"I'm sorry, Mr. King of the Realm, this apprentice of mine has never seen the world, so please continue to talk!"

After Sun Wuling finished speaking, he glared at Satan fiercely, put his index finger to his mouth, and signaled him to shut up!

Satan covered his mouth and nodded quickly, and Bidili, who was sitting on the grass, looked like Sun Wuling, put his index finger to his mouth, and smiled mischievously.

"Lord Realm King?"

Tenjin said respectfully!

"Can even we hear it?" Bick said with a slight surprise.

Sun Wukong: "Lord Realm King, everyone can hear it, tell us!"

"Wait for me to look it up, well, according to your Earth, it's... Well! Wait, by the way, it's the 9045YX in the direction of SU83!

"9045YX, King of the Realm, are you sure that it is based on the earth!"

Sun Wuling asked again with some uncertainty.

"You can't be wrong, I'm the king of the realm! I know the crosshairs of your earth, and I can't be wrong. Hearing

Sun Wuling's questioning, the Realm King shouted with slight dissatisfaction.

"I'm sorry, Lord Realm King, Wu Ling didn't mean it, he was more cautious in doing things, so, hehe..." Sun Wukong saw that the Realm King was a little angry, and quickly persuaded.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jie Wang, do you go ahead? What is the climate of Namex, what is the environment, the density of the atmosphere, and the gravity of Namex, do they also breathe with oxygen? What kind of air pressure is it, Mr. Jie Wang, please tell me! Hearing

Sun Wuling's mouth spit out a lot of words that made Sun Wukong feel big and troublesome, the king of the realm was very patient to answer them one by one.

"Namex used to be a very beautiful planet, but a long time ago, there was a climate change, and the Namex at that time was almost extinct, and I also checked, but there are still hundreds of Namex people who have survived and continue to prosper."

The King of the Realm continued: "Don't worry about the rest, Wuling, the atmospheric composition and surface gravity of Namex are roughly the same as those of Earth, but the galaxy in which Namex exists is very special, and there are three small stars like the moon orbiting Namex together, so Namex is never dark, and their year is only 130 days!"

"Not only that, the Nemesis are a very gentle race like the gods of your earth."

"Thank you, Mr. Jie Wang!"

Sun Wuling turned his head to look at Bike, Sun Wukong, and said: "It just so happens that I plan to go to Bulma today to see how the spaceship is doing, let's go over together!" "

Well..." Vic nodded, followed Sun Wuling, and Sun Wukong flew towards the house of Xidu Burma!

"Satan, cultivate well, now you are about to be surpassed by Bidili."


Sidu, Bulma's house!

Dr. Brive, founder of Universal Capsules, father of Bulma.

Bulma's mother, Mrs. Brive, is a blonde and gentle woman who carries the coffee table with a smile after seeing Sun Wuling, Sun Wukong, and Bike.

"Ah, it's Goku, Wuling, I haven't seen it for a long time, it's still so handsome, this green, cold handsome guy is Bike!"

"Hello, Mrs. Brive! Is Bulma she at home? Sun Wuling asked politely.

"Allah, did the enlightened spirit come to Bulma? I thought you came to me on a date? Mrs. Briff kept smiling and saying things that drove Sun Wuling crazy.

"Mrs. Brive, stop making such jokes!" Sun Wuling blushed and shouted loudly.

Sun Wukong snickered without heart and lungs on the side, obviously very happy to see Sun Wuling deflated, so that Sun Wuling now wants to punch him directly! After getting married, Sun Wukong is less and less simple.

"What a

disappointment..." Although he said this, the smile on Mrs. Brive's face did not show any disappointment.

"Ah, I can't think that the diminutive Goku before is now an adult, shall we go on a date next time?" Mrs. Briff grabbed both the arms of the Monkey King and the Monkey Spirit at the same time, and kept smiling.

"Mrs. Brive, what happened to my Bulma and Dr. Brive's spaceship?" Sun Wuling cut directly to the chase and asked.

Mrs. Briff is really frozen, hospitable, very good to him, and Sun Wukong, but it seems to be like Yamu tea! I don't know why?

"The spaceship, I don't know, what are they still repairing?" Mrs. Brive replied.

"Ah, it's been more than a year, and it's still okay?" Sun Wuling looked at Mrs. Briff in surprise, it didn't look like Dr. Brive, and Bulma's speed ah!

"Where are they now?" Vic asked out loud suddenly.

Mrs. Brive smiled and said, "They are in the atrium, please come!" Mrs

. Brive brought Sun Wukong, Sun Wuling, and Bick to the atrium, and Mrs. Brive smiled hospitable along the way, even if she knew Bick's identity, she did not look panicked and scared at all.

"Gory, Goku, I found a cake shop that did well the other day, thanks to you defeating the Saiyans, otherwise, the earth will perish, and I won't be able to eat it." Mrs. Briff kept grabbing Sun Wukong, Sun Wuling's arm, and smiled.

"Is it true? Hehe...," Sun Wukong responded with a smile.

When the atrium arrived, Mrs. Brive shouted loudly: "Husband, Bulma, Goku, Goku, Vic is here!" Sun

Wuling, Sun Wukong, Bick looked ahead in surprise, a huge spherical shaped spaceship, the size of the internal space is more than five hundred square meters, and the logo of the universal capsule company is also printed on it, and the hatch is opened, and there is a button next to it, which can also be stored in the universal capsule, which is easy to carry.

Bulma excitedly walked out from inside the spaceship at this time, and shouted loudly: "Wuling, Sun Jun, Bike, you are here!" "

Goku, Goku, long time no see!"

Dr. Brive, with purple hair and glasses, greets Sun Wuling, Sun Wukong.

"Long time no see..."

Sun Wuling, Sun Wukong waved his hand and responded.

"This is the transformation of Raditz's spaceship, so powerful, so small spacecraft has now become so big, worthy of Dr. Brive, Bulma, in other words, Bulma, their self-detonation device and so on!"

Sun Wuling looked at Bulma, Mrs. Brive asked, he was still afraid of making something self-detonating, he seemed to remember correctly, originally Naba's spaceship seemed to have been self-detonated by Bulma.

"Of course I remembered, Gokury... Hum!

Bulma shouted loudly to Sun Wuling, snorted coldly with dissatisfaction, and said, "What you reminded, how could Miss Ben forget, or be as cautious as before, not only that, I also made Naba's spaceship an emergency escape ship." "

Haha... Great, thanks, this is hard work for you? Sun Wuling smiled embarrassedly, her handsome face made Bulma look in a trance, she has always had no resistance to handsome guys, she had no resistance to Sun Wuling at that time when she arrived at Bunzi Mountain.

"Alas, it's a pity that Wuling is a wood that only knows how to cultivate, and has no feelings for girls at all, otherwise, is Wuling good in all aspects?" Coming back to her senses, Bulma thought with some regret.


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