Night falls!

At this time, where the Babidi spacecraft was destroyed, a brown-haired woman in a white coat and black-framed glasses landed smoothly in the deepest part of the ground.

"Sun Wuling, Sun Wukong..."

the woman shouted the two names with hatred. The red ribbon logo stands out on the white coat.

Artificial Man No. 21 is an extremely cell-fusion artificial human based on the prime body for Wuling Sharu, which has always been made by computers, and the institute is still deep underground in this Shalu, in order to be like Sun Wuling, Sun Wukong revenge and created, the difference is that Dr. Gro is based on Wuling Sharu and consciously incarnated revenge.

No. 21 only absorbed some fine ashes left, even if it was broken, about to collapse Majin Buu, the strength of his body was still greatly improved, although he did not have the original Majin Buu's perverted self-healing ability, but he had Majin Buu's moves.

Her eyes flashed with a star-like purple halo, which was the move she had been secretly hiding and learned from Sun Wuling's body, the spirit eye, in addition, there was soul impact!

"It's still not enough, the strength is still not enough, the strongest is Sun Gohan!" In that case, as long as I devour Sun Wuhan, I can find Sun Wuling and Sun Wukong to take revenge. "

On the 21st, I learned about what happened in the whole world during this period, and I also knew that Sun Wuling had also eliminated all the remnants of the Red Ribbon Legion, as well as things about Shalu.

"Sun Wuling, Sun Wukong, you must not have imagined, and me, this last hope carrying the red ribbon, I will definitely kill you!"

No. 21 left with a light and crazy laugh, and began to prepare to secretly devour Sun Gohan, the spiritual eye dissipated, and next, she wanted to eat all of Sun Gohan inside and out.


The sun rises!

At this time, Sun Wuling on the bed gently rubbed his eyes, and was about to stand up, when the No. 18 bird lay in his arms! Quiet deep sleep.

"Huh..." Sensing

Sun Wuling's movement, No. 18 slowly opened his eyes, raised his head, looked at Sun Wuling, and sat on the bed without care, and the graceful and fiery figure was completely exposed to Sun Wuling's eyes.

"Good morning, wow..."

No. 18 yawned, rubbed his eyes gently, looked lazy, and said to Sun Wuling.

"Good morning, No. 18, sorry to wake you up!"

Sun Wuling also changed his clothes in front of No. 18 generously, the old husband and wife, have become accustomed to each other, calm and natural.

"Hurry up, aren't you going to practice with that Realm King God in the Realm King God Realm next? By the way, Rose didn't know where to get the news of the Spirit Time House, and wanted to enter it to practice!

No. 18 took off his pajamas and changed into new clothes, and said to Sun Wuling.


Sun Wuling's voice raised a few points, and he replied without hesitation: "No, Rose Wei is only six years old, her body has not yet grown, excessive cultivation is not good for the body, let alone let you use that kind of cultivation method that irrigates the natural qi, at least until you are ten years old!"

No. 18 said in agreement: "I don't agree either, the path of cultivation can't be rushed, but how to explain it to her!" What if she gets angry and upset with us because of this?

"That's not okay, even if you hate us, Rose she is too young, it's better to practice naturally, Sun Gohan had to use that kind of practice before, I didn't agree!" The body has not yet grown, and if you practice excessively, you will be left with dark wounds when you grow up.

Sun Wuling said to No. 18.

Knock knock....

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, the door opened, and Rose was now wearing pajamas and a towel around her neck, just washing.

Rose Wei said: "Dad, mom, I just heard it, I know, not even Brother Gohan, I can't do it, I can't do it, I will practice well, please rest assured!" "


Sun Wuling followed Jebit, the Eastern Realm King Shenxin, and came to the Realm King God Realm together, and under the guidance of the Eastern Realm King Shenxin, he began to slowly carry out spiritual and soul cultivation!

On Earth, Vegeta took Tenanks and Bra to Bun Mountain, and snorted coldly after learning that Sun Wuling and the Eastern Realm King Shenxin and Jebit left.

"Che, I don't know what Sun Wuling and those two weak gods are practicing?"

Sun Wukong smiled and said, "Don't say that? Vegeta, Xin is really powerful, knowledgeable, didn't Goblin say, don't judge everything by strength alone!

Vegeta didn't answer, looking at Tenanks, Sun Wutian, who was playing at this time, and Bra, ran to Sun Wuling's martial arts hall to find Rose, and said: "Kakarot, you asked me to bring Tenanks over, what is it for?" "

Hey, hey... Vegeta, do you remember that Medamo fusion technique when we were in the Underworld?

Sun Wukong rubbed his hands with a smile and replied.

"What, Kakarot, do you want Tenanks and Sun Wutian to learn that fusion technique?"

Vegeta looked at Monkey King in disbelief and asked.

"Yes, Goten and Tenanks use this very well, what do you think? And you also want to see what the effect of fusion looks like, right? Monkey King smiled at Vegeta.


Vegeta resisted in his heart when he thought of that shameful gesture, but he really couldn't help but wonder what it would be like after Tenanks and Sun Wutian fused!

Vegeta agreed to Son Goku and handed over the Medamo Fusion Technique to Tenanks, and Son Wutian practiced for both! He would never get together with Kakarot, he swore never.

In Sun Wuling's martial arts hall, Sun Wutian and Tenanks were called, and when they said the new tricks to teach, No. 18, Rose and others also came over curiously.


Sun Wutian, Tenanks was stunned, and looked at Sun Wukong with surprise.

"Yes, the Medama fusion technique is the secret spell of the Medama Starman, through the two of them dancing a symmetrical dance left and right, they can fuse into a brand new person, the combat power is far more than the sum of the two people combined, and to practice the Medama fusion technique, it takes two people of similar strength and height, and the same size to use..." Sun

Wukong simply explained to Tenanks, Sun Wutian about the Medama fusion technique, the world after fusion is only half an hour, But it is actually affected by the amount of energy.

"But how to do it, Uncle Goku, will you do it again with Daddy? How else can we learn?

Tenanks's words made Vegeta suddenly feel like a falling hell, especially the way Sun Wukong laughed, making him clench his fists unnaturally, which must have been intentional.

Vegeta's cheeks were red, that kind of shameful action, he simply wanted to die, it was too difficult to accept, especially Tenanks, Sun Wutian was still coaxing, making him angry, if Sun Wuling knew, I was afraid that he would be laughed to death by the two of him.


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