Looking at No. 17, who is about to be swallowed by Shalu, No. 18 is also very anxious at this time, and quickly mobilized the energy of the whole body, the golden light instantly bloomed, and hit Shalu's body with a bang, the dazzling light directly swallowed Shalu, for a while the smoke took off and the sand walking stones

dispersed with the smoke, the disappearance of the light, surprisingly such a huge energy attack, in Shalu was completely unguarded and actually only injured a trace of his skin, I saw Shalu's gloomy face, his eyes revealed fierceness

"Don't worry

, it'll be your turn in a while" and then waved casually, hitting No. 18's body, the powerful impetus directly knocked it away, bearing such a huge impact, No. 18 only felt that the internal organs of the body were as uncomfortable as turning over the river, and the blood in the mouth could not be controlled and

flowed out of the "bastard"

watching No. 17 like food, Swallowed by the big mouth on Shalu's tail, No. 18's face became very ugly, couldn't help cursing angrily

, at this time No. 16's eyes revealed a trace of panic, the muscles of the face twitched unconsciously, a strong sense of crisis surged in his heart

"Ah" With Shalu's shout, the earth is also trembling, and the originally peaceful environment in the air is also filled with a terrifying sense of crisis with Sharu's shout, and there is a feeling like the end times are coming, At the same time, Shalu's breath was climbing sharply, and the momentum emitted at this time alone made people feel terrified

, only to see that Shalu's body was shrouded in layers of light, and the spots on his body were constantly shining, and the breath on his body spread out from all directions, and the ground also appeared torn lines

Shalu's eyes at this time were filled with evil light and sent out a chill, his whole body was changing, his body was evolving towards the direction of human beings bit by bit, and the long tail like a python behind him was gradually shrinking until it disappeared, and the originally ugly face suddenly became handsome at this time....

The evil aura brought strong anxiety and pressure to No. 16 and No. 18, they could feel that this monster had become very terrifying, at this time his strength had reached an appalling height, No. 16 also emitted a chill in his eyes at this time, and instructed

No. 18 next to him: "No. 18, take advantage of his evolution yet, quickly leave here, he is now just devouring No. 17, he is already so powerful, if even you are swallowed by him, I am afraid that the entire universe will perish." "


No. 18 just wanted to say something but was directly interrupted by No. 16, his expression was serious and almost used the tone of command, and said anxiously

: "There is nothing to do, Shalu's strength has exceeded your and my imagination, you hurry up now to find Raditz, now only he may save you"

Hearing No. 16 mention Raditz, No. 18's face instantly turned red, you know, that guy said that he would warm his bed the next time they met, Now that he sent to the door, wouldn't it be a sheep into the mouth of the tiger, thinking about it

, there was a smile at the corner of his mouth, No. 16 was accustomed to seeing this, he had long known that No. 18 had moved his heart for that man, but he just refused to admit it

, looking at Shalu Shalu with a determination to die at this time, he also completed his evolution, and his body completely turned into a human form, staying in the air with rich expressions, his eyes looked at the two playfully

At this time, his inner ecstasy, he did not expect that the resurrection from the dead after many times had completely stimulated the potential of his body, but just absorbing No. 17 alone made himself

a complete body "Such a powerful force, I didn't expect that the repeated resurrection from the dead actually stimulated my hidden potential, making me become a complete body in advance, even if ten Raditz are no longer my opponents now, hahahaha"

Evil laughter resounded in the sky, The powerful force made Shalu become extremely confident at this time, now he is empty-eyed, he firmly believes that no one in the entire universe is his opponent

anymore, and then the momentum spreads, the huge sense of oppression makes No. 16 and No. 18 feel shuddering, Shalu licked the corners of his mouth, looked at the two playfully, and said

, "You are all going to die here today

" "No. 18, you go quickly, don't grind anymore"

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of Shalu, turned out to be the 16th who has been silent, only to see him angrily raised his fist, fiercely smashed

towards Shalu's face No. 18 at this time did not ink anymore, seeing No. 16 who was desperate for himself, his eyes gradually became moist, running towards the distance, now she only has one thought is to escape from Shalu's claws, to find Raditz, the man who made him have special feelings in the face of No.

16's sudden punch, Sharu did not dodge, Only heard a roar, No. 16's fist smashed heavily on Shalu's cheek, such a powerful impact, but did not move

Shalu "Why didn't you eat, beating people have no strength and face to say that they are artificial people, let me teach you how to use your fists"

Shalu slowly raised his hand, held No. 16's arm that had not yet had time to retract, clenched his fist and hit No. 16's body fiercely, Suddenly, No. 16's arm was separated from the body

, No. 16 fell to the ground with a painful expression, and I saw Shalu a little harder in mid-air, and No. 16's arm instantly turned into metal powder, scattered in the air, and then Shalu

sneered with the wind, and a dazzling light emitted from his palm, and a terrifying ball of energy attacked towards No. 16, instantly sending No. 16 hundreds of meters away, and fell into the dust flying in the sky

with a bang Seeing this, Shalu didn't want to deal with this guy anymore, ready to chase in the direction of No. 18's escape, now that he has No. 17, he has become a complete body, and his desire for No. 18 has disappeared, but he will never let go of these people who have laughed and bullied themselves

At this time, No. 16 stood up from the dust again, came to Shalu again, and said coldly to Shalu: "Your opponent is me"

Shalu looked contemptuously at the broken No. 16 in front of him, Didn't put him in his eyes at all, his strength was weak and he couldn't raise his interest at all

: "What a guy who gets in the way, are you really not afraid of death"

No. 16's strong body blocked in front of Shalu, standing still, now he has held the determination to die, looking at Shalu's eyes without fear, because No. 18 has fled, at least I protected her, and a warm smile gradually appeared on his face


End of this chapter

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