A spaceship stands still in space, watching every move on Earth.

Through the big screen, Thler can see everything that is happening on Earth!

"Alas..." The

gold Frieza on the big screen was violently beaten by Sun Wuling and others, and Tsley exclaimed in disbelief.

"Too, too exaggerated, this is the earth, known as the forbidden area of the universe, it is really too dangerous!"

Tsley's face changed drastically, no longer hesitated, and quickly contacted Silbe of Cyril Star, and asked Silbe to summon the divine dragon according to the backup plan.


"Too, too cruel..."

Rose and the others in the distance looked at the golden frieza who was beaten at this time, and couldn't help muttering in their hearts.

Orange Bike, Broly, Son Goku, Son Gohan, Son Gohan, Son Gorying, Vegeta combined attack, Golden Frieza don't say return fire, even there is no time to breathe.

Not too addictive, Vegeta, Sun Wukong, etc. put away the Super Saiyan blue, became Super Saiyan Four again, and changed the way to blast the golden Frieza.

"Frieza is really resistant, he can actually stand up!"

Sun Wuling looked at the golden frieza who stood up again, he himself did not show the slightest mercy, but the golden frieza could still stand up!

Thinking of this, Sun Wuling pouted, ran freely with extreme power, condensed the qi yuan slash, and shouted loudly: "Everyone dodge!" Broly

and the others quickly dispersed, Golden Frieza was not good at all at this time, his nose was blue and his face was swollen, his breath was weak, he was panting, he couldn't stand steadily, gritting his teeth, because he got a breather at this moment.

"Bastard, bastard..." Seeing

Sun Wuling condensing the qi yuan slash, Golden Frieza was so angry that he cursed, he would think of losing when he came to Earth, but he didn't expect to lose so humiliatingly, and he was beaten up, and there was no way to fight back the whole time.

"Damn, I will definitely take revenge!"


The silver qi yuan was thrown out, and the body of the golden frieza was split in two, and Vegeta, Broly, Sun Wukong, Sun Gohan, Bick and others charged their strength, ready to completely destroy the golden frieza.


"Tenfold Turtle Pie Qigong Wave!"

"Turtle Sect Qigong Wave!"

"Magic Flash!"

"Magic Light Killing Cannon!"


Under the terrified gaze of Golden Frieza, Golden Frieza's body turned into dust, and he could not die anymore, not even a single cell left, completely destroyed.

Tsley in the universe shouted loudly in disbelief: "How is it possible, from the arrival to the end of less than a few minutes, how can it be eliminated like this, there is not even a chance to summon the divine dragon to transfer ah, it's over!" "


Cyril Star!

In the dark night sky, a python-like dragon stands in the sky!

Cyril shouted loudly: "Shenlong, please, transfer King Frieza and his group back!"

Cyril Star Divine Dragon was silent for a moment, and then spoke: "No, Frieza is dead, and people who have died cannot stay in reality, even if I bring him here, because he is a dead person, and his soul is still in hell."

"What, what? King Frieza is dead, how is it possible, from the beginning of the attack, it has been less than ten minutes since the transmission of Tsley, how did he die so quickly.

Silbe shouted in disbelief!

Cyril Star Shenlong spoke again: "Say your wish!"

Silbe raised his head, was silent for a moment, and said, "Please, then bring King Frieza back to life, Shenlong!"

Cyril Star Shenlong said without a trace of emotion, and said: "This is too easy!

Cyril's eyes flashed, and a light emerged, and Frieza stood in front of Cyril in his fourth form.

Frieza looked around warily, he returned to Cyrillic, and he was also resurrected!

"Your wish has been fulfilled, take your leave!"

The Cyril Star Dragon disappeared, and the two delicate and small dragon balls turned into streamers and were about to fly apart, but were controlled by Frieza.

The sky was clear, and Frieza looked at the two dragon balls floating in his palm, with green tendons bulging on his forehead, the terrifying and terrifying look, which scared Silbe not say a word, trembling.

"Abominable! It will actually be strong, in addition to Sun Wuling, those monkeys actually have such strong strength, a group of hateful guys!

Frieza clenched his fists unwillingly, and suddenly, he noticed that the two dragon balls in his hand did not seem to have directly turned into stone!

"Mr. Silbey, if I remember correctly, the Dragon Balls of Nameki seem to have a time to cool down after making a wish and turn into stone."

Silbe quickly replied: "That's right, the dragon balls on Cyril Star will not need a cooling time like Earth and Namek, as long as you find it again, you can summon the dragon again." "

Oh... Whoops... I really can't think of it, in that case, Mr. Silbey, you leave the spell behind, you can leave first, I have a wish that I just need to ask the dragon.

"Yes, King Frieza!"

Silbert breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, and after handing the note of the spell to Frieza, she quickly left Frieza's sight, still being destroyed by Frieza's anger.



Although he eliminated Frieza, Sun Wuling thought of the dragon balls on Cyril Star, frowned slightly

, and quickly said: "I'll go to the King of the Realm, Wukong, you go and take the one outside the earth..." Sun Wuling didn't finish speaking, Rose came back with Tsley at this time, and said: "Dad, I just used teleportation to find the remnants of Frieza, and the spaceship was directly destroyed."

After that, Rose directly threw Tsley on the ground, and the Heaven-shattering Palm of All Nations was released, forming a flowing whip like flowing water, entangled Tsley.

"Well done, Rose, trouble everyone to watch her for the time being, don't let her run, I'm going to Mr. Realm King, I need to ask him for something."

Sun Wuling glanced at Tsley in surprise, and recognized who it was, it was the girl he remembered where he originally found Broly, the difference was that she was still wearing a cape, and her status in Frieza's army was obviously very high.

Sun Wuling instantly moved to the Realm King, and after asking the Northern Realm King to tell them the direction of Cyril Star in that direction, his brows furrowed, and he turned on the free extreme sign form and sensed the direction.

On Earth! At this time, Sun Wukong and the others surrounded Cilai, who was entangled and shivering at this time!

"You, what are you going to do?"

A cold sweat condensed on Tsley's forehead, and he had short silver hair, looking full of ability, although he had green skin, but he had a different style of beauty.

Sun Wukong scratched his head and said with a smile: "Are you Frieza's subordinate?" In the future, don't follow Frieza to do bad things, otherwise, when the enlightened spirit comes back, he will not let you go at all. "

Wuling, Sun Wuling..." Hearing

this name, Tsley seemed to think of something terrible, she couldn't forget in her eyes, terrible, absolute King Frieza's end, just now the little girl named Rose, pinched her, let alone others.

"I said, what do you want to ask, I will all say, don't kill me, please spare my life!"


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