Sun Wuling came over at this time, sat in front of Beerus, Weis, looked at the two of them with a look of enjoyment, and said with a smile: "Lord Beerus, Mr. Vess, in addition to eating, there is also drinking, I don't know Lord Beerus, Mr. Weiss has tasted the wine of our earth!" "

Wine..." Beerus

, and Ves put down the cutlery in his hand.

Sun Wuling nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, it's wine, the earthlings have a set of wine culture, and even all kinds of times are inseparable from wine, sometimes drinking and drinking in place, everything has become very good to say, Lord Beerus, Mr. Weis, do you want to try it!" "

But Sun Wuling doesn't like to drink in his heart, tobacco and alcohol are harmful to his body, he doesn't like it, he was also forced by life in his previous life, and he had no choice but to drink alcohol, and after coming to the Dragon Ball world, he is not afraid that drinking alcohol can damage his health."

Monkey King, Vegeta, Broly and others also came together.

"Lord Beerus, thank you for your mercy and toast!"

"Lord Beerus, it is a great honor to meet you, toast you!"

"Lord Beerus, this pudding is delicious, hehe..."

Beerus did not refuse, glass after glass of belly, white wine, red wine, wine, and all kinds of other wine samples made Beerus taste it all over again!

Weiss was stealing pleasure on the side at this time, and did not stop Sun Wuling and others from pouring wine, plus it did not affect him, and sometimes he would join the team of persuasion to drink.


Sixth universe, Earth!

It is no different from the seventh universe, and it seems to be no different!

In the palace of the earth's people, in the dining hall in the center, the maids with better looks stood respectfully on the side at this time.

The huge dining table was filled with all kinds of delicacies, and one of them, a life form that looked like Beerus, the same purple-skinned lifeform, gobbled up, was fatter than Beerus, and had a shorter tail.

Behind this short-tailed fat cat stood the same angel as Weiss, the same decoration, blue skin, the difference was that it was a tall beauty who looked curvy, with long silver hair pinned behind her head.

"Lord Padus, if you continue to eat like this without restraint, you will really die of obesity, and then I may have to cry with the new God of Destruction..."

"Bardos, don't curse me, it's so delicious, ah, what I used to eat was simply pig food, it was delicious, Bardos, what you did was simply terrible, the truth lives on this earth forever."

The short-tailed fat cat named Xiangpa is the god of destruction in the sixth universe, and the one named Bardos is the angel of the sixth universe.

"Miss Bardos, since Lord Xiangpa likes it, let him eat it, even if you live here, it's no problem!"

The one who spoke was sitting opposite Xiangpa, a handsome man, with silver hair standing up, a faint smile, wearing a purple moon robe, giving people a feeling of nobility and elegance.

Bardos pretended to sobb at this time, gently wiped his non-existent tears, and said, "His Majesty the Emperor has already nourished the taste of Lord Xiangpa, crying... Now I start to dislike people's cooking.

The man was stunned, and quickly replied: "Miss Bardos still call me Lane, as for His Majesty the Human Emperor, I am not qualified to be called Miss Bardos, like Lord Pa, you call it that!" "

Xiangpa suddenly burped, his belly was round, and the exaggerated belly visible to the naked eye was leaning on the chair, not wanting to move.

"Ryan, the food here is really delicious, I really want that bastard of Beerus to know the food of my sixth universe!"

The man named Lane was stunned, a flash of inspiration flashed in his eyes, with a hint of inexplicable feeling, and said with a smile: "Lord Beerus, the god of destruction of the seventh universe?" Since Lord Xiangpa wants to bring me the delicacies of the earth, you can take it at any time, can you use it now?

"To be, to be, to ... Ryan, nothing else, just bring instant noodles, hehe... That guy from Beerus, I'm afraid I haven't even eaten this, hahaha..."

Xiangpa let out a sharp laugh, and his voice felt very harsh! The maids couldn't help but frown and fidget, until Lane waved his hand, signaled them to go down, saluted with relief, and left the dining room.

After one of the maids closed the door, she exhaled softly and said, "Saved, the one called Xiangpa, I really don't understand, obviously not His Majesty's opponent at all, if it weren't for Miss Bardos, His Majesty directly killed him at that time, why His Majesty now respectfully calls him an adult, I really don't understand!"

Another maid replied, "Because His Majesty has a benevolent heart, unified the entire earth, and single-handedly ended the war and saved us from danger, otherwise we earthlings would have perished."

"yes, hee-hee... His Majesty is still unmarried, even for us servants, he is very good and gentle, on the contrary, the god of destruction called Xiangpa is really vulgar and rude, and his smile is so ugly!

Suddenly, the maids saw a man approaching, handsome, wearing a dark green martial arts uniform, silver and black hair that stood up like Ryan, and a tail wrapped around his waist.

"Master Zhai Kou!"

The maid hurriedly saluted, bent down, and bowed.

"Well, where's Ryan?"

Zhai Kou nodded and asked.

One of the maids hurriedly replied: "Your Majesty is now in the dining hall, Lord Destruction God and Miss Bardos are coming, we really can't stand the laughter of Lord Xiangpa, Your Majesty let us out." "


Zhai Kou's voice became a little colder, gritted his teeth, and said, "This God of Destruction really treats us here as a free canteen, bastard!"

The maid also complained and said: "That's right, Lord Zhai Kou, don't you see that the God of Destruction eats like a ball, and there is no politeness at all."

"Hmph, so this is the God of Destruction, lawlessness, doing whatever you want, a bunch of garbage..."

Zhai Kou did not hide his disgust for the God of Destruction.

Suddenly, Zhai Kou looked straight and said: "I don't want to see that dead fat cat, after the God of Destruction is gone, talk to Lane, just say that I am looking for him, you talk and chat carefully, don't reach the ears of the God of Destruction and Miss Bardos."

"Yes, Lord Zhai Kou!"


In the seventh universe, Sun Wuling did not know at all about some earth-shattering changes that had occurred, and Sun Wukong, Broly, Vegeta, etc. poured wine towards Beerus, and finally drank Beerus down.


Sun Wuling, Weiss and everyone else laughed at this time. Suddenly, Vegeta looked straight, knelt down on one knee towards Weis, and said seriously: "Mr. Weis, I want to worship you."


Everyone except Sun Wuling was stunned, even Weis, holding a magic staff and looking at Vegeta with a smile.


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