"What's going on with those bunny girls?"

No. 18's face was also slightly red, and those costumes made her feel ashamed and her heart exploded directly, he never expected that Sun Wuling actually had this hobby! There are actually Bidiri small styles.

Sun Wuling was stunned, reacted, and explained with a smile: "At that time, after I learned that I was going to die of viral heart disease, I paid attention to my body, did not exercise like before, as for the clothes, it was Xiao Wu, Lanfang and the two of them voluntarily, I didn't force them, Bidiri was made by herself, help me massage at night, I was nourishing my eyes by the way, but now after the viral heart disease completely disappears, there is no need to get it!"

"Voluntarily, hmph, if not, I will burn it directly for you!"

No. 18 pouted unhappily and replied, suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, as if it had been electrified, she seemed to remember, Tenanks came from the future, that Wuling Sharu and No. 16 have said that there is a girl who is almost exactly like her.

"By the way, that girl who is exactly like me, is she also from the future like Tenanks?"

Sun Wuling spread his hands and said with a smile: "Haven't you thought about that aspect?" On the 18th, combined with the abnormal performance of Vic and Vegeta, plus us now, I think, there is still this possibility!

Sun Wuling's words made No. 18 turn around, pinched his waist with his hands, snorted coldly, walked into the courtyard with small broken steps, and replied: "Who said that, I haven't promised you yet?" No, you never told me!

Sun Wuling hurriedly chased after him with a smile and said, "I can't imagine that you are like other girls on the 18th!"

"Ah, what do you mean? What happened to me compared to other girls?

"Of course it's more beautiful than other girls!"

"Huh... Sun Wuling, sometimes you don't believe the words that come out of your mouth, but keep those clothes, cheap you scoundrel! The

laughter and play between No. 18 and Sun Wuling made Kiki, Sun Wuhan, Pilav, Bidili and others who were lying by the door in the distance look at them.

Bidiri said: "Sure enough, it is impossible to hide from Master, but it was guessed!"

Sun Gohan replied, "But now that Uncle Goling is with Aunt No. 18, it should be no problem!"

Kiki smiled happily: "I didn't think that Go-ling would also like girls, and he always wanted to match him and Bulma before, and thought that Go-ling was not interested in girls?"

No. 16 said mechanically at this time: "According to the information left by Dr. Gro's computer, Sun Wuling can get married, which may be no less than that of Saiyans who have no appetite for eating."

Pilav, Son Gohan and everyone else nodded in agreement!


Just when human beings were still fighting for their homeland again, on this day, everything stopped!

This day was a global live broadcast, and in the capital of Goku City, Ma Xianda was executed under the eyes of the world!

"Magenda, the son of Marshal Ritter of the Red Ribbon Legion, even after the androids were completely solved, still unrepentant and wanted to study artificial humans, intending to destroy the entire earth, and now Magenda, sentenced to death for crimes against humanity!"

On TV, Satan is dressed in a red cloud robe, making the final judgment, and on the 17th, little Sharu is also wearing a suit at this time, standing on the left and right sides of Satan!

As Satan's words finally fell, the people's anger completely exploded and vented!

"Kill good!"

"Bastards, demons, and the Red Ribbon Legion are all a bunch of bastards!"

"All these evil bastards disappear!"

"Kill him..." Whether

it was the human in front of the TV, or the scene, the emotions were very excited, under the eyes of the world, Macanda died at gunpoint, and the body was directly cremated on the spot, the whole live broadcast!

The destruction caused by this artificial man was devastating, almost all the cities were destroyed, countless humans died at the hands of the golden shalu, and even if they were resurrected, the destroyed cities around them proved what happened.

Monkey King, Vegeta also walked out of the Spirit Time House on this day!

At this time, Vegeta maintained the appearance of Super Saiyan full power, and looked at the smiling and usual Monkey King on the side with an unhappy face.

"Mr. Goku, Mr. Vegeta, you are all out!"

"Dandy, hahaha... Long time no see! "

Monkey King and Vegeta's tails are wrapped around their waist, and in the Spirit Time House, it is clear that the two have pulled each other's tails out for the sake of Super Saiyan Four!

Dandy looked at Vegeta curiously and said, "This is the same as Tenanks, full power state, Mr. Goku, have you done it too?"


Vegeta heard this, and snorted coldly in dissatisfaction, "Kakarot, don't be proud too early, beware of being surpassed by me!"

"Well, I'm waiting for you!"

Sun Wukong replied with a smile that he had been able to become Super Saiyan II at the moment, and the reason why he had not become Super Saiyan IV was because he had not yet mastered the power of Super Saiyan II.

Just as Vegeta was about to leave, the voice of the King of the Northern Realm suddenly reached their ears! The words made Vegeta, who was about to leave, stop.

"Prefecture Martial Arts Conference!"

