A black scratch in the sky suddenly expanded, billowing lightning emanated from within, and a black vortex wrapped a figure and stopped in midair.

"Impossible! Impossible, how did he get here? Trunks scratched his ears and scratched his cheeks, and his face gradually became cold.

"Trunks, are you all right?" Sun Wukong kindly stepped forward and comforted.

"This is the black Goku you are talking about, right? Hum! Afraid of being like this, it's really a shame for Lao Tzu! Vegeta said as he hated iron next to him.

However, a trace of anger had appeared on his originally calm face, and his eyes were staring closely at the black shadow in the air, eager to immediately rush up to avenge the future Bulma!


When Vegeta saw the appearance of the people in the sky, an unconcealable surprise appeared on his face, and everyone's faces couldn't help but become wonderful.

"It's really exactly the same as Goku's chief, so it's completely unclear!"

Klin, Bick and the others, who rushed over not long ago, said in surprise.

"Lord Beerus, look at that man's right hand!" Weis's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said lightly.


Beerus raised his head, his eyes suddenly froze, and said in a deep voice: "That ring seems to..."

It seems that something incredible has happened! Weiss nodded and said softly

, "That guy... Kind of interesting! Beerus took a sip of the drink in his hand and said with interest.

"Here it is... Earth? Black

Wukong in mid-air stared at the surrounding environment, a familiar breath rushed to his face, his eyes swept towards everyone, his face suddenly became wonderful, and he said with words in his mouth: "That's... Vegeta! Beerus, the god of destruction, is also there, as well as Son Goku and Raditz, and things are really getting more and more interesting! "

Hey, how did you get here?" Trunks swallowed his saliva and roared angrily at Black Goku in the air.

"I followed your time-space rift, I didn't expect this place to be so lively, it seems that I have to kill you again!" A sneer appeared at the corner of Black Wukong's mouth, and he said in a deep voice.

"You devil! I'm fighting with you," Trunks gritted his teeth as he rushed forward.


Vegeta's voice interrupted Trunks' movements!

"You can't win him now!"

Just as the two were talking, Sun Wukong's body had already flown in the direction of Black Wukong, and before leaving, he did not forget to say hello to Vegeta

, saying: "Hehe, you discuss first!" I'll go first!

"Or leave it to me... Well? Kakarot, you bastard! Vegeta's face changed, and he cursed angrily through gritted teeth.

Looking at the dark man in front of him with interest, Goku asked with some surprise: "You are Black Goku, right?" It looks exactly like me!

"Long admired daimyo, Monkey King! We finally met! Black Goku sneered, stretched out his hand and said hello.

"You know me? No matter! I heard that you are very powerful, compete with me! Sun Wukong frowned. Some curious said.

Hearsay. A weird smile appeared on Black Goku's face, and he sneered: "Hehe! It's a great honor, and I especially want to try it with you with this body!

"Nani? What do you mean! Sun Wukong asked with a solemn face.

"You don't have to know!"


As soon as the words fell, a black-gold energy bomb had condensed in Black Wukong's hand, and with a flick of his palm, the energy bullet broke through the air resistance and quickly flew towards Wukong!


Goku, who had not yet reacted, was flown out with a bang by the energy wave in front of him and landed on a hill in the distance.

"Sun Wukong and Sun Wukong fight, what a wonderful show!" Beerus took a bite of the ham sausage in his hand and said with interest.

"The strength is not bad, but your strength should be more than that, right?" Sun Wukong sneered, came to the dark man again, and said.

In mid-air, Goku simply moved his hands and feet, and the next moment a golden light bloomed out, surrounded by billowing lightning, and directly turned into Super Saiyan II!

"This is the Super Saiyan, right?" Black Goku whispered.

"Now it's my turn!"

Sun Wukong clenched his fists, felt the surging power in his body, his face couldn't help but become excited, and the next moment he rushed towards Black Wukong, and the two exchanged hundreds of moves in the blink of an eye in the air, and the sharp figure hovered in midair!

"That person is really similar to Goku, even the tricks are similar!" Klin rubbed his eyes and said in surprise again.

Vic also nodded, these two people are completely carved out of a mold, his eyes glanced at Raditz next to him, and sighed in his heart, even if they are brothers, they are not so similar!

"Even the breath on his body is very similar to Uncle Goku, I once thought that he was Uncle Goku himself, so much so that I shot at Uncle Goku the moment they first met!" Trunks said with a solemn face.

"The breath is indeed similar, but that black Goku always exudes some evil power, which makes me feel very uncomfortable!" Vic looked solemnly at the battle between the two, and couldn't help but mumble in his mouth.


battle between the two in the sky was very anxious, and the body was constantly touching, but there was no scar!

"After fighting for so long, aren't you ready to use your strength? What else do you want to tempt! Sun Wukong chuckled and asked lightly.

"Don't be in such a hurry, we can play slowly!" I haven't been so excited in a long time! Black Goku said with a sneer.

Looking at the two who were tempting each other, Weiss couldn't help but say lightly:

"This dark man's combat power seems to be not weak!"


Beerus nodded, his eyes simply scanned the body of Black Wukong, and said softly:

"Like Sun Wukong, but not Sun Wukong, I always feel that the breath of that dark person is somewhat familiar!"


"It seems that I have to be serious in order to force you to use your strength!" Sun Wukong was ready to fight again and said with a smile.

"Hmph, what a lot of nonsense!" Black Goku said coldly.


Sun Wukong shouted, and the breath on his body skyrocketed again, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.


next moment, Goku launched a fierce attack on it, but Black Goku did not fall behind at all, and accurately caught Goku's fist.

Bang bang!

The sound of the battle constantly lingered in the sky, and the sharp attack made it impossible to see with their eyes, but at this time, the two had not yet shown their strongest strength!

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