"My name is Sun Qiangwei, I am six years old this year, and my dream is to become a martial artist as strong as my father and gentle as my mother!"

"My favorite is reading books and cultivating, after I got through the lower dantian that my father said not long ago, Sister Bidiri, Dad, and Brother Sun Wuhan seem to have closed themselves, especially Sister Bidili, I am still a little depressed until now, I don't understand what I did wrong?"

Bunzi Mountain at dusk is very beautiful, mountain flowers and plants have grown again, and Rose Wei is on the practice field at this moment, together with Sun Wuling, her body is floating in mid-air, and a white transparent aura condenses around her.

"Eat, Gory, Rose!"

The call of the 18th came, which made Sun Wuling and Rose Wei open their eyes and fall smoothly from the air!

The two figures, one big and one small, glanced at each other and showed a faint smile.

Sun Wuling took Rose's little hand and said with a smile: "It's time to eat, Rose, mother called us." "

Hmm! Father.

Rose Wei took Sun Wuling's hand and returned to the apartment together.

It has been seven years since the end of Shalu's affairs, and the matter of Majin Buu is coming soon.

Sun Gohan has opened the lower dantian, the middle dantian is also fast, plus become Super Saiyan four, the strength is still the strongest one, Sun Wukong, Vegeta, Broly, plus him, as long as you pay attention to some of Majin Buu's moves, there is basically no big problem.

However, if he relied on his previous personality, he would definitely directly let the Majin Buu not be born, or directly eliminated, but what he thought of was that in his previous life, after the end of the Power Conference, a guy named Moluo had a relationship with the Great Realm King God, and Buu devoured the Great Realm King God, which made him hesitate a little in his heart, and whether the Majin Buu and Mo Luo would have anything to do with each other, so he kept thinking about what to do, without attracting attention, he could still keep Fat Buu.

His strength, in the past seven years, has barely been able to master some of the fur that he is extremely comfortable with!

And it is these furs, under the joint efforts of Sun Wukong and Vegeta, the two Super Saiyan Four, that do not fall behind! The two could not fight him, but he could not fight back, and he always felt that something was missing.

At the table, Sun Wuling, Rose, No. 18 eat quietly and elegantly! There is etiquette, elegance, and a sense of demeanor.

No. 18 looked at Rose Wei, who was sitting on the sofa quietly reading at this time, sighed helplessly, and looked at Sun Wuling, who was washing dishes with her at this time.

"Goku, Klin, and the turtle immortals all said that Rose's personality is exactly the same as you when you were a child, really, were you so mature when you were a child?"

Sun Wuling nodded with a smile, he was also like this in his previous life, the conditions at home were not good, so he would study hard, and his thinking about things would be different, and sometimes he would often be fantastic, and this Rose was the same as him.

"Still laughing... Do you know? Once Rose was asking me, why do humans kill each other and directly confuse me, was you like this when you were a child? Thinking about these things? "

No. 18 puffed out her mouth angrily, Rose is obedient and very sensible, not only that, but her learning ability is particularly strong, and she can be said to be someone else's child in other people's mouths.

But No. 18 was not happy, she wanted Rose to be as naughty as Bra, Tenanks, and Sun Wutian, like a real child.

Sun Wuling said: "This is Rose she likes to do ah, she likes to read and learn, likes martial arts, you can also see, began to practice at the age of five, in one year, she got through the lower dantian, and now her strength directly surpasses Bi Di Li who has cried in the toilet."

"Interest is the best teacher, because Rose loves it, and she hates those games, and we never interfere with her, it's all her own decision!"

Sun Wuling spread his hands and replied helplessly.

No. 18 stopped talking, but she still washed the dishes very angrily, it was because of this that she was angry, obviously she didn't do anything, she didn't do anything, and when Rose grew up, she didn't have any experience of being a mother.


Suddenly, Rose flew over holding the book and floated beside her.

"What's wrong? Is there a word you don't know?

Sun Wuling asked rhetorically, and after washing the dishes and chopsticks with No. 18, he took off his rubber gloves and washed his hands with a faucet.

Rose Wei shook her head, looked at Sun Wuling with a pair of blue eyes full of doubt, and asked: "I don't understand this sentence, this Bible says that people suffer from birth on earth, so since they are suffering, why should they be born in the world?" "

Sun Wuling:

Number 18: .

. The two came back to their senses, and the 18th quickly said: "Rose, these problems are not when you think about it now, you are only six years old, these problems are still you to think about when you grow up!"

Rose's childish little face was full of determination, and a pair of blue eyes were full of curiosity, "But I want to know now, grow up, grow up, now now, I want to know now, maybe after I grow up, I don't want to understand!" When

Sun Wuling heard this, he gently rubbed Rose's round little face and said, "Do you feel hard about Rose?"

Rose quickly shook her head and replied: "It's not hard, but when I fly around the earth, I can always see a lot of people, they seem to have a very hard life, some places can't even eat, don't know what to live for, and some places, it seems that they don't worry about these things at all, just like dad you said one yin and one yang two extremes!"

"Because we can't decide our destiny when we are born, rose, where there is light, there must be shadows, these are the two phases of yin and yang, positive and negative, good and evil, light and darkness, and the extreme opposition of these two forms the community of life and forms the universe."

Sun Wuling replied with a smile.

"Is that so?"

Rose nodded thoughtfully, suddenly raised the Bible in her hand, and continued to ask, "Dad, is there really a god in this world?"

"Of course there is, didn't I still take you to meet Mr. King of the Realm?" It is these gods who maintain the order of the universe like rules, but there is no God!

Sun Wuling couldn't help but muttered in his heart: "But there are angels, and there are all the kings who can destroy the universe with a wave of their hands!"

Rose pointed to the Bible and continued to ask, "Senior Brother Satan's name is the same as the name of the devil, I don't know if in reality, is there a fallen angel Lucifer who questions God's rights and opposes God?" "


Sun Wuling crossed his arms and refused: "Lucifer regards human beings as inferior and lowly life forms, with arrogant original sin in his bones, there really is such a bastard and degenerate god in reality, you must not be polite, just pull him off the altar!"

Sun Wuling thought of Zamas, I don't know what will happen to the future Tenanks who can now go back at full power for Super Saiyan, whether he can become Super Saiyan Four, he has tried his best to give everything to Big Tenanks.

The world of Dragon Ball is very deep, he remembers that he has not finished before he crosses, he only remembers the Moro who just appeared in the follow-up manga, who knows if there will be something he does not know later.

For example, what is the truth that the death of Gillian's master and the destruction of the remaining six universes by the whole king? It's just too much, and he is too weak now, but he will not give up in fear, whether it is for himself or for his family, his faith has always been full of firmness.


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