
In this village, which is winteric all year round, Rose is wearing a down jacket and sitting in the house, leaning against a warm table.

Sinuo brought a cup of hot tea to Rose at this time, and said with a smile: "Rose, it's very cold, don't you, drink some tea quickly!" "

Thank you... Aunt Snow! After

Rose took the hot tea, she glanced at Sinuo! The same age as her father and Uncle Goku, with long red hair pinned behind her head, the years seemed to have not left any marks on Snow's face.

After taking a sip of hot tea, feeling her body warm, Rose raised her head and looked at Sinuo and said: "Bun Mountain is available in spring, summer, autumn and winter, but winter is not as cold as Auntie's side."

Rose looked at Snow, who was preparing lunch in the kitchen at this time, very indifferent and calm, no longer having the nervousness and restraint when she first went to Bulma's house.

"Speaking of which, it seems that Mom, Bra and I told me about Aunt Snow, it seems that I saved the then Uncle Goku before, dad, Uncle Goku met Aunt Snow at that time!" Is Aunt Snow still single today?

Rose's blue eyes were full of curiosity, although her heart was full of gossip, but she didn't say it, she felt that she might ask the other party's sensitive questions, Snow and Uncle Goku's affairs, she planned to go back and ask her father and mother to find out the situation.

Although lunch is average, after all, the restrictions of this village are here, but the rose still eats with relish, and with a different taste.

After lunch, Rose wandered with Ah Ba through a dense forest to Masruta, which was in ruins.

"Uncle, is this where Dad and Uncle Goku used to have adventures?"

Rose picked up a stone, which was already covered with cold frost, a cool piercing feeling, with a strong feeling of erosion of time.

Ah Ba smiled and said, "Yes... It was Goku at the time, and Goku they saved us.

Rose Wei was like a curious baby at this time, and asked, "Can you tell me about my father and Uncle Goku?" What was needed when I was in Masruta? Ah

Ba told Rose about Sun Wukong in the past, Sun Wuling's affairs in Masruta, especially when he said that he met the purple ninja, Purple Juncao, Rose smiled even more.

"Hahaha... It's so miserable, it turns out that not only my father, Uncle Wukong still has time to play, but if Ruyi is good? It seems that I haven't seen Uncle Goku use it again? Can it be freely scaled? "

Rose is going to ask Uncle Goku when she goes back, she wants to see that weapon Ruyi Stick!


The seven-day practice is over!

Rose said goodbye to Snow, Ah Ba, and moved at high speed to leave this village under the snow and ice all year round!

These seven days of practice have allowed Rose to learn a lot, understand a lot, similarly, without Rose's little light bulb, Sun Wuling, the week of the 18th is also very happy and refreshing, if you want to describe it, it takes a paragraph to set off how happy their couple is this week.

The dangerous building is 100 feet high, the hand can pick the stars, the peach blossom pool is thousands of feet deep, do not dare to speak loudly, sing the backyard flowers across the river, it is suspected that the Milky Way fell for nine days, and the thousand-year dream is like fireworks in the sky, and the white hair is 3,000 zhang! Several times dreaming of Zhou Gong, woo-hoo, another new reincarnation.

Rose Wei was wearing a purple martial arts uniform and tight underwear of a fishing net at this time, sitting on the sofa, facing Sun Wuling, and the 18th said her feelings in the past seven days.

"Dad, Mom, this special practice is really useful, I really learned a lot and saw a lot! I feel that it is really difficult for ordinary people to live. Rose

Wei's words made Sun Wuling, No. 18 stunned!

"First of all, I saw a lot in the two days in Aunt Bulma's house, Aunt Bulma's family belongs to the rich class in society, or the apex of existence, involving the whole body, is the object of envy and hatred of countless people, in the eyes of those purposeless enemies of the rich, Aunt Bulma's family is the worst of the bad, bad for no reason, falling into hell and not a good death."

Sun Wuling nodded, this kind of person naturally grabbed a handful.

Rose Wei continued: "After that, I went to the Turtle Immortal House, the Turtle Immortal Grandfather's house for a day, Uncle Klin, Aunt Violet, and Grandpa the Turtle Immortal are like reclusive people living in the mountains and forests, not asking about the world, but they can't get out of this world society. "


No. 18 and Sun Wuling looked at each other, especially No. 18, after Rose came back, she smiled more than before, and the communication with people was not as good as before, and it can be said that she was much more mature than before.

"In Uncle Tianjin's martial arts hall, those disciples of his have ghosts with each other, there is malicious competition, obviously there are only more than ten people, but the relationship between each other is complicated, especially the junior sister who was originally Uncle Tianjin Fan, Uncle Dumpling, the one called Yulin, I feel very scheming, several times I saw her secretly looking at me, always felt like I wanted to make trouble."


Sun Wuling thought of the girl he met when he was in Dongduhua Street before, and wanted to find Tianjin Rice to take revenge!

"That Yulin I know, because she was angry with Tianjin Rice, when the dumplings left the Crane Immortals, she actually didn't take her with her, so I planned to take revenge on Tianjin Rice, but don't worry, I have already told Tianjin Rice in advance."

"That's right!"

Rose Fox said suspiciously, although Sun Wuling said so, she still felt as if that guy was hiding something.

Rose continued: "The most intuitive thing I saw when I was with Uncle Yamucha touched me the most, and it also made me understand the other side of the world, and my so-called understanding is still too far away.

"Uncle Yamucha the six girlfriends he made, just like a dog obedient, obviously Uncle Yamucha did not do anything, did not scold, his six girlfriends for money, in order to compete for favors, for a dress, a bag can fight inextricably, I want the other party to die, I know that there are many ways to fight in addition to fists and feet!"

Rose Wei continued: "Also, Uncle Yamucha also took me to see the night in this city, many unknown things, all played out in the dark, one yin and one yang, one positive and one negative, two extremes, just like dad you said yin and yang.

"The next day on Senior Brother Satan, after going out from Daddy and you, I felt like an upstart, although rich, and Aunt Bulma and her family were no better."

"When I was in the celestial realm, I and Brother Dandy, Mr. Bobo, observed the Nether and understood what is God and what is man, and God also has the duty of God, not because of his own strength to become a god! I really understand my dad now, when I was in the martial arts conference before, I looked at Jebit so intuitively, and I was really sorry. Rose

Wei apologized again, although she had apologized before for the martial arts conference, but now that she has experienced it, she will understand more intuitively what God is.


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