Early the next morning, Bulma's home!

At this time, he woke up very early and woke up the sleepy Tenanks!

"Bula, it's only five o'clock, what are you doing so early! Very sleepy!

Tenanks rubbed his eyes and didn't even get up from their mother, Bulma.

Bra grabbed Tenanks's ears dissatisfied, and under his painful voice begging for mercy, shouted: "Stupid brother, Rose is coming to our house for two days today, she gets up very early every day, Rose lives outside for the first time, listen to brother, you are not allowed to say anything to challenge her, duel with her and so on, understand?" "


Tenanks also thinks that after Rose comes to his house, he will have a fight!

"Have you hit Rose? You and Goten won Rose that time, even Gotenx didn't win, what else are you fighting! Bra

complained without hesitation, not caring at all about Tenanks, who was already full of black lines and almost crazy at this time!

Vegeta came out of the gravity room at this time, looked at Bula, and after a glance at Bla, said: "Bula, we have agreed to meet at seven, it's still early."

Tenanks yawned, looked at Bra, who was still fidgeting and full of nervousness, and said, "So what are you taking care of me for?"

Tenanks was about to turn around and go back to sleep when Vegeta grabbed him by the shoulder.

"Since you wake up, start the morning exercise, the plan of the day lies in the morning, as the son of my Saiyan prince Vegeta, Tenanks, you are still too negligent to exercise, from today onwards, you must also be like a rose, get up before five o'clock and start practicing!"



Tenanks saw that he couldn't get rid of the struggle, and wanted to pull Ba into the water with him, and he thought that he would have to be pulled by Vegeta in the morning to practice in the future, which blamed Bra for waking him up.

Vegeta stopped, looked at Blana full of stubbornness and unyielding, helplessly defeated, and directly picked up Tenanks.

"It's a shame that you actually compare with your sister, Tenanks, why don't you compare well, I don't beg you to be like Rose, but I hope you don't infer her too much."

After speaking, Vegeta glanced at Bra and said: "Bra, you and Rose are good friends, but I can tell you that Rose has a talent that Gohan is not as good as him, surpassing me, Kakarot, Gohan is a matter of time, Bra."


Brah, Tenanks was stunned! Or rather, it was somewhat inconceivable, because Vegeta actually admitted in front of them that Rose could surpass him.

Watching Vegeta pull the confused Tenanks away, Bra didn't know what he was thinking? Only six years old, she couldn't understand the meaning of Vegeta's words.

"Inexplicably, dad is really, what can't be said directly, or is it such a dead tsundere, and the Saiyan prince, eating is also rude, is it completely soft rice?" I don't know how my mother thinks of my father!

Bra stuck out her tongue in the direction where Vegeta left, and said: "It's better than Uncle Wuling, compared to my father, Uncle Wuling is more like a prince, and Rose is more like the perfect princess in that fairy tale, how good it would be if my father were Uncle Wuling!" After

speaking, a look of longing! Children's heart, Bra will compare with the parents of their good friends, only see the good side of each other's parents, and the bad side of their own parents, not all children can be precocious like Rose.

It's seven o'clock!

Sun Wuling teleported with the 18th, Rose rushed to Bulma's house!

At this time, Rose Wei was wearing a purple slip dress, which was also engraved with blue patterns, and like Sun Wuling, she liked purple and blue.

Sun Wuling and No. 18 said to Bulma, Vegeta, Tais, Mrs. Brive, etc.: "Rose please you these two days, when the time comes, Rose, someone will pick you up."

"Well, Daddy!"

Rose nodded, looked at Vegeta, Bulma and the others, bent down, and said: "It's been a lot of trouble in the past two days, Aunt Bulma, Aunt Tais, Uncle Vegeta, Grandpa Brive, and Grandma!"

Mrs. Briff gently touched her cheek and said with an indifferent smile: "Grandma, ahhhh Obviously the family is only eighteen years old! "

Bulma and the others also politely returned the salute!

Bulma came to Sun Wuling, No. 18, at this time, and whispered: "Hehe... In a week's time, Wuling, the 18th, don't you want to add another brother and sister to Rose!

"Play is a reason, but it's more important not to let Rose be enclosed in Bun Mountain, these two days have troubled you, Bulma!"

Bulma's ridicule, Sun Wuling and No. 18 did not shy away from the two at this time, the appearance of the old husband and wife, No. 18 put his arm around Sun Wuling, his head gently leaned on Sun Wuling's shoulder, if before marriage, the two may blush, after all, they still need to watch transparent tapes to learn.

It is said that the seven-year itch, but Sun Wuling, although there was a quarrel between the 18th, but the discord between each other and the breakdown of the husband and wife did not happen.

No. 18 now turned to Bulma and asked rhetorically: "After Bra, is Vegeta thinking about having another girl, Bulma!" The

corners of Bulma's mouth couldn't help but tug, and she said speechlessly: "No, but I wish you all a good time this week, the 18th!"

After speaking, Bulma looked at No. 18's proud and charming arc with envy, which could not be suppressed at all, and the charming buttocks, really convex and backward, obviously the lactation period has passed, and I don't know why No. 18's Opai has not changed back at all, she has failed in all aspects of her figure, as for the face.

No. 18 wears that kind of light makeup, this kind of dress is particularly demanding on itself, more than seven years, time does not seem to have left any traces on No. 18's body, on the contrary, she now has the anxiety that a woman should have, and she already has white hair.

"Hmph..." No

. 18 noticed Bulma's gaze, and raised his head and chest with a confident face, so that Bulma was dissatisfied with his head, since she couldn't compare, she didn't look at it?

No. 18 was satisfied with a scissor gesture, and Sun Wuling glanced at each other, and couldn't wait to teleport back home, this time they planned to take advantage of the previous left work, this week while Rose was away, all made up, have been ready to stay up late and fight until dawn without pajamas.


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