"I'm back, Kiki, and Gohan!"

Sun Wukong teleported directly home from the Celestial Realm, and this martial arts conference took nearly a week!


..." "Dad..." Kiki

, Son Gohan was still eating dinner at the moment, looking at Son Goku in surprise.

"You have no conscience, are you going to leave this time?"

Kiki stared at Sun Wukong dissatisfied, she was still pregnant at this time, her temper was a little not very good, and she poured into Sun Wukong's arms, with some little nature!

"Not leaving, Kiki, sorry, a lot has happened in the past few days!"

Sun Wukong's chin gently hugged Kiki in his arms! The sound is very soft!

"By the way, Kiki, every time I didn't know how to say it before, and then I forgot about it, this time I kept it in my heart when I came back, Kiki, I love you!"


The atmosphere suddenly fell silent for a moment, and Sun Gohan's eyes were wide at this time, looking a little unbelievable, almost petrified.

Kiki's beautiful eyes were full of disbelief, raised her head, and looked at Sun Wukong still as usual.

Although he is very moved, he is already an old husband and wife, and now even the child has a second child, and there is no need to say more about the understanding of Sun Wukong, he is unlikely to say such sweet words.

"That's what the Enlightenment taught you before!"

Kiki let go of the Monkey King and asked.

"yes! Hey...... But the most important thing is that I really want to say this, Kiki!

Sun Wukong touched the back of his head with a smile and said with a smile!

Sun Wuhan came back from the petrification, looked at Sun Wukong, and asked, "Dad, how is the martial arts conference in the prefecture?" "

Hee-hee... Of course, I won easily, but I became Super Saiyan II, and Vegeta is not my opponent at all!

Suddenly, Sun Wukong felt that there was some emptiness next door, although there was now Xiao Shalu's qi on Bun Mountain, and although Sun Wuling would hide his breath, but usually, he would not hide all his breath!

"What about Wu Ling, why didn't he feel his qi, and Bidiri? Why are the two of them missing? When

Kiki heard this, she touched her lower abdomen with some complaints, and said: "Wuling went out to date No. 18, alas, really, if it weren't for pregnancy, I would also want to go over and see!" "


Sun Wukong's exclamation almost overturned the house!

Sun Gohan said at this time: "I know that when Uncle Goling is going on a date, I am also like you, Dad!"

"Oh my God! Did he go on a date. When did it go so fast? Sun

Wukong's jaw dropped in surprise! He already has two children, and he has long been not as ignorant as before!

Sun Wukong sensed the breath at this time and found that Bidili, Bike, Bulma, Taise, Klin, etc., and even Vegeta was flying over there.

"Wow, the big family is there, alas! What a pity.

Sun Wukong spread his hands helplessly and sat on the sofa.

"Oh, daddy, aren't you going?"

Sun Gohan asked curiously, but Kiki on the side was used to it, with a sweet smile on her face, because when she was pregnant with Sun Gohan before, Sun Wukong was also like this.

"Hee-hee... There will be a chance in the future, now Kiki is pregnant, I just came back, how can I go again, Gohan, Kiki, what are you going to eat tonight?

Monkey King asked with a smile.

Son Gohan: ......

Today Sun Gohan felt that his head was a little inadequate, this feeling was like the first time he heard that Sun Wuling would get married!


Capital Goku City!

At this time, the high-rise buildings are slowly being rebuilt, and the streets have been restored! As the capital, Goku City is slowly returning to its usual prosperity at this moment!

At this time, on a commercial street, a woman with long blonde hair was wearing a JK sailor suit, wearing a long tube of black silk, a pair of bright blue eyes blinked gently, delicate facial features, but it gave people a cold feeling that people should not be approached.

Another black-haired man, wearing a high school student uniform, with flat glasses, and a handsome face, giving people a book-like atmosphere!

"Wuling, how could you have thought of dressing like this to go on a date!"

No. 18 looked at Sun Wuling at this time, just like an ordinary high school student, if he didn't look carefully, he was really completely unrecognizable!

"No way, the appearance of me and Goku spread all over the world during the 23rd First Martial Arts Association of the World, and even my sister-in-law was unwilling to let Goku go out!"

Sun Wuling spread his hands and explained that he and No. 18 looked like a small couple, and although they would attract attention, none of them recognized him.

Sun Wuling glanced at a corner, his heart was very speechless, and he walked hand in hand with No. 18 to the already lively commercial street at this time!

In the corner of the wall seen by Sun Wuling, Vegeta was dressed in a blue combat suit at this time, and he was the first to poke out his head, Bick, Broly, Lanfang, Satan, Bidili, Yamucha, Klin, Turtle Immortal, Tianjin Rice, Dumplings, Oolong, Pu'er, No. 17, No. 16, etc. all poked out their heads and looked at Sun Wuling, the back of the two of them leaving on the 18th.

"So awesome? If you don't look closely, you really can't recognize it at all!

Pu'er floated beside Yamucha and said in surprise.

Oolong replied: "I can't believe it, that guy Wuling, I contacted him before all of you, he has been cultivating, cultivating, he can let go of cultivation, he will be attracted to girls, no less than Wukong doesn't want to eat!"

Vegeta also nodded approvingly, and suddenly noticed that Bulma, Tais was gone, and quickly asked, "What's going on?" Where did Bulma and her sister go? Why is it gone?

Vic wrapped his hands around his chest, slowly followed, and replied: "They plan to pretend to meet by chance, and want to see up close how Sun Wuling and No. 18 are dating!"

"What, what?"

Vegeta's eyes widened and he said very speechlessly: "These two fools! Sun Wuling and No. 18's date, what are the two of them doing together?

After that, he also secretly followed, and with everyone, secretly looked at Sun Wuling in the distance, the two of No. 18!

At this time, Sun Wuling had already discovered that Vegeta's gang was following him, but since he was willing to follow, he didn't have time to deal with these idle guys!

Sun Wuling and No. 18 naturally held hands, the variety of things around did not seem to attract the attention of the two, and when they were about to walk out of the commercial street, the two stopped, as if they noticed something?

Sun Wuling said: "No. 18, it seems that I just took your hand, I forgot, I bought things directly to buy what I needed!" But I don't seem to have anything to buy right now!

No. 18 replied flatly: "Yes, I forgot!" This time I took your hand, let's go back, I just saw a few nice clothes! After

that, he returned directly to the same way, so that at this time he was preparing to meet Bulma at the corner, Tais was directly stunned, even Bike, Vegeta and the others who had been following behind were startled, and quickly planned to hide!

Vegeta, Bike, Broly, etc. reacted quickly, ran to the corner, oolong, Pu'er was so frightened that he quickly turned into stones, sprinkled on the side of the road, Klin, Tianjin rice, dumplings, Yamucha, Bidili, etc. all hidden, leaving Satan alone, originally wanted to hide, but it was too late, and it had been completely discovered by Sun Wuling, the 18th.


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