afraid you won't make it..."

Looking at the two gods of destruction who fought without saying a word, Hitt couldn't help but shake his head helplessly, only feeling that these two were too good to be gods, why were they so naïve!

While Beerus and Xiangpa were arguing, Son Wukong smiled softly, then walked to the edge of the ring and jumped straight down.

"Monkey King, what are you doing?"

Beerus, who reacted, asked a little angrily.

"Lord Beerus, I admit defeat, this guy is too strong." Goku chuckled.

"Haha, Beerus, your players admit defeat, we won this game!"

Xiangpa laughed.

"What are you proud of, we still have three players who haven't played!"

Beerus gave him a blank look and said a little speechlessly.

"No matter how many of you come, it is for nothing to meet Hit, this game is won by our sixth universe, and I will also decide on the earth!"

Xiangpa said coldly.

Beerus ignored Xiangpa, and went straight to Goku's side, asking with a gloomy face: "Give me a reasonable reason, otherwise I will destroy you

" Goku smiled and said, "My body has already reached the limit, if I don't contact the Realm King Fist as soon as possible, I'm afraid I will die."

Then Goku leaned over to Beerus and whispered in his ear, "Lord Beerus, don't you still believe in my brother's strength?" Or do you also have no confidence in yourself and feel that you can't beat Hitt with the god of destruction! "

Che, this god kills him like a dog,"

Beerus said disdainfully.


, Raditz can have a few moves with me no matter what he says, it should be more than enough to deal with him, just do as you say..."

"Great, Lord Beerus, this match must be very exciting!" Sun Wukong said excitedly.

Then, Wukong slowly walked to Hit's side and said lightly: "Hit, you are really strong!" I'll have the chance to fight you again! Hitte

nodded, and then said with a smile: "Sun Wukong, tell the truth!" You are indeed a little different, and I am looking forward to the next time I will compete with you! "

Hehe, a word is a decision

" Sun Wukong nodded in satisfaction, then turned around and shouted in the direction of the audience

, "Klin, please give me a fairy bean!"

Hearing this, Klin panicked and took out a fairy bean from his pocket and threw it to Sun Wukong, after taking the fairy bean, Wukong handed it to Hit, and said lightly,

"This is a fairy bean, it can restore physical strength" "Hey

, what did you give our contestants to eat, didn't poison it?"

At this time, Xiangpa said with some doubt.

"Hmph, do you think everyone is as mean as you are?" Beerus said dismissively.

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