Sun Wukong replied excitedly: "Hahaha... I didn't expect that there was such a thing as the world's first martial arts association, Vegeta, are you going?

"Hmph, of course, how can this be less than me, I also want to know, those masters of the prefecture, but can we living people go directly in?"

Vegeta voiced his doubts.

"No problem, Vegeta, hahaha... By the way, there is also Gory, Gohan will also be called together, I will see when the old guy of the King of the Western Realm still dares to be proud in front of me! Hahaha..."

The King of the Northern Realm laughed at this time, he had already imagined the way his old opponent was shocked by Sun Wuling, Sun Wuhan and his jaw dropped.

"Okay, I'll go call Gohan right away, Gorei, Vegeta, you wait for me first!"

After speaking, Sun Wukong teleported and disappeared into the Celestial Realm, returning to Bun Mountain!

Son Gohan was studying with Bidili at this time, and Gohan's dream was to integrate philosophy and martial arts, and learning would naturally not fall!

Bi Di Li, although she likes martial arts and yearns for that kind of flying excitement, Sun Wuling does not expect her to be knowledgeable, but she cannot be ignorant, let alone even unable to recognize all words! Simple arithmetic is not understood, otherwise it would be a shame.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong walked into Sun Wuling's martial arts hall, and saw Sun Wuling and No. 18 sitting by the lotus pond at this time, the look of a concubine, let him leave carefully, and did not disturb Sun Wuling.

"Kiki, don't worry, just a few days of kung fu, after the martial arts meeting, Vegeta and I will be back immediately!" Sun Wukong said to Kiki with a smile at this time.

"Alas, even if I don't want you to go, you will go secretly, Goku, come back early!" Kiki and Sun Wukong hugged each other, gently stroked their slightly bulging belly, and said softly.

"Well, I will! Kiki, the martial arts meeting is over, I'll be right back. "

Sun Wukong teleported and disappeared, came to the Celestial Realm, explained Sun Gohan, Sun Wuling's situation, took Vegeta to teleported to the Realm King, and participated in the martial arts meeting of the prefecture with the Northern Realm King.



After death, the place where the wicked suffer, any place in the universe after the death of the evildoer!

At this moment, it is located on the nineteenth floor of the deepest part of hell, and the golden Sharu alone is detained here! The golden light on the body appeared a little dim at the moment, the eyes were scattered, and it lost its highlight, full of dead silence, the faith in the heart had disappeared, and he wore a ring on his head, symbolizing the sign of death.

Suddenly, Laila instantly moved to the front of Golden Shalu, looking at Golden Shalu at this time, a faint smile appeared on her pretty face.

"As I said, even if you are exploited by me, you will still lose!"

Golden Shalu's wandering gaze slightly regained a trace of clarity, looked at Leila, and said, "I can't imagine that this neuropathy of yours can actually enter here directly?"

Hearing Golden Sharu's words, Laila said quite proudly: "Of course, I am a god?" These places are useless to me, how about it, Shalu, do you want to take revenge on Sun Wuling and them!

"Not interested!"

Golden Sharu looked at Laila at this time, and his empty gaze startled Leila.

"I know the real reason why you want to have a child with Sun Wuling, what do you want to do? I'm not interested either, I just remind you that fate cannot be changed, I will fail, and in the same way, you will fail!

"You... Oh, it seems that you were crushed by Sun Wuling and them, where did your initial spirit go, why are you so decadent now! You have the same talent as Sun Wuling, and now as long as you go with me, I promise to make your future strength absolutely beyond imagination!"

Laila looked at Golden Sharu mockingly, she could say that she secretly watched everything from the time Golden Shalu came out to his death, and now his mentality was broken by Sun Wuling.

Golden Shalu did not refute, with a flat face, said: "I just saw through, no matter what you want to do?" It will fail in the end, but neuropathy, I do know that your own path belongs to the path of cultivation, you can try the King Fist of the Learning Realm! Realm King Fist is more suitable for you than Sun Wukong! "

Realm King Fist !!"

Laila was stunned, Sun Wukong she naturally knew, and was very familiar, naturally knew the move of the Realm King Fist, but she ignored it!

"Realm King Fist, I will practice, but don't think I'll thank you, Shalu, don't regret it when we unify the universe with the True Destruction Angel Lord!" Also, my name is Leila, I am a god, the supreme god, you mortal made garbage, call me neurotic, believe it or not, I directly let your soul scatter! The

ring on Lyra's ring finger flashed with a flash of light, and she glared at the golden saru in annoyance.

"Hmph..." Looking

at the golden shalu lying on the stone pile, with a decadent look, he snorted coldly with dissatisfaction, and the ring on his ring finger flashed with a touch of aura, forming a stream of light and disappearing in front of the golden sharu's eyes!


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