"Number 18, what are you going to do? It's so abominable to use the Qi Yuan chop I taught you!

Sun Wuling asked loudly towards No. 18.

"What am I doing? Huh..." No

. 18 couldn't help but clench his fists, making a sound of bones colliding, and walked towards Sun Wuling step by step, each step made Sun Wuling swallow his spit unnaturally, and fell backwards until he was stuck behind the house, and there was no way to retreat!

Sun Wuling's height is one meter eighty-three, No. 18 raised his head, pointed his finger at Sun Wuling's chest, and said: "You play quite a lot, but obviously you can play so well, why are you still a virgin!"

"But that doesn't mean you want to play, No. 18!"

Sun Wuling explained with a smile!


No. 18 angrily don't look over his head!

"Okay, okay, No. 18, it won't be in the future

, at this moment, in the distance, Bike, Bulma, Tais and others all looked at Sun Wuling at this time, the two of No. 18, if there is nothing between the two like this?" Simply impossible!

Vic breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and the relationship between Sun Wuling and No. 18 was already stable.

Suddenly, Lan Fang came over with Broly, who had been renewed!

Broly was wearing a simple short sleeve at this time, and the original green animal skin was now wrapped like a belt, and then placed on both sides of his waist like a skirt!


Broly..." Sun Wuling gently pushed No. 18 away and shouted towards Broly: "Don't be afraid, Broly, no matter what troubles, whatever unhappy things are put together, let's play together!" "


Broly had a thousand words in his heart, and he understood everything about it.

"Still shy, you primitive, come together, Broly, because of you, I've been waiting for half a day, hurry up!"

Lan Fang took Broly's arm at this time and joined!

"Wait, Lanfang... I..." The

gaze of everyone made Broly a little uncomfortable, he and his father Palagath were on that nasty Wampa star, he had never seen so many people!

The restraints around his neck have disappeared, demolished by Sun Wuling, and what he lives in is no longer a cold cave, exquisite house, blue sky, clean and clear water, everything here makes him wonder if he is dreaming!

"Thank you..." complicated

heart, Broly's thousand words wanted to say, finally said these two words!

Sun Wuling trotted over with a smile, and the No. 18 behind him, wrapped his hands around his chest, and whispered in Sun Wuling's ear: "Now there are many people, let you go first, and when there are no outsiders, let's talk about the things you don't like, hum!" "


The night of Bun Mountain felt very long, Sun Wuhan, Bidili, Dandi's boy, the girl's youthful laughter, active, cheerful, even Broly sometimes smiled from time to time, and everyone unconsciously played until midnight, and this bonfire barbecue banquet dispersed.

The next morning, Tenanks says goodbye to everyone after carrying his sword, although Vegeta and Son Goku are not here, driving a time machine back into his world! The Super Saiyan on his body dispersed and returned to his usual appearance!

Walk through the time tunnel! Tenanks remembered the bits and pieces of this period, and his heart became more urgent, he learned to teleport, remembered the King of the Northern Realm, and the breath of the Nemesis, and then he knew what to do!


Future time and space!

The sky is breaking, there are ruins everywhere, and there is a smell of blood in the air!


Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the northern capital of the ruins, and at this time a woman with long black hair flew into the air, swinging flexibly, and her body flew upside down uncontrollably!

"It's you again, Bidili, you guy doesn't look like the lesson of last time is enough!"

At this time, the No. 18 of the future time and space flew in, his blue eyes were full of crazy killing intent, and the No. 17 behind him also showed a playful smile, like a cat chasing a mouse.

At this time, Bidiri looked like an adult, wearing the same purple martial arts suit as Sun Wuling and fishing net underwear, perfectly outlining a charming figure! There is also a huge spirit character imprinted on the back!

"Cough, cough..." Bidili

covered her mouth at this time, and a mouthful of blood directly spit out! Look coldly at No. 17 and No. 18!

"Today is your end, you monsters!"


Desperate Time and Space No. 18 put his hands on his chest and sneered: "Do you want to use the magic seal wave again?" Hmph, as long as we destroy the artifacts loaded by your seal in advance, your magic seal wave will only be in vain!"

Bidili didn't answer, red blood ran down her cheeks, her eyes were full of determination, and two tear tracks dripped from the corners of her eyes!

"Master Wuling, I'm sorry, I'm useless, my talent is too bad, even if I have only opened a lower dantian now, I can't carry forward your Spirit Immortal Flow, but the Spirit Immortal Flow will not be cut off, even if I will die with Gohan, Dad and Xiaofang will continue to pass on Master's Spirit Immortal Flow, I'm sorry!"


"Hmm! Another move by Sun Wuling?

No. 17 said with a cold smile.

"No, run away, the 17th... According to the records of Dr. Geluo's smelly old man, this trick should be the soul impact that Sun Wuling learned from a divination mother-in-law!

No. 18's face changed drastically, thinking of what Bidiri was going to do at this time, and quickly shouted.

Bidili showed a final calm smile: "It's useless, Master's soul impact can't be avoided by you, disappear with me!" Number 17, number 18!

"Stop, Sister Bidili, stop!"

Suddenly, Tenanks turned into a Super Saiyan, and after teleporting to arrive, he quickly shouted loudly towards Bidili!


Bidili was slightly startled, and after feeling the qi coming from Tenanks, the pineal gland, and the purple light in his eyes retreated.

"Tenanks! You guy again? No

. 17, who was just about to think about how to escape, saw Tenanks and let out a sneer.

"Sister Bidiri, I have become stronger now, not only that, after that, Brother Gohan and Mr. Gory, Mr. Goku and everyone will be resurrected!"

Tenanks's words made Bidili's eyes flicker with a flash of light, and said excitedly: "Tenanks, you learned to teleport, it's great, so that you can find the new Nemesis!" At that time, even Master Wuling will be able to be resurrected. "

Yes, and, there's this..."

Tenanks jumped and came to No. 17 and No. 18's side, his palms folded.

"Final flash!"

Just before Tenanks unleashed the final flash, Bidili released Qigong bombs to stop No. 17 and No. 18!



The golden final flash covers No. 17 and No. 18, ravaging the future, and the demonic android No. 17, No. 18, just like that, he died at the hands of Tenanks, who was already able to turn into a Super Saiyan full-power Tenanks.

"You're so strong now, Tenanks!"

Bidili gently wiped the blood stains on her forehead, looked at Tenanks at this time, and said with a smile, these two demons that were raging the world had finally disappeared.

Tenanks looked around and said to Bidili: "Not yet, there is still a bastard that has not been solved, Sister Bidili, don't worry, leave everything to me, and when I solve that guy, I will immediately go to Namei and resurrect everyone." "


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