Beerus pushed Sun Wukong away in disgust, and then slowly said: "Let's go, Wukong, take you to Changchang Insight!"

After hesitating for a moment, Beerus turned to Raditz and asked, "Do you want to go together?" Hearing

this, Raditz already knew that Beerus was going to take Sun Wukong to the tenth universe to find Zamas, and he who already knew the result was naturally not interested, and immediately shook his head.

"In that case, Goku, let's go!"

Then Beerus pulled Sun Wukong to Weiss.

"Guys, let's leave it at that!"

Weiss greeted everyone politely, and then the three disappeared in place.

"Hehe, did you say let me destroy it? How can this little thing stump my great genius? Bulma had a smile on her face and whispered to herself.

"Mom, what are you talking about?"

Trunks asked curiously.

"Didn't... It's nothing! I still have business, leave first! Bulma waved her hand, and then left the place in panic.

"Trunks, I'm going to take you to the Spirit Time House for devil training in the coming days, follow me!"

As soon as the words fell, Vegeta turned and flew in the direction of the Celestial Temple.

Seeing this, Trunks also followed!

"Master, what did we go to next?" Majin Buu leaned into Raditz's ear and asked.

"Go home and sleep!"

Raditz chuckled.


On the other side

, Vegeta and Trunks soon came to the Celestial Temple, and after seeing Vegeta's figure every day, he couldn't help but have black lines in his head, why did this guy come again? Do you really think of this place as your home? It seems that there are no good days to come!

"Every day, long time no see!" Trunks stepped forward and greeted him warmly.

"Hey, Nemesis, we need to borrow the Spirit Time House, you prepare it for us!" Vegeta commanded with his hands clasped to his chest.

"I'm sorry every day. My dad is such a person, trouble you! Trunks said humbly.

"It's okay!" Tiantian touched the sweat on his head and said with a smile.

Spirit time house

boom! Rumble! Rumble!

Continuous explosions continued to sound, fires splashed in the pale world, the entire space was trembling, two powerful forces were constantly released, and even the world outside the Spirit Time House was affected!

In the thick smoke, Trunks walked out with injuries all over his body, simply wiped the blood spilling from the corners of his mouth, and his face looked very pale!

"How can this be enough!"

Vegeta mocked mercilessly.

"Stand up for me and use all your strength to attack me!"


Trunks' face froze, and he immediately agreed. Immediately afterwards, gritting his teeth in pain, the burst of shouts sounded again, the golden and green light suddenly bloomed, and blue lightning surrounded the body, and soon the aura rose to the peak.

"Father, use Super Saiyan blue! I also want to see this power! Trunks saluted and said seriously.

"Cut, Uncle Ben doesn't disdain which means, show me well"

Vegeta's face became solemn, and then his fists were clenched, and the green tendons of his body gradually burst out, and the surging aura was continuously released!

"What a terrifying power!" Trunks' face became surprised.


With Vegeta's shout, Vegeta's breath has reached the peak, red chest hair, burly body looks majestic, a reddish-brown tail wrapped around the waist, instantly transformed into Super Saiyan Four!

"This... What kind of transformation is this, why is it completely different from Uncle Goku's, but it is extremely powerful! Trunks said in surprise.

"Hmph, Kakarot's kind of god-changing is just a crooked way, this is the most primitive power that belongs to our Saiyan, Super Saiyan Four." Vegeta said with a proud face.

"Super Saiyan Four? It's so powerful, I didn't expect Super Saiyan II to be surpassed! "

Father, please teach me this transformation,"

Trunks bowed deeply, humbly asking.

"If you want to transform into Super Saiyan Four, the most important thing is that our Saiyan unique tail and super willpower, after you meet my requirements, I will naturally teach you, and now immediately attack me!" Vegeta said with a solemn face.

"Yes, father"

Trunks nodded, then roared, raised his combat power to the peak, pulled out the long sword behind him, and slashed towards Vegeta.

Vegeta pouted disdainfully, his face always showed a calm expression, but his heart was already happy, and finally it was Lao Tzu's turn to pretend!

At the moment when Trunks approached, Vegeta gently squeezed his palm and held his sharp blade in his hand, and the powerful force made Trunks unable to shake the slightest!

"How is it possible!" Trunks' face changed, he knew that he was not Vegeta's opponent, but he did not expect that the gap was so large.

"You underestimate the power of Super Saiyan Four, even Kakarot's Super Blue is not my opponent, but..."

Vegeta didn't finish, his eyes froze, and a red wave of light hit Trunks' body in his palm.


Trunks spat out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person flew out directly, there was no more light on his body, and his face became extremely pale.

"I didn't expect my father to become so powerful!" Trunks covered his chest and said with an excited expression.

"Yes, whether it is Dad, Uncle Goku, or Mr. Raditz, they are all powerful and terrifying, what else do I have to worry about, maybe..." Thinking

of this, Trunks' eyes couldn't help but become complicated.

"Mess with stuff!"

Vegeta's face changed, obviously having seen through his thoughts, and suddenly became furious, kicked Trunks at the waist, and then reprimanded: "As a noble Saiyan, you actually have such a fluke idea, you really disappointed me!"

"If that's the case, Lao Tzu would rather not have your son!"

"I... Sorry father.

Trunks bit his lip and lowered his head in shame.

"You trash, watching Lao Tzu's Bulma be killed by Black Goku, but you are incompetent to escape back! What a loss of face for us Saiyans! The

more Vegeta spoke, the more he died, punching and punching Trunks, and the resentment in his heart exploded.

Trunks lay on the ground scarred, Vegeta's words also stimulated his heart, thinking of the scene of Bulma's killing, Trunks was furious, only felt that there was a mysterious power released continuously, and even made him feel the pain in his body.

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