Bike, Klin, Tianjin Rice, etc. all received invitations from Sun Wuling!

The world's first martial arts association!

That is a place that cannot be forgotten, the 21st Tianxia First Martial Arts Association Turtle Immortal pseudonym Cheng Long, won the championship!

And the champion of the 22nd World No. 1 Martial Arts Association is Sun Wuling!

And the champion of the 23rd World No. 1 Martial Arts Association is Sun Wukong!



Because when Klin, Bike, Vegeta and others were chasing and killing Wuling Sharu before, they all cut the nearby mountains and jungles to the ground! Let the northern capital open up the connection with the outside world, in addition to the original plane, there is now a wide asphalt road with no end in sight, as well as trains and trains.

And on a lawn outside the northern capital, a huge deep pit, under the ruins, deeper, more than 1,300 meters underground from the ground.

The precision machinery was constantly running, and in the glassware solution, a woman floated in it with her eyes closed, without a curvaceous posture, with long brown hair.


Suddenly, the woman suddenly opened her eyes, an invisible energy fluctuation was released, the glassware was instantly shattered and broken, and the figure slowly floated in the air and slowly fell.

"Sun Wuling... Sun Wukong..." A

white transparent aura condensed around the woman, wearing a white coat and black-framed glasses.

"It's all gone! Sharu is gone too? The

woman looked at her hands, frowned dissatisfied, raised her head, gently held up her black-framed glasses, and her figure fell, after flying out of the ground, the woman's palm formed a qigong bomb, destroying all those sophisticated machines, and a big explosion occurred.


The world's first martial arts association is held on a huge island outside of Gorei City.

After learning that Sun Wuling, Sun Wukong and others participated in the night, this time the ring was chosen on this island, and some regulations were modified.

On the day of the world's first martial arts meeting, Sun Wuling, Sun Wukong and others took the lead and rushed to the scene.

The Vegeta family, the Klin family, Yamucha, Tais, and others also arrived one after another!

"Goku, Goku, long time no see!"

Klin had already grown black hair at this time! Violet and Maren, a family of three, plus the turtle immortal towards Sun Wuling, Sun Wuling greeted.

"Long time no see, Klin!"

Sun Wuling looked at Klin's hairy appearance at this time, and said with a smile: "I still like the way you looked bald before!" "

Haha... I've already started a family, and I don't feel good with a bald head, hahaha..."

Klin smiled awkwardly, and glanced at Broly, who was very close to Lanfang at this time, he still had hair because when Sun Wuling got together before marriage, he and the turtle immortal woke up and almost wanted to pull Broly's hair directly.

"This time we just came to see you play, my strength can't win against you."

Klin scratched his head lightly and smiled.

"Oh, aren't you all participating?"

Sun Wuling looked at Tianjin Rice, and Yamucha asked.

Yamucha spread his hands and replied, "My strength is not your opponent at all, but my martial arts practice has not fallen, Wuling!" "


Sun Wuling smiled with satisfaction and nodded.

"Ahhh... Gohan, Bidili, are they the legendary Z warriors?

Suddenly, a girl's exclamation came, Sun Gohan, Bidili and their two classmates walked towards them at this time, and it was Elesa who just shouted excitedly.


Sun Wukong smiled at the excited Elesa at this time, and Shapner greeted him.

Sun Wuling nodded politely and said with a smile: "You are Gohan, Bidiri's classmate, right?"

"Yes, yes, Mr. Sun Wuling!"

The blond boy who looked a little burly and strong, his eyes were shining at the moment.

"Can you give me an autograph?"

Shapner took out a small book a little nervously, and continued: "I have always admired and adored you since I was a child, smashed the Red Ribbon Legion on the side of the disaster, and defeated the legendary Vic Great Devil, and then defeated the artificial Shalu.

"From, since childhood..."

Shapner's words were like a sharp knife, stabbing Sun Wuling's heart fiercely, he is not young now.

"Okay, no problem, sometimes you can come to Gohan, Bidili to play!"

After Sun Wuling signed his name first, Sun Wukong, Klin and others smiled one after another to fulfill Shapner's wish and signed their own name.

"Really? Mr. Sun Wuling, can we really go to Bun Mountain to play?

Elesa asked in surprise.

"Of course it's no problem, but you'd better say hello to Gohan in advance, Bidiri, Bun Mountain is dangerous."

Sun Wuling specially instructed that the environment of Bunzi Mountain, for ordinary people, as long as hundreds of thousands of fully armed soldiers need to be dispatched, they can barely break through the first protection of Bunzi Mountain.

No. 16, No. 17, Little Sharu, Broly are the second layer of protection.

Suddenly, Sun Wuling, Sun Wuhan noticed that Bick was staying in the corner.

A lonely person looked a little bleak.

"Bike, you really came, are you participating?"

Sun Wuling also learned from Bike, leaned against the wall, and asked.

"How can the battle be without me, and besides, my name is Monia now."

Vic wrapped his hands around his chest and replied flatly.

"Is it? That's great, but Monia, hahahaha... I thought you would be called the second generation of demons?

Sun Wuling showed a faint smile and replied

, "Hey, Dad, you haven't signed up yet?" Come right away! Rose

Wei held No. 18's hand at this time, facing Sun Wuling, and waved her hand and cheered at this moment.

"Here it comes!"

Sun Wuling responded, then looked at Vic and said with a smile: "Let's go, Monia, we haven't signed up yet?" "


The rules of the world's first martial arts association are no different from those of the past, and there is no junior group.

Immediately when matching the selected character opponents, Son Gory, Son Goku, Son Gohan, Broly, and Vegeta each entered the quarterfinals.

Bidili, Tenanks, Son Wutian and Rose all drew a group!

In the end, Rose made it to the quarterfinals! Bidili, Tenanks, Sun Wutian and others missed the quarterfinals

, and the last two quarterfinalists made Sun Wuling stunned, Xin, Jebit!

When Vic met Xin in the knockout round, he chose to abstain, because he came from Xin's body with a strong sense of oppression, which was the direct coercion of the superior and the inferior.

"Sure enough, it's finally here!"

Sun Wuling looked at the two strangers who had advanced, the realm king Shenxin and his servants finally appeared! He thought a lot, but never found the opportunity and reason to be able to leave Fat Buu, so he could only plan to directly eliminate Majin Buu.

At this time, Bidili on the other end fell into autism, and even if she had a plan, she had completely cried and fainted in the toilet after losing to Rose in the knockout round.

She practiced hard for I don't know how long, and she was overtaken like this!


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