The world's first martial arts meeting is over!

For Sun Wuling, Rose and others, it is not a very good experience, there are restrictions, and it may even blow up the audience, so Rose finally directly admitted defeat after feeling a trace of suffocation! Won the runner-up.

But for the audience, it was really eye-opening! That kind of transcendent power, major TV stations rushed to broadcast.

And these have nothing to do with everyone! Sun Gohan carried Spobiqi, who was bound by the shocking palm of all nations, and Yamu flew forward without any effort.

Sun Wuling, Sun Wukong, Vegeta, and Broly flew behind them, and the Eastern Realm King Shenxin and Jebit were talking about the origin of Majin Buu at this time.

On the 18th, the others went home separately, even Tenanks, who planned to play treasure and secretly want to see it, Sun Wutian was found by Rose and Bra, and he was taken home by Bulma and Kiki.


Majin Buu is a pure evil life form created by Babidi's father, Bibidi, who destroys at will, for his own instincts, without any reason, without any feelings.

Bibidi took Majin Buu to the Realm King God Realm, and the King God of the North Realm, the King God of the Western Realm, the King God of the Southern Realm, and the King God of the Great Realm were successively destroyed and devoured by the Majin Buu.

And after devouring the Great Realm King God, the appearance of Majin Buu also changed greatly! It becomes more uncontrolled, unstable, and finally Bibidi seals.

And now, Bibidi's son Babidi wants to re-unlock the seal of Majin Buu, not only that, but can arouse the evil heart of life, and control, collect a large number of subordinates to work for him.

After the Eastern Realm King Shenxin finished speaking, Sun Wuling asked, "Xin, is there any information from those of Babidi's subordinates?"

"Sorry, Gory, we didn't collect information from each other."

"It's okay!"

Sun Wuling shook his head, although he didn't expect to get information from the Eastern Realm King Shenxin, but then he seemed to notice the demon king Dapura who could petrify people by spitting spit.


Suddenly, in the sight of Sun Gohan and the others, a small raised hatch was exposed, with the M logo on the hatch.

Seeing this, Sun Wuling put away his mobile phone and signaled everyone to hide their breath.

"That's Babidi's spaceship, isn't it?"

Sun Wuling looked at Spobichi coldly, Yamu!

"Yes, yes, that's Lord Babidi... Ah, it's Babidi's, I said it all, don't kill us!

Sun Wuling shook his head with a smile and threw their power gathering device to him, and the stream whip condensed by the heaven-shattering palm of all nations dispersed.

The corner of Sun Wuling's mouth raised a trace of arc and said, "We've let you go, let's get out of here!"

After that, Sun Wuling kicked hard with his footsteps, kicked Spobic and Yamu into the air, and fell to the hatch in front of him.

The mechanical sound of lifting and falling, the hatch slowly opened, and the first thing that appeared was an alien with a silver exoskeleton, the shape looked similar to the alien in Sun Wuling's memory, and the M symbol was on his forehead.

The second one came out was a very thin looking little man, about the same height as Rose, Sun Wutian, etc., with orange robes, yellow skin, and a huge head, giving people a very disgusting feeling.

The last thing that appeared was a tall, pointy-eared, blue costume, wearing a white cape, fists pinched at the waist, yellow eyes, black pupils erected.

"Dapla! Dapura, the king of the demon world, how could it be, even he was given by Babidi? "

Eastern Realm King Shenxin, Jebit looked incredulous.

"Calm down, Xin, the one you said is called Dapura, the soul strength is nothing remarkable, don't worry, does he have any special abilities that need attention?"

Sun Wuling put away his spiritual eyes and asked towards the Eastern Realm King Shenxin.

"Ah, is that so? By the way, if it gets on Dapla's saliva, it will turn into stone!

Eastern Realm King Shenxin quickly replied.

"Is it? Shin, Jebit, you guys will follow me in a moment, Gohan, Broly, Goku, Vegeta, this Dapura is handed over to you? After

that, everyone fell together!


Before Sun Wuling landed, he released four turtle pie qigong bombs, one of which directly hit the alien named Bah Bah, and Spobiqi, who had just stood up to report, Yamu's body, was directly blown up and shattered, and the turtle faction qigong bomb that attacked Babidi was blocked by Dapura.

Although Dapla knocked Sun Wuling's turtle school qigong bomb away, his arm was numb, and he felt as if he was about to break, and he couldn't stop shaking.

"Lord Babidi, you, are you all right?"

Dapura looked at Sun Wuling and the others who suddenly landed with guard.

"Realm King God! It's actually the King God of the Realm!

Babidi saw the Eastern Realm King Shenxin and shouted out loudly in surprise.

"Babidi, don't try to run this time, your conspiracy will not succeed!"

Eastern Realm King Shenxin excitedly shouted, with Sun Wuling and others by his side, he had confidence in his heart, Sun Wuling gave him a very reliable and mature feeling, and the indifferent look even made him feel that even if the demon Buu was resurrected, he was not afraid at all.

"Lord Babidi, I'll stop them!"

After that, Dapla couldn't care about anything else, threw the skinny Babidi directly into the cabin door, and rushed towards Sun Wuling and the others angrily.

"Get out of here!"

Sun Wuling's figure was stunned, and he flew and kicked!

Although Dapla was able to react, he could not dodge, crossing his arms over his chest and head.




Vegeta snorted coldly and flew over first, Broly, Son Gohan, and Son Goku followed, surrounding Dapla, who was gasping for breath at this time.

"Is this the King of the Demon Realm?"

Son Gohan looked at Dapla, now both arms were broken and shrugged.

"Hmph, it's really boring, just pay attention to his saliva, let's come together, let this king of the demon world know the power of our Saiyans!"

Vegeta was the first to become Super Saiyan Four, followed by Son Gohan, Son Goku as well, and Broly turned into the legendary Super Saiyan form with a roar!

Dapla's pupils were dilated at this time, and the breath coming from Vegeta, Sun Gohan, Sun Goku, and Broly made him feel suffocated, any of them could kill him in an instant, but he didn't talk about martial virtue at all.

On this day, Dapura, the king of the demon world, can never forget the fear and humiliation that he was dominated by the Saiyans, three Super Saiyan four, one super super, one Super Saiyan four strength is even more prominent, ask Dapura what is the shadow area in his heart at this moment.


Jebit, the king of the Eastern Realm, Shen Xin swallowed his spit unnaturally, and after a few minutes of silence in his heart, Dapla quickly followed Sun Wuling's footsteps.


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