At this time, Bunzi Mountain, under the light of the full moon, seemed to be covered with a layer of crystal tulle.

In Sun Wuling's apartment, Sun Wuling and No. 18 discovered a major problem with each other!


Yes, they won't!

Sun Wuling was simply embarrassed, although he saw a lot, but really applied to the actual application, only to find that although he saw more, but in practice, he still needs work experience.

No. 18 is the same, she will not either, she is now convinced of Sun Wuling's words, that is, no matter how smart and sharp the Qi Yuan is, it still can't change that he is a simple fool.

"Otherwise, let's learn how to do it, if this continues, we..."

No. 18 said a little speechlessly, and Sun Wuling nodded in agreement!

It was really a shame, but the result was so humiliating, in his previous life, he also focused on work and his parents, and until the last day before he died, he was still working.

Perhaps it was also because of his abstinence practice in his previous life, which allowed him to calm down in any situation!

Sun Wuling, after studying for a while on the 18th, slowly worked and could get started, and finally ended the work of more than a thousand words.

Through online learning, after having some work experience, at least there will be no more embarrassing things like today, and finally Sun Wuling and No. 18 each went to sleep.


Time flies, three months after Sun Wuling and the 18th got married, Kiki and Sun Wukong's second son, Sun Wutian, was born! Similarly, the 18th and Bulma were found to be pregnant.

Vegeta is stimulated by Sun Wuling and Rose the 18th's future daughter, and as a result, Bra is born early.

This daughter, who was pinned on high hopes by Vegeta, is now pregnant, more attentive than when Whitenanks was before, not much different from the Dragon Ball Super Feeling in Sun Wuling's memory.

Five months after being pregnant on the 18th, her belly is already very obvious! Even aspects of his temper began to change, and sometimes he would lose his temper for no reason.

In the haze of sleep, Sun Wuling suddenly felt that his face seemed to be licked with his tongue by some kitten-like animal, as if he was coquettish.

After Sun Wuling gently touched his cheek, his eyes did not open and continued to sleep!


Suddenly, a mosquito sound flew around him, causing Sun Wuling's consciousness to unnaturally concentrate, and in a moment of flying over his face, he subconsciously slapped it and slapped it on his face.

Sun Wuling also woke up, suddenly woke up, felt an inexplicable anger and irritability in his heart, only to see the No. 18 duck sitting at this time, sitting on the bed, holding a smartphone in his hand, the mosquito sound just now was made with a smart phone, a dissatisfied pout, very angry look.

The wide dressing gown on his body could not hide the graceful figure of No. 18, and his belly looked big at the moment because of pregnancy.

Sun Wuling glanced at the clock in the room, it was past one o'clock in the morning, it was almost two o'clock, and he was completely woken up by the 18th.

Sun Wuling got up a little and slept soundly, and then woke up by No. 18, yawned a little dissatisfied, and asked: "I said how can there be mosquitoes in the house, what's wrong, No. 18, it's still very uncomfortable, disgusting?" Or to spit? "


"Men really don't have a good thing, and they are disgusting, and they want to vomit, they all blame you, wow, woo... Sun Wuling, do you dislike me anymore, don't want me

, woo-woo..." After the 18th finished speaking, he cried directly, and hit Sun Wuling's body with both fists, without much strength, just like a little girl.

Sun Wuling's face changed instantly, he held No. 18 in his arms, gently patted No. 18's back, and comforted him softly: "It's okay, how is it possible, No. 18, how can I not want you, have you had some nightmare." "

The 18th pregnancy has a great reaction, neither Kiki nor Bulma, it is like the 18th, and this is not the first time.

"You just have a nightmare, hmph, if you dare not want us, I will destroy this earth and die with you."

No. 18 stroked his bulging lower abdomen, with tearful eyes, trembling gently, with a motherly soft light.

Sun Wuling couldn't help but muttered in his heart: "It seems that I don't want to sleep again tonight." "

Because he was pregnant on the 18th, his practice time was short, and he became particularly prone to tantrums, a word that was wrong, and he was directly angry.

"I want to eat barbecue..." No

. 18 raised his head slightly at this time, pouting angrily, with tear-shining blue eyes, pitiful, like a small animal about to be abandoned.

"What, what..."

Sun Wuling's mouth opened the boss, pointing to the clock that was almost two o'clock in the morning at this time, and said helplessly and collapsed: "The meat at home has been eaten by you tonight, and now it's almost two o'clock in the morning, it's even more midnight, where can I find you a barbecue!" "

I want to eat!"

No. 18's blue eyes looked at Sun Wuling, full of determination, the tears in his eyes were about to move, as long as he didn't say a word, he was about to cry.

Seeing that Sun Wuling was still indifferent, No. 18 grabbed Sun Wuling's collar with both hands, looking like a coquettish child, and constantly pulling Sun Wuling.

"I don't care, I don't care, I want to eat barbecue, do I want to eat barbecue? You do it for me, woo-woo... I'm going to eat barbecue, especially the spicy barbecue, woo-woo... Do you do it for me? Do it for me? I'm going to eat barbecue, whoa..." Sun

Wuling's heart was almost really about to be tossed and collapsed, and his spirit was about to weaken, and he vowed never to have children again in the future, every few days, at night.

Sun Wuling stretched out his hands, a gentle smile appeared on his face, and said, "That, No. 18, didn't you want to eat dumplings last time?" I also specially wrapped a lot of them in advance and froze them in the freezer, how about eating dumplings tonight, and then eating barbecue tomorrow!

No. 18 looked at Sun Wuling's serious and gentle appearance at this time, loosened Sun Wuling's collar with both hands, put his hands on his eyes, and sat on the bed like a duck.

"Whaaaaaa I want to eat barbecue, I want to eat barbecue, wow, ahhh..." Sun

Wuling dragged his confused body, slowly got out of bed, and quickly replied: "Wait, No. 18, don't cry, don't cry, cry again will wake up my sister-in-law, I'll go hunting right away, and make you a spicy barbecue right away, okay?" Well, wait for me for a while! After

Sun Wuling wore slippers, he looked sleepy, the aisle swayed for a while, opened the door, and was about to go out, his head slammed on the door frame, making him exclaim, this time.

Covering his head, Sun Wuling smiled at No. 18 on the bed at this time: "Wait for me, there is no meat at home, I go out hunting, don't cry, well, don't wake up your sister-in-law, not long after my sister-in-law gave birth to Wutian, I need to rest well!" "


